WE RIDE AT DAWN (fleeing clan territory)


Apr 28, 2023
// Sunny is fleeing ThunderClan territory with a stolen piece of prey, cats who have been loners for awhile in the area would likely know him and his reputation (see tags for more info), newer in the area may not!

Puffing and panting, the ivory-pelted thief streaks away from the oak forest, the towering trees growing thinner on the horizon. Adrenaline pulses through his veins and he gives one last look over his shoulder to see his two brown-furred pursuers slowing as it became apparent the chase wouldn't be worth it so far from their boundaries. A haughty snicker leaves him but he can't let up now, not until he far away from those woods. In his jaws he clutches a plump vole, freshly plucked from ThunderClan's forest. Man, those guys sure were mad! He can't help but think, amused as he finally slows to a swift trot.

He finds a large boulder and climbs atop it, white claws scrabbling to scale the side before he flops down on his stomach and drops his meal. His striped tail flicks contentedly against the warm rock as icy blues scan the horizon. Finally, a moment of peace. Although, as close to the Twolegplace as he is, one can't be entirely at ease. A beige ear flicks absentmindedly as a monster roars in the distance, bloodied jaws already going for his first bite. Any who might come upon him could notice the fresh scratch across his shoulder and the stench of clans, but if brought up, he knows he will quickly shrug it off. There are punks in the area, and he isn't about to look like a weak meal for them to mess with.
✦ ★ ✦
( 💜 ) Lavender had fallen into a rather peaceful routine since living in the twoleg place with Gale and Yew. Just before dawn she would wake and walk to a small pond that lay not far from where they slept, taking a drink and grooming her pelt for the day. Then she would begin her walking, a calm and unhurried trek that took her along the outskirts of the place the trio called home, and she would breathe in the scents and take in the sounds so as to grow accustomed to them.

Today was no different, but as she approached the stretch of land that touched the clan borders she would freeze. A cat was running away from the oak forests, looking over their shoulder once before finally slowing and leaping atop the rock, something dropping from his maw. A frown would tug on her lips, running away from the direction of the clan cats was never a good sign, and as she trotted towards the stranger, she really hoped that they wouldn't be bringing unnecessary drama to her new home.

As she got closer, Lavender would see that it was a tom cat, a vole at his paws and her gaze zoomed in on the scratch on his shoulder. "Are you alright?" The question was out of her maw before she could stop it, curse her bleeding heart when it came to injured cats; it would get her in trouble one day. Standing up straight despite having to look up to face the loner on the boulder she would continue, "Stealing from the clan territories is only going to get you in trouble."

❪ TAGS ❫ — Jersey Boy has never considered himself much of a thief. He would steal if it was necessary or if a great opportunity presented itself; most cats stole to survive out here, anyway. However, he didn't need to do much stealing nowadays because the twolegs dumped so many scraps once night fell.

The tuxedo cat just so happened to be nearby, grooming his pelt when a familiar-looking tom races by him and scrambles upon a rock, looking as if he'd just run the perimeter of the city two times. The smell of fresh blood, as well as pine needles and evergreen trees, wafts into his nostrils — the forest.

Jersey Boy quirks a brow curiously and begins making his way over when an unfamiliar she-cat addresses Sunny first, informing him about how dangerous stealing from the clan cats was. Pfft, like they didn't already know. The rogues around here were well aware of these haughty groups and their laws and borders and whatnot. Hanging around their scent markers and antagonizing the patrols was amusing at times, but it seemed lately that they were growing more and more defensive of their "rightful" turf. Feeling as if it was more trouble than it was worth, Jersey Boy didn't trek out to the forest all too often anymore.

Sunny, however, was a known troublemaker. While his more youthful self would have probably taken Sunny's presence in the city as a threat to his status, Jersey Boy doesn't find himself too preoccupied with that nonsense anymore. There were so many cats roaming the streets that concerning himself with each and every rival tom was pointless. Besides, Jersey Boy was self-assured, simply letting his reputation speak for itself. These younger cats could only dream of having as much swagger as he did.

"Eh, let 'im. Play stupid games 'n win stupid prizes, am I right?" A cocky grin flashes in the direction of the cream point tom. "I don't bother goin' ova' there anymore. Way too many of 'em. 'Sides, ain't no need to hunt when you can just live offa' no-fur scraps." "But hunting is a true cat's way of life", blah blah blah. He's heard it so many times before, but at this point, the tuxedo tom doesn't really care. Survival was survival, wasn't it? He didn't need anyone telling him how to and how not to be a cat.

His attention turns toward the unfamiliar she-cat now, cocking a brow and grunting, "You new around 'ere or what?" She was pretty, though far too out of his age range. She'd look disheveled and matted in no time, though. Most cats tended to let their looks go the more time they spent on the streets.

There certainly was no shortage to the number of odd balls out in no cat's land. Though also no shortage to the level of kindness he had come to know as well. Quite a few cats had found him that day and offered help, and the sweet she-cat known as Lavender had brought him to a small group of WindClan exiles. It was enough to keep him going, to give him a sense of purpose through pseudo-patrols and minor duties that replicated his former clan life just enough to stop him from shutting down mentally again. Today was no different when Gale had tasked him to 'patrol' the area around the alleyway where they lived.

It was random chance that saw him come across Lavender again near the outskirts of twolegplace. The initial plan had been to extend a greeting to her, but something seized his attention and he came to realise that another cat was present. A bristle of unease travelled the length of his spine as he narrowed his single good eye in the direction of the loner. In an instant he began to fear for the she-cat. A kind heart could still get a cat killed, so he decided to hurry over in order to give some added safety in numbers.

"Making friends, Lavie?" He queried as he dipped his head in greeting to her before shifting his sights between Sunny, and then of course Jersey Boy. Two strange cats now, it only served to put him on edge. He was still recovering from his injuries but he wouldn't hesitate to protect her from any potential danger. Sniffing the air he then detected the scent of ThunderClan on the tom who had the vole. "Guessin' you had a little run in with ThunderClan?"

As he tears a bite away and chews, a voice speaks up nearby. It belongs to a she-cat he hasn’t seen around before and he quirks a brow at the stranger, his tongue swiping across bloodied lips before he offers a charming smirk. “You don’t need to worry about me, Patches. No uppity clan cat has caught me yet,” He coos with a self-assured shrug.

Next, a tom he’s well aware of by now strides towards them, his words honeyed and hiding an insult somewhere within them. Sunny rolls his shoulders back, lifting his chin to stare back at Jersey Boy with a narrow-eyed, disarming look. He’d almost look like he was challenging him if he didn’t appear so smug and calm. It’s easy to get under the creamy tom’s skin, even if he’s decent at hiding it. Instead of using his claws to make a point, he tries to think of a clever comeback. “It’s ok, Jersey - not every cat can take on those clanners.” Still lying on the boulder, he leans forward and grins, a haughty glimmer in his blue eyes. “I sure am glad those no-furs are taking good care of you.” No ways in hell he’d let this tom try to make him look bad in front of the lovely stranger.

Lastly, a third cat arrives on swift paws, coming from the Twolegplace. His ears prick forward as he notices the way he stands protectively close to the she-cat and he twitches his whiskers. Ah, the brave knight type. He glances to the patched molly to gauge her reaction; is she receptive to being guarded like a damsel or is she annoyed by the presumption? If it’s the former, his interest will dissipate like mist in the morning sun. He may have an eye for pretty faces, but he stays away from those already tied down. He shrugs again, eyes drifting shut as a stretch overtakes his sprawled body. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.”

// yeesh I’m so sorry for him AKDKAK
✦ ★ ✦
( 💜 ) Lavender turns to look at the second new face of the day, this one speaking in a strange accent that makes her brain work just a tad harder to understand. They throw taunts at the tom atop the rock and she settles back into an observant quiet, crystal blue eyes sharp yet still holding the tiniest glint of concern for the wound on their shoulder. The new cat turns his attention to her soon enough, and she keeps her head and tail held high as she meowed evenly, "Or what." She wasn't going to admit to this stranger that she was new to this place, one of the rare lessons from her father that actually made sense, never show weakness or vulnerability.

She would feel a bit of gratitude as Sharpeye appeared, taking a place beside her to offer support in case one of these toms turned on her for whatever reason. But Lavender still did not shrink back, only giving her friend a returned nod of greeting before looking back up to the rock-dwelling cream tom as Sharpeye mentioned Thunderclan. A scowl would lightly touch her lips at the mere mention of the clan who had turned her away, but it was gone in a blink. Replaced by her usual calm expression.

"It will be if you keep pushing your luck." Her tone was still kind, yet edged with a warning she was sure he wouldn't care about. But she gave it anyway, because then at least someone could say they tried. "What's your name anyway?" Her gaze moved back to the tuxedo tom, "I gathered that you're named 'Jersey'. You can call me Lavender."


The smell of a congregation of cats brought the lanky rogue over, slithering up the side of the fence like a snake and dropping down to the ground where strangers and well-met acquaintances alike had gathered. Sunny reeked, a bold statement for one who found his home amidst the abandoned refuse in the alleyways, but past the stench of wildcats came the promise of food. Squinting down at the vole, the scarred tom licked his lips, catching briefly, the signs of talking. A conversation was happening that the chimera couldn't keep track of, back and forth mouths seemed to open and shut at a speed that caused his spine to begin to arch when no one seemed able to fill him in on what was actually being said. Before his monochrome fur could follow suit, it oscillated and he shook himself out, replacing that budding irritation with a splitting grin. Viserion read their body language instead, Sunny with his unflappable confidence, some others were like that too, perhaps praising the notorious thief for taking a haul from one of the forest's clans? A whistling noise escaped the tom's muzzle at the thought and he cocked his head towards the point tom.

"Good. Very good." He praised, hoping his flicking tail said as much too. Hunting had always been a struggle for Viserion, their diet consisting of rats too frail to run or scraps offered to him by the many, many houses (some voluntary, some not so voluntary). An exceptionally strong nose did not always account for much when the prey buried itself amidst catnip and mint. A paw was raised into the air, gangly claws extended out towards the rodent as if tempting to bring himself closer to see what all the fuss was about. Restraint kicked in and he let out a shrill, teasing chuckle and lowered the limb once more. Sunny was too useful to annoy. Too good at what he did to sacrifice it over greed. Perhaps he could ask him to grab an even bigger morsel later. "Ooh, d'ya think they'd kill ya if they caught ya? Does that make the chase better? Does it? Does it?" Studying Sunny's maw religiously, the albino peered forwards, the world around him blocked out by a heavy concentration as he sought to learn what the world outside their world was like.