WE WERE ARSONISTS [ riverclan border patrol ]

( ) as she leads her small patrol along the edge of the smaller stream spiderwebbing off from their river, willowroot can feel the scratches and cuts stretch along her thin frame. along her shoulders, clawmarks cut smoke fur in slices, and just below her throat, a bitemark is scabbing over, slathered in precious herbs from beesong. she glances at wolfglade, noting her fellow's similar exhaustion. riverclan has been through too much in the past moon. silently, she prays peace will soon prevail. behind her trail her two apprentices, eyes bright, although scratches litter their frames similarly. the lead warrior will offer a small smile as she begins to push through reeds and tall grasses, scenting the air for the familiar smell of the river.

bloated from the snowmelt streaming into it, the river rushes past the felines as they pad along its rocky shores. ahead, thunderclan scent overwhelms the delicate tastes of the lead warrior, and she'll wrinkle her muzzle, approaching her former territory with hesitant paws. just across the rushing waters lay the precious rocks, highlighted by weak early spring sun. willowroot is certain thunderclan has been taking quite a bit of advantage of the sunlit stones, and, almost as if she's willed it into existence, she spots several earth toned felines lounging about. the warrior feels the familiar rush of rage boiling inside of her. quietly, she takes a breath and turns away from the rocks.
"let's spread out and mark the territory. keep an eye out for any thunderclan patrols, or thunderclan scent this side of the river."

@WOLFGLADE @ashpaw! @Steeppaw feel free to reply before those mentioned

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Little Wolf had been wanting to see the piece of land her family had fought for, her mother had died for and this morning that is exactly what she had set out to do. With her apprentice in tow she had made her way to the newly acquired rocks with the purpose of going hunting.

She had not been at the battle herself, too busy rearing kits to fight. But if she had she would understand the RiverClanners anger more. She had heard stories, of course, but nothing could compare to first hand experience. She does not think much of it as she brings Ragwortpaw to the sunning rocks, hoping that maybe her fascination with these rocks would override her fascination with the snake-rocks that she almost always seemed to be asking to go to.

"Because your fur is mostly gray, you have an advantage here, Ragwortpaw." she instructs carefully "You can easily blend into the rocks and sneak up on your prey, if you’re careful" she is sniffing the air for any mice or voles that might be around when she hears voices coming from atop the rocks, across the river. Her head snaps in the direction but she can see by the RiverClanners faces they don’t necessarily want to stop for a chat. Not that she can blame them she probably wouldn’t either in their paws.

Instead she simply sends a polite nod their direction.


ThunderClan streams easily over once-taboo territory. The rocks and shore are still stained with blood; tufts of fur still drift aimlessly on the wind. The tabby is a few foxlengths ahead of his sister, his tail signaling @WILDPAW and @Moonpaw to follow him. RiverClan's fresh scent jostles him out of his thoughts, and Raccoonstripe eyes the opposite shore with calculating dark eyes.

"Can you scent anything? Besides RiverClan, that is." He glances behind him to both patch-pelted apprentices. Their priority was prey. He would not goad the RiverClan patrol, and he hopes his proteges have the sense not to, either. The tabby recognizes the lead as one of Cicadastar's lead warriors. Despite his misgivings, he feels a jolt of excitement at getting to call himself their equal now.

// @WILDPAW @Moonpaw

Wolfwind treads beside her kin, and its a weird dichotomy between them. One, newly promoted lead warrior, badass warrior, managing to keep one of ThunderClan's worst cats (sorry) in check. The other? Kittypet liker (ew), Names-kits-after-their-rival-clan-er (yikes!) Altogether, not okay. Hell, Lakemoon has more street cred than her right now.

But the both of them are out with their apprentices, giving them advice fit for warriors (even the kittypet-liker), both coming from, and for making. A pink tongue swipes across her maw. Figures she should ask somethin', too. "Yeah, whaddya smell?" She piggybacks off of her uncle with a flickering gaze to him before it lands on Sparkpaw, and then Frecklepaw. She's grown over these few moons, but it hasn't stopped her entirely from wanting to shout obscenities across the river. It isn't screeched at the top of her lungs like a younger her might've done, but still, she cracks a grin as she says. "Is it the stench of defeat?"

[ Talking to @Sparkpaw and @FRECKLEPAW! ]
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At last he would get the opportunity to see what ThunderClan had won. Sunningrocks, it was quite something if he was honest. New scents were present, a mixture of stone and water, fading RiverClan stench and the new heavy musk of ThunderClan itself. They were truly beginning to own the place now, but for how long? Would RiverClan attempt to seize it back someday? He supposed they would have to watch their neighbours carefully from now on. Speaking of which, he became aware that a RiverClan patrol was wandering along on the opposite bank of the river. The fiery apprentice watched them but ultimately said nothing, even if the temptation was strong.

Sniffing the air and letting the new scents wash over his tongue when he opened his mouth he detected something familiar, and something new. "I smell mouse, but... also something else..." He opted to go for the more unusual option. Dropping into a hunting crouch he prowled around the base of the rocks until he discovered the source of the odd scent. It was big and warty looking, with big eyes and horrid looking brown skin. Wildpaw had found a large toad, though something nagged him to avoid touching it. "Raccoonstripe, what is that thing?" He queried, hoping his mentor had the answer.
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જ➶ Choosing them to help with patrolling their pushed back border makes the dark colored feline think about keeping his anger in check. They know they can push the luck given to them but he feels quite disgusted with where they stand now. Keeping his eyes on the ground for the most part they sniff along to follow a line and mark. Having to see those thieving Thunderclanners on their rocks after everything Riverclan had done for them has a sharp taste of bile in their throat. They didn't deserve those rocks, to take from Riverclan. It is just a ploy and nothing more. With a rough shifting of paws, they glance to Willowroot. "We both know those land lovers wouldn't make it an inch across the river before being swept away. " No point on scenting for Thunderclan this far over. Besides they got what they claimed they needed so badly. They didn't care about Riverclan's suffering and that is fine. Hopefully they would do the same soon. For the most part they ignore the Thunderclanners and their words. Keeping to the job they are supposed to do.