we owned the night - APPRENTICE GROUP LESSON

( ) Howling Wind had tasked her with doing a group lesson with the apprentices today. The task was a little daunting, but she was eager to prove to the rest of the clan, and herself, that she could handle it. As she departed from Howling Wind, she padded towards a group of apprentice that were sitting just inside their den, most likely sheltering themselves from the rain. She flicked her ear irritatedly as a large rain drop fell on it, part of her wished this could wait until better weather, but the clan had to eat regardless of the weather. It was unfortunately vital to learn to hunt in the rain as well as sunny. "I want everyone to follow me to the sandy hollow now for a hunting lesson." she would say, trotting away before she heard any grumbles of protest. She didn't expect any outbursts from them, except from maybe Wildpaw. He was one of the more hotheaded apprentices. The orange Molly waited a few moments, before dipping out of the camp's exit. She glanced over her shoulder to ensure they were actually following her, then headed in the direction of the hollow.

Had this been a few less cats, she would have done this closer to the camp, but since there was quite a few she decided the sandy hollow was the easiest to keep an eye on everyone. Once what appeared like all of them filed in, she would glance around and ask, "Alright, is this everyone?"


Training out in the rain wasn't ideal but it was still work, so Wildpaw did heed the call without complaint on this occasion. He couldn't really say how the other apprentices would be and frankly he didn't care as he simply moved to barge past them as he exited the den in order to catch up to Flamewhisker. Once at the sandy hollow he stood to attention with a grim look of determination... or as though he'd bite the first cat stupid enough to touch him. "Maybe." He huffed as he spared a glance at the other apprentices who were present.​
"Ya forgot the stinky Riverclanners who would loooooooveee this weather," Wolfpaw huffs, bunching her shoulders as she sits next to the chump known as Wildpaw. Let's say, hypothetically she was bothered by rain. She isn't because she's basically a warrior and wouldn't let herself be beaten by something so dumb and stupid as RAIN. ...But let's say hypothetically it did bother her, and then further, let's say hypothetically it was SOAKING her to death and then, now that we've established that both the rain would be (is) bothering her AND is soaking her to death, then we can come to the conclusion that she HATES THIS!!! ...Hypothetically.

Expression dour, Sloepaw sat a little ways from the group. Moisture cinched his whiskers low, baubles of water rolling off them in his inaction. At Flamewhisker's call, each pearl was shaken free from flank, tail and ears in a low-effort shimmy. Often he wished he had been born with a thicker coat, for both the warmth and stature it would have provided, but there were moments his slick pelt came in handy.

Despite the foul weather, the prospect of some practice granted a bump of energy. Being soaked through is something he should probably be mastering by now anyway... at least that's what he told himself. Following the line diligently, the black-rust tom folded onto the sand beside the boisterous Wolfpaw.

"Really? Wouldn't that mean they come out of the wet river, into the wet rain and just... end up soaked all the time?" Sloepaw's comment was lethargic amongst the dull drumbeat of the downpour, a wobbled line of logic. "Definitely not for me."