private WE MADE A PROMISE // antlerpaw

// @antlerpaw!

It's too early for her new apprentice to go out into the territory just yet, but that doesn't mean training can't be done within camp's walls. Howlingstar has brought the young she-cat a piece of breakfast - a sparrow, warm and fresh from her morning's hunt. It's placed next to Antlerpaw's nest before the stout tabby she-cat sits back on her haunches, her tail wrapping snug around herself to try and keep out the chill from outside. "How are you feeling?" She asks kindly, a cock to her head as she surveys the girl's wounds. She already looks so much better, so much stronger than when she and her sisters had arrived here. She shifts and follows up in a more authoritative tone, "Are you ready for your first lesson? I thought while you're cooped up in here, it would be a good time to teach you about our way of life. The Warrior Code, StarClan, all of it. And I want you to ask any questions you want. How does that sound?"
Being stuck in the medicine den, as she was told they called it, was not her idea of clan-life by far. Antler- no, now Antlerpaw- couldn't complain. After all, she had been awarded a name, one that she would be wearing with pride from here on out. Ears twitched nervously as she glanced towards the meal set before her, golden eyes shifting towards Howlingstar. She was laying in her sick-nest, head gently inclined as to take some pressure off of her new scars.

A soft huff left her, nosing at the body of prey while she answered quietly. "I am... not in pain, and healthy, thanks to Hailstorm." Antlerpaw said, her voice akin to a mouse's- she was not trying to be so, it was just how it was. Perhaps a stark contrast to how she had shouted and begged at the event that brought them all here. She nipped into the prey, chewing as her vision shifted up towards the leader once more. Antlerpaw swallowed the bite, pushing herself up onto her front paws.

Sitting at attention now, she nodded her head quietly. "Yes. I'd like to learn." Antlerpaw agreed, her own tail carefully moving to mirror Howlingstar's- who knew if it was because she was paying attention, or if she was cold?
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    a small, lh cinnamon lynx sepia still small, with a brown patterned pelt and bright orange-gold eyes. looks naive.
Howlingstar watches her eat, wanting to make sure the young she-cat gets all the strength she needs to make a swift recovery. She nods a bit at her answer, "That's good. I'm glad." It's accompanied by a gentle smile, and she's proud of Hailstorm for the progress he's made in the moons he spent as Berryheart's apprentice. He'd be proud, She thinks as she thinks of the two new apprentices whose wounds have closed and are nearly healed thanks to the large tom's soft paws.

The girl shows interest in the lesson, which causes the leader's smile to grow. She settles further into her haunches to get comfortable and purrs, "Then let's get started. What do you already know?" She sees no point in diving right in without figuring out what Antlerpaw has already figured out during her stay here. No matter how much or how little she knows, they can work from there. It'll certainly be more difficult than any of her other apprentices...they'd all be raised here, born into their ways. Aside from Sloestride, of course, but back then, she'd been learning, too.