pafp WE MADE IT // open


☠ 08/01 - 23 ☠
Oct 2, 2022

Now when the meeting and ceremony was over everything had started to really sink in. She was a warrior now. Everything she had worked so hard for was finally hers. The best part was that she no longer needed to follow around and listen to her mentor who never had approved her to begin with!. Everything would get better now, she was sure of it. This missing piece she had always felt inside of her, that something was missing would be complete now. With her succeed goal everything would make sense now for her....right?.

Sunsetbreeze carried herself with pride as she was on her way towards the apprentice den so she could move her nest to the warrior den instead. On her way over there spotted a familliar face. "Galeforce!." She called out to them, a smile dancing upon her maw as she padded straight over to the tom instead who had become a warrior alongside her. " Are you planning to move your nest too?. If so we should do it together!." she purred and not was she shy to boss her way to get what she wanted. Sunsetbreeze would never let it show but she was a bit nervouse to move into the warriors den all on her own in case anyone would look at her oddly. Galeforce had proven to be useful before so surely the two moving in together would be helpful for both of them. Beside that...she actually had someone to talk with about becoming a warrior today. Galeforce most feel just as excited about this like she did!. No doubt about it!.

// wait for @Galeforce to reply first (:


To hear his new name was still a strange thing and it took him a moment to respond to Sunsetpa- no, Sunsetbreeze when she called for his attention. The tabby turned his head and he offered a beaming grin towards his fellow clanmate. "My nest? Gosh! I hadn't even thought about doing that. But that sounds like a great plan!" At last they would be sleeping among the other warriors, a dream come true. "Maybe we could have our nests side by side?" It sounded like a good idea to him, though he wasn't sure how she would feel. He just wasn't sure that he wanted to sleep solely next to warriors who he didn't know nearly as well as the apprentice he had grown up with.

"So, how are you settling into your new name? Sunsetbreeze... it has such a cool ring to it!" He purred with glee as he padded towards his old bed so he could collect the nice bedding he had been sleeping on. He didn't want it going to waste!

Good riddance.
Newly apprenticed himself, he hadn't been looking forward to the crowded den but upon spotting Sunsetbreeze and Galeforce leaving he displayed a sneering little grin in response. "Sunsetbreeze is an OKAY name, I guess." The little silver prince said, his tone backhanded and his compliment falling short of being anything endearing. "Galeforce is...less okay. Honestly, at least she didn't name you something boring. Could be worse." If Sootstar gave him a bland name he would be raising literal hell, he would dethrone her, take her star since nothing less suited him. He would take a proper replacement name for the time being, but he was going to run this clan one day so his name beforehand needed to hold the same magnificence. Standing off to the side he watched the two intently and waited, ears twitching impatiently. "Can you move it along? Some of us have things to do."
He hadn't even brought himself bedding, expecting someone else to do it because he certainly wasn't going to waste time getting moss and bracken for it. It's not like he even knew where to get that stuff! His mentor was slacking obviously. He should've been comfortably moved before being made an apprentice to save them all time. Morons. The lot of them.

"ah cain't believe ya'll are already leavin' us behind. . ." a familiar southern accent would grace the ears of those in the vicinity, dramatics heavy upon crestfallen words that were quickly followed by a mock sniffle. the chocolate sepia apprentice would make her advancements towards her former denmates who were gathering up their old nests where she asssumed would be taken to the spot most warriors reside during nights.

shrewpaw gave a playful grin towards the young warriors, she'd be a bit of a liar if she were to say she wasn't just a tad bit envious that they got their ceremony first but it was something short-lived because next time it's going to be her standing beneath the tallrock for her warrior name.

honeyed eyes would soon flick over to wisteriapaw who more or less made backhanded comments towards galeforce and sunsetbreeze about their names. it was hard to believe that moonshadow, bless her soul, gave birth to such a pompous little bastard. "anyways, what are ya'll plannin' to do after this now that yer free from the clutches of apprenticeship?"
[ penned by cobi ]

Thymepaw watches the excitement that carries itself in Sunsetpaw and Galepaw. Sunsetbreeze and Galeforce, rather. The duo have been freshly made warriors, and are effectively moving out of their little corner, moving in closer to the warrior's area of the camp. Their spot will hardly be empty, what with the new batch of apprentices also moving in.

It's... bittersweet, watching them. He's excited for them, He'll admit it - he'll miss them in this little corner of theirs. Yet, he's happy for them, happy for the excitement that radiates off of them. They're warriors now - it's a huge milestone in any clan cat's life. One that Thymepaw himself will soon hit, Shrewpaw by his side.

Wisteriapaw cuts into the excitement, snarky little thing. Shouldn't he be excited too? He's only just hit his own milestone, his apprentice name freshly bestowed on him. Perhaps it was jealousy- envy- for how long he's got left before he's in Sunsetbreeze and Galeforce's place. Part of him hopes Sootstar names him Wisteriafur, or Wisteriatail. Something a bit more common, less extravagant, to quell the kid's ego.

"I think your names are lovely," he adds to the conversation. He can only hope he gets a name just as nice as theirs. "Sootstar did good, pickin' out y'all's names."

It pleased her that Galeforce was willing to go along with her plan for them to move their nests together. It brought a satisfied smile to her lips before she with a prideful lifted head started to make her way over to the apprentice den just assuming that Galeforce was following her. She hadn't come special far though before she froze in her steps, Galeforce saying something that actually come to surprise her. His nest next to...hers?!. Sunsetbreeze felt a tiny bit embarrassed by that suggestion because no one had wanted to share space with her before. What about her reputation?. Would Galeforce be the right company she wanted to be associated with?. Sunsetbreeze cast a look back at her shoulder at the tom but she avoided looking at them directly. " I would be fine with that yes." she almost mumbled the words out, her cheeks heating up slightly before she would hurry herself to keep on going again now determinated to held her head even higher up, but the tiniest of a smile dared to sneak itself up on her maw.

Once inside the apprentice den Sunsetbreeze made herself over to her own nest, and started to prepare to move it. Galeforce started the conversation again and she would glance over at them with a prideful smile over the praise of her name. " I'm still getting used to that being my name now but i'm very much pleased with it. " she would purr, thinking Sootstar really had picked the best name for her, the best name in the whole clan!. Opening her mouth she was about to say something back but that was then Wisteriapaw stept in to interupt them in a such rude way.

Instantly her mood went more sour as her attention got drawn over to her now former denmate with a ugly attitude. How dared he treat new promoted warriors like this...and he hadn't even been an apprentice for long. Even worse was that he had insulted Sootstar. " There's nothing wrong with mine or Galeforce names. Also you better watch your tongue better in the future unless you wanna be stuck on tick duty until you become a warrior yourself. " That was if he ever would with that ugly personality of his. Sunsetbreeze narrowed her orbs. " In that case, what are you doing here?. Hurry back and get back to your work. Sootstar will not take lightly on a new apprentice slacking on his very first day unless you wanna become Wisteriakit again." she warned them. Sunsetbreeze had worked hard every single day to become a warrior today so she wouldn't let a spoiled kit disrespect her.

At least Shrewpaw and Thymepaw had better manners and know how to properly talk to warriors. To them her mood lighten up a bit again, not going to let what Wisteriapaw had said foul her mood for long. " If you work as hard like me and Galeforce, i'm sure your time will come real soon too." She tried to cheer Shrewpaw up. " Obviously I'm gonna contunie to work hard to become a even better warrior Sootstar can be pride over. I look forward to leave camp without needing to have someone with me though..." She moved her attention over to Thymepaw after having answerd Shrewpaw's question. " Thank you Thymepaw. I'm sure once your day arrives too Sootstar will name you something just a fitting to you like she did with us." She actually meant it although, of course thier name would never become as pretty like hers was. Still she had no doubt about that Sootstar would pick the perfect name out for Thymepaw.

"I see you're both settling in just fine." Hyacinthbreath speaks up with a hum, the senior warrior watching Sunsetbreeze pick up her nest to begin to move it with Galeforce's. Perhaps it was better that those two become Warriors, they would learn proper manners as well by raising an apprentice. She blinks towards her son, examining Wisteriapaw's body language- before she snorts.

"You haven't even gotten an apprentice yet, and you are acting so cocky." Accented voice drawled as she picks up a piece of moss with her paw, tossing it over her shoulder at the Thyme and Shrew siblings to use for more nesting. Her tail flicked behind her in amusement, happy that she didn't have to deal with being a Lead Warrior anymore. That didn't mean her opinion meant nothing, however. "Wisteriapaw, why don't you take Thymepaw and Shrewpaw to get some bedding materials and help you make your nest? Maybe Sunsetbreeze and Galeforce can teach you after they're done with moving their nests." She offers, instead of orders- if they wanted to be bossy, she'd show them the responsibility that came with it.

Cold, stoic eyes moved over to the newly made warriors- daring them to challenge her. They could deny, of course, but it would make them look stupid to be beaten into the dust in the middle of camp. Lead Warrior or not, Hyacinthbreath was a fine Warrior with moons of training and experience under her pelt.​

"Such a lil' grump." Galeforce shook his head as he looked at Wisteriapaw, already thinking that the other was simply jealous over them receiving their full warrior names. Though the words hurt a little bit, but Sunsetbreeze was swift to take charge of the situation with a firm paw. The tom was in awe and he felt his ears heat as a result.

Though his attention was soon on Shrewpaw and he offered her a friendly smile. "I doubt it'll be long before you join us in the big den, Shrewpaw. Bet you'll be get a cool new name, like Shrewtooth or Shrewstrike! And you too, Thymepaw! Maybe you'll become Thymeclaw or Thymerunner!" He couldn't wait to see what would become of the two of them when the grand day came! "I plan to explore the whole territory now that I'm a full warrior! I also can't wait to get my first apprentice!"

When Hyacinthbreath came over he couldn't help but lower his ears. Though his expression soon melded into one of boldness as he looked the she-cat straight in the eyes. "Oh, I'll teach him. Don't you worry." He chuckled loudly, a sinister edge to it as if he had something planned. Not giving anything away, he then returned to the task of moving his bedding to his new nest.