pafp we never go out of style | hospital buddies

Patchpaw [in.]

i pray we meet again soon
Oct 4, 2022

"I hate this den."

Patchpaw laid in one of the nests close to the wall of the medicine cat's den, her head grumpily resting on the ground with her injured leg held out at an awkward angle as to not disturb the fresh bite wounds over her tricolored fur. Howlingstar herself had ordered her to stay in the den to heal after catching her attempting to help the other warriors in repairing the nursery and camp walls, and she had never been so pissed in her life.
Even then, she couldn't exactly argue with her new leader... and as much as she hated to admit it, she couldn't exactly walk properly, having been limping every time she moves around. She isn't sure how Sunfreckle manages without an entire arm, but she is, undeniably, impressed.

Nearby, she could see Wildpaw out of the corner of her vision. He was as grumpy as she was, apparently, if not even grumpier at his own circumstances... but it did worry her to see him fighting the dogs, and Patchpaw hated the idea of Wildpaw hurting himself more than he already has. His tail remained no longer a full cat tail, but instead as a disheveled stub, covered in cobwebs to keep it from bleeding again. She hoped it hadn't opened back up when he fought the dog, he had already taken enough of a rough hit as it was.
But... something in her longed to move, to be by his side and keep him company while they were both stuck inside the den. She's watching him now, eyeing him anxiously--but this was a new type of anxiety, one she hadn't experienced before.

Her heart squeezed tight at the thought and she buries her face a little further into the moss below her. Would he notice me staring at him...? Should I move? Would he be mad at me if I did? Would he be...happy if I did?

Patchpaw glances around a moment, before she sits up with a small huff. He's just sitting there, do something! She scolds herself, and finally, her paws listen to her as she struggles to stand, leaning awkwardly to one side with her limbs splayed and her injured leg precariously lifted off the floor. It takes a few more moments before she manages to scoot herself over closer to Wildpaw, but as much as she wants to press herself against him and feel his bushy fur, she simply resolves to settle herself by his side, still watching him.

"... Hi. I thought you'd be bored, so uh. I came over to-to keep you company. 'Cause I know you hate being stuck here, too." Yeah, just keep him company, he doesn't need you all cheesily cozying up to him, she reminds herself, but deep down, she knows the real reason.

(ooc: please wait for @WILDPAW to respond! then have at the lovebirds >:)


Going after the dog in the camp had been a mistake and he was suffering the price. The young tom was laid out on his side within his nest in such a way that kept his back as straight and level as possible. Any prolonged time spent in tight or twisted positions only caused him pain and discomfort, and that in turn didn't help his sour mood. Hell, he couldn't even express his feelings through the movements of his own tail. A fluffy stump was all he had left and he couldn't risk twitching it about either lest he invite it to tear open again.

Just how long would he be made to remain in the medicine den before he could return to his training with Raccoonstripe and Moonpaw? He had heard that it would be a while, which was an answer he didn't want to hear. The agitation was clear in the way that he glowered at the world around him. It was going to be a long, horrid recovery, and more than likely he was going to be one of Berryheart's worst ever patients.

But there was one ray of sunshine that existed within all the doom and gloom of his current predicament, and she was making her presence known close by. He had the company of his best friend, Patchpaw, even though he wished that she hadn't been hurt in the first place. If only his plans during the battle had been better, perhaps then the further injuries might have been avoided. That was now his burden of regret to bear.

"Thanks, appreciate it." Wildpaw began as he managed to glance up at the she-cat from where he was laying. A weird feeling swelled in his chest, something that he had experienced before when around Patchpaw but never quite on this scale. But he didn't understand as to why, though he knew that he wanted her close. Closer than where she was currently sat. "Could you... uh... come closer? Laying still is making me feel cold." Smooth. He wasn't cold at all, not with how thick his short fur was and how he seemed to run at a high temperature as standard.​

Almost immediately, Patchpaw perks up at the request, and her heart skips a beat as a wide, goofy smile spreads on her face. Yes! He wants me close!! She could almost certainly tell he wasn't that cold, and even if he was, the medicine cat's den was much warmer than outside, but a request is a request. She gingerly sidles closer to his side as to not disturb her leg or his aching back until she could press herself up against his belly. while she can't exactly press her side to his like she really wanted to, she could at least settle for this.
Now nestled against him, Patchpaw can't help a silly giggle. Nevermind looking warm, he was incredibly warm!

"You know... if you wanted to cuddle, you could've just said so," she teases playfully, nudging his arm with her nose. Her fur was delightfully soft, much softer than most of the moss in the den.
Despite their unfortunate situations, Patchpaw was quite grateful to be able to spend it with him. For him, it was agitating to spend so many nights in this den unable to work out his restlessness, but for her, it was... lonely, and always full of nightmares. She hadn't been able to sleep very well in a long time.

"I don't mind it. This." She glances back down at him, her expression softening from its usual bright and cheery demeanor to shift more to a tender kindness towards him. "It's honestly really nice, hanging out with you. I like it!" Leaning closer, she settles her head on his shoulder, ever so carefully as to not hurt him... and there's a rumbling coming from deep in Patchpaw's throat, until almost anyone in the immediate vicinity could hear it.
She's happy with him.
Bouncepaw had been doing her best to keep herself busy. Offering to bring wet moss to the medicine cat den. Since there were plenty being treated by Berryheart. She had been lucky to only get a scratch or two. Nothing like some of the others were suffering with. Nothing like her mother… The apprentice did her best not to cry about it anymore. Even though she missed her mother dearly.

Appearing in the medicine cat den, she spots the two apprentices. Her heart warms at the sight. “Awww! You two are so cute!” she comments with no hesitation, causing the wet moss she held to drip water onto her paws. The calico was happy to see her fellow apprentices being close. It was clear to her that there was something going on between the two. Since she doubts Wildpaw would let just anyone so close.

“You guys want some wet moss? The apprentice den has felt empty without you guys.” Bouncepaw says, offering the moss she had brought in. It was for the cats in recovery afterall.


Wildpaw felt his ears heat up in flustered embarrassment and he was honestly surprised that they weren't steaming in the colder air around them. If it had been anyone else teasing him about wanting to cuddle he might have torn their heads off at that moment, but it was Patchpaw. He might have wrinkled his nose a little in irritation but there was a smirk forming on his muzzle at the same time as he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." He huffed with an air of amusement about it.

Just having her so close sent a feeling of electricity through his fur, and not in the bad way either that restlessness might have done. No, this was more pleasant and comforting in truth. A low purr rumbled in the depths of his throat, spurred somewhat by Patchpaw's own, though certainly not as loud. Though he does feel a brief twinge of sadness at that moment as he finds himself longing to curl his tail around her in a warm embrace, but he knows that he'll never be able to do so. However, he tries to avoid lingering on what he can't do and instead turns his focus to what he can do. Turning his head carefully he aimed to lick the top of Patchpaw's head.

He might have continued to show some rare displays of affection, but Bouncepaw's arrival rubbed him immediately the wrong way. A growl of warning rumbled in his throat as he shot one of his classic 'you are so dead' glares her way. "If I didn't need to lay still I'd be shredding your ears right now!" He bellowed in an obvious huff. However, he wouldn't deny that he was relieved that water had been brought to them. "Patchpaw, you can drink first." He was content with having whatever was leftover.

"Bouncepaw, you better warn the other apprentices that the second I'm outta here I'm going to up their training. Our teamwork in battle is still sloppy and I intend to correct it!" He went on to add, though he knew that he needed to improve too. Things could have gone so much worse during the fight with the dog, and it was his fault. If he wanted to be a great leader then he knew he had to do more. Though a great leader also needed to show compassion, something he was willing to try. The scowl softened into something more sympathetic as he looked at the other apprentice. "I heard about your mother. I'm sorry for your loss, Bouncepaw."
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