camp WE GO FAR ; sleepy morning

When Bobbie ventures out of the den she shares with Blazestar this morning, her eyes are sleep - blurred beyond their standard level of fatigue. Thank StarClan I don't have a dawn patrol today. The tabby settles drowsily into a group of chattering warriors, scraping a calloused paw across her rumpled lilac pelt. Normally she'd take the opportunity to patch up camp or visit Blazingpaw, but on this particularly chilly morning, she'd rather take the downtime to wake herself up. She's been so damn tired lately—it's her own fault, really, working through her injury and staying up late to visit her sleeping apprentice.

"I swear, this—" she interrupts herself with a yawn that bares wild fangs, "—this weather makes me want to just curl up and sleep until newleaf." Bobbie casts a glance to the snow freckling the pines and the bitter wind wailing just outside the newly reinforced walls and yawns again. The lead warrior absentmindedly laps at her chest—recently it's turned fully white up to her neck, though the strange dustings of white spots seem as benign as ever. At this rate, she's going to be all white before she touches fifty moons.

"Ugh. I'd better hope for, uh, hope for no dawn patrols if this drowsiness keeps up," The tabby shakes her head bemusedly. "Probably a sign I need to lay off the late - night patrols, anyways."


Folded into a soft mound of stripes and creams the tabby is absently sharing his warmth beside Bobby. Paws neatly tucked beneath himself with their one eye half-cast from content. Despite the chilly air whipping about he was warm within the talkative group. Dogbite despised the cold but with multiple bodies it was easy to keep warm. Unlike his time in stench ridden mesh holes or silver dens that felt like ice to the touch. In Skyclan camp he was blessed with a comfortable nest and cozy cuddle buddies. Bobbie's sleepy yawn dragged them from their half-awake daze and he listened politely to her commentary.

He hangs onto the quiet of the space between them a moment longer. Alas he answers in a calm murmur. "You can say that again." A kind smile dances on their scarred muzzle before it drops into a firm line of worry. "Hm, maybe you should make a visit to Dawnglare? I've been chilly and tired here or there but not drowsy." Dogbite had been standing guard at night and participating in the later patrols as well. Sure, the former loner felt exhausted but after a good night's rest it eased the symptoms. The last time he recalled feeling so out of it was when the rogue's first attacked. They'd fallen unconscious with lack of sleep and food.

Now the scarred tabby felt a twinge of fear that his friend wasn't sleeping or eating properly. Maybe the injuries exasperated it? More alert than before he questioned the other with a concerned meow. "Have you been eating properly? Should I grab you something?" They hadn't intended for the comment to come with such a serious tone but he couldn't watch another cat get hurt. Especially, not after what Bobbie had been through the last day or so.

  • don't you hurt bobbert!! 🤬 /threat /j
  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric

"I'd say," Howlfire chuckles, when she heard Bobbie's comment about staying off the late night patrols. Howlfire assumes she was probably just tired from that as she said, but Bobbie did seem awfully drowsy. Perhaps with everything that had happened lately with their apprentices Bobbie had been sleeping fitfully. Howlfire knew her own sleep had been on and off since the incident, her dreams filled with worry over her children.

Dogbite asks whether she had been eating properly before offering to get her something to eat. Howlfire nodded along to his suggestion. Even if she had been eating properly, some prey or some water might help tide her over until she could get some more sleep. "A small bite probably wouldn't hurt you," Howlfire mewed, adding her agreement to Dogbite's suggestion.

"I'd, I'd do anything to be sleepy right now," Twitchbolt commented with vague humour, form and features jittering with the usual tremors, exascerbated by his sleeplessness of late. Things weren't as bad as they had been, but they were bad, weren't they? The bustle of camp, though the errands brought them closer together in camaraderie born out of disaster, had him on edge. On edge-er than normal, anyways. Because he knew frantic preparation when he he was doing it himself- he'd woken up in the night Stars knew how many times recently, and the cold wasn't helping, a chill gnawing at his toes even with Quillstrike's snoozing form beside him, it was all too much, too much, too much...

And piling concerns top themselves with Bobbie's sleeplessness, her worry, that he should worry about someone else's worry. Twitchbolt's throat was dry. Mismatched paws tapped dissonant drumbeat on the ground, and he nodded after Dogbite and Howlfire's words. "Hope- hopefully if you start the day well, you'll- this tiredness, it'll... pass. Or at least hold off until it's time to go to bed." Because it was- it was a little concerning, wasn't it? Tired just after you woke up? But he didn't really want to start talking down to her like she was his apprentice- was he being patronising?
penned by pin ✧

Ears swiveling, the mottled smoke caught the complaints of a more experienced SkyClanner. She understood what they were saying, but not what it really meant. They were... sleepy? Her feathery head tilted ever so slightly to one side, leafy yellow-green eyes blinking.

"Let me do the dawn patrols instead!" She chirped. The offer obviously wasn't serious-- well, Pricklykit was serious, but she knew she didn't have a shot in the Dark Forest at actually getting to do anything meaningful just yet. She didn't yet know what it was like for her bones to ache with exhaustion as the frozen leaf-bare sapped the energy from her marrow and and a barren fresh-kill demanded she push forward on empty. For now, the rush of freezing air that met her dappled face when she emerged from the nursery simply invigorated her with wonder of what waited beyond the line of never withering pines grazing the sky.

//Edit: name changed to Pricklykit due to cactus not being allowed, oops​

pricklykit // black smoke tortoiseshell with yellow-green eyes // she/her // kit // 5 moons // skyclan

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The gentle concern of her Clanmates feels warmer than any bedding, and despite the drowsiness weighing down Bobbie's eyelids, she smiles sleepily at Dogbite. It's a sweet, small reminder of the way her Clan's bonds seemed forged stronger than ever in the face of the renewed danger of the rogues. The warm brush of fluffed-out flanks as cats wind their way through the clump of early-morning conversation helps to chase away the cold, and the warmth of the crowd around her only coaxes out another yawn.

"Maybe I ought to," she mews agreeably. Though she's sure Dogbite's advice is sound, the tabby prefers to avoid too much time spent in Dawnglare's den when she can help it. Besides, leaf-bare is hard on even the most seasoned warriors, and she can hardly count herself among those. Empty bellies for everyone, particularly in light of the updated code—not that she'd dream of denying little Fluffykit or Weedkit the first catch in favor of herself—and freezing winds made for hard enough conditions as it was. Bobbie could certainly tough it out without a visit to Dawnglare.

"I'm sure it's nothing serious, Dogbite. Don't trouble yourself," the tabby remarks with a languid hum of amusement, giving a halfhearted pass at the unruly fur of her shoulders. In fact, while she could probably use a good meal, the mention of fresh-kill makes her stomach twist. She's never been too much of a morning eater, honestly. "I can grab something after patrol later. I don't have too much of an—an appetite this close to dawn, anyways."

Another lap at the curtain of fur ruffling around her face. "I appreciate the offer, though," Bobbie mews brightly (or as brightly as she can manage at this hour), giggling through a clump of lilac fur at Twitchbolt's jittering remark. She's mostly kicked her own stammering habit, one way or another, but she can certainly relate to the anxious tom. "Probably just the cold and the lack of prey. I might as well get used to it—it's my first leaf-bare in the wild, remember?" Pricklykit's chirpy remark wheedles another laugh out of the lead warrior, the sweet innocence of the kit, largely untouched by leaf-bare's hardships. "That'll have to wait until you're older, Pricklykit. Then I'm sure you'll be leading all the dawn patrols."


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