camp WE WERE NEVER A FAMILY // leaving

It was late, way past bedtime. Most were already alseep and Lividpaw should have been as well. But movements outside had disturbed the apprentice peaceful slumber. Instead of ignoring it he decided to head out to investigate all because of the familiar scent. He knew who was lurking outside already. When he stepped out from the den his suspection turned out to be correct. Lividpaw watched his father lurk around in camp almost invincible to the eye thanks to his dark pelt that fitted in so well with the black night. Crawlingheart was heading towards the exit of camp on stealthy paws like he was running away from something or maybe he did not wish to get caught in the act, or what he was about to do.

" Father, what are you doing out here so late?" Lividpaw called his fathers odd behavior out knowing very well his father was suppose to be up early tomorrow for the dawn patrol. It was not like them either to sneak around at night. Crawlingheart flinched as they stopped, his head not turning around to meet his son. There was a long moment of silence before the warrior eventually confessed. " I cannot stay here anymore. " The truth came out and Lividpaw stood still in his place just watching, remaining silent as somebody else arrived beside him. Lividpaw didn't need to look to know who it was. He just acknowledged his brothers presence with a twitch of his ear. Turned out he was not the only one who had been easily woken up that night. What an odd concidence.

" I'm becoming someone i never wished to be..." their father contunied, like he was expecting some sort of sympathy, or pity perhaps even. When their father finally turned around to face the two, his offsprings he could only look at Lividpaw. Something he paid close attention to. Almost in shame they looked. Crawlingheart looked at them straight in the eye. " I know i've not been a good father but living in the same place as that snakehearted rat!! it's not good for me. I know i can be better then this...that's why i've decided to leave because there's no room for me here anymore." It was perfectly clear that his father sought some sort of sympathy now, like an excuse to his behavior to how he had acted all this months. In truth he couldn't really see any real sign of guilt or remorse in this ice cold orange eyes. Just an hurt pride, a tom who thought he had been wronged and saw no real error to his wrong doings. Lividpaw had never expected them to go down this path though.What about everything they had taught him?, about everything he had been put through up until now?. The reason behind his name.
Why the change of heart?.

Something didn't add up. Lividpaw knew there was a missing piece here which left him puzzled. He cast a side glance at his brother who stood unusually still and quiet, the scars on his face evidently clear from where he stood. Lividpaw focused back on his father and in the end of it all he only had one thing to say. " So you're leaving us to become a rogue?." he wasn't sure if he was asking that for his sake or his brother but he doubted it even mattered.

" You can come with me if you like. We can leave this place far behind us and never look back." Such promising words. Crawlingheart looked to even mean them like he actually cared. Like he honestly thought he even for a second would consider it. But that wouldn't do. Basilpaw might have been one who would have thrown himself at this opportunity but Lividpaw would not. Because he had not forgotten, was not being as foolish to be living in a delusional lie. This was in fact good news. A plot twist to his future plans for sure. Birds. He had always envied them. They could spread out their wings and go wherever they wished. Lividpaw had wanted the same thing. All this time he had just been playing along to fit into a role until he find a way to break his way out, to gain his own wings to fly. Now he saw an opportunity for that to actually happening.

" Leave with you? and live out my days in shame?." why would he do that for?. Aha, that was actually laughtable. and here Lividpaw was never one who saw the humour in things. For once in his life Lividpaw did not have to think before he spoke, to think his words carefully over because soon his so called father would no longer be a shadowclanner and so he did not have to watch his tongue. " If you wanna live out your days as a traitor be my guest but you're not taking me down with you." He was not going to become another Vulturemask, to follow the steps of the ones before him especially his own father.

His eyes then turned cold, darker as his next set of words left his lips. " But mark my words next time - if i ever see you again i will treat you like a rogue and rip out your throat." His threats were cast with cold blooded venom, and it was just so freeing to spat them out. No longer did he need to treat them like an warrior, a superior who was above them. To act polite and obident. He wonderd how it would feel like to have his fathers blood on his maw and paws - something he had been thinking alot about. If i ever get a chance, he had always thought with the potential reality of them not standing on the same side. Now his sinister fantasy might become true in the end.

Crawlingheart took a step back, eyes showing a sign of fear as he faced his son's malicious glare. Time was running out their conversation for sure having awoken some curious ears to come out to watch the showdown. Lividpaw would wait to see what would happen next, while Basilpaw remained still and uncharacteristic quiet during this whole encounter like a ghost...

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Even after becoming a mother herself, Betonyfrost couldn't shake the feeling that it was simply the nature of parents to move on. They had elsewhere to be; they had bigger dreams than the ducks that would glide so easily across stagnant waters or the jagged shadows left by needled trees. How easy it is to be angry at your maker—how infuriating when faced with their absence. Pity turns her small ears outward, but witnessing the abandonment of another doesn't spark the same rage in Betonyfrost as her own.

Lividpaw was old enough to speak for himself, and he had been offered a place at his father's side. Betonyfrost had never had that same courtesy. She slinks from the warriors den, unabashed in her eavesdropping—it was they who were spitting where ears were about.
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 30 moons | tags
lividpaw had a lot of anger in him. it was worrisome to see in some sense but as long as this anger was used for good, for being a better shadowclanner and hurting anyone who dared to betray or hurt shadowclan, then they cannot judge him. they have a lot of that themself. a lot of anger, and rage. and they would gladly show it off when it comes to seeing a cat leave. basilpaw and lividpaw was two peas in a pod, but they could not be more different and now they had to deal with their father leaving. this... was all too familiar for them. their father left them, too, with a sick and pregnant mother to take care of. she didn't survive because chilledstar couldn't save her and it was his fault.

their cold gaze seems frigid as they watch the tom, tail lashing behind them with a snort from their nose.

"that's it, then. you are a rogue, as you are choosing to be. leave. you have until sundown. if we find even a single bit of fur of you left on shadowclan territory, I will kill you. go."

they did not take kindly to deserters. they did not deserve sympathy or even care. chilledstar saw it as abandonment. and they would never think of it as anything else.

"lividpaw. basilpaw. go get yourselves a frog and eat something. it is not a request but an order."

lividpaw could be angry about it all he wanted, but both toms were affected. even if he was the worst father known to cat kind, this was a drastic change.

"you both will join the warriors leading the patrol after the sun goes down. rest up. it's gonna be a long night."

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    45 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Chilledstar couldn't have showed up in a more perfect timing, and neither did their words disappoint. Lividpaw was more then pleased with their father sentence making this all even more official. Crawlingheart had nothing more to add or say. He had made his decision with or without his son coming with them. The now former warrior would just give a grimace as he submitted to their fate having no interest to stay in the marsh for a second longer then they had to. With a lash of their tail, Crawlingheart turned tail to walk away to leave this miserable life behind them.

Lividpaw watched in silence staying put in his place since no direct order of actions had fallen out from their leaders mouth. After his fathers figure had disappeared from sight Chilledstar spoke out a direct order to him and their brother. At first he didn't understood why it was importand for them to eat right now in this very insant but it soon become clear to him when their leader explained further.

Basilpaw who had stayed silent during this whole time finally seemed to wake up from whatever trance he had been stuck in when hearing this hunt being called out for both of them to take part in. " But...he is our -. " Basilpaw seemed to have attempted to say something through his mumblings but Lividpaw cut it down before they could even finish saying anything. " Understood Chilledstar. We will make sure to be ready." Lividpaw cast a side glance at their brother, coldly watched them silently before his gaze moved away to stare of into the distance to where their father had disappeared of to. Blinking he then turned around and offered a polite dip of his head to Chilledstar before he started to depart himself from the scene to do exactly what he had been orded to do. Grab a frog to eat. He flinked his tail to signal his brother to follow and obidently they would as their head hang lowly to the ground while Lividpaw held his head tall.


Starlingheart remembers the day that Bonejaw had left with a clarity that is surpirsing. It's funny how the good days in her early life are hazy but the bad days stand out crystal clear. It replays in her dreams, Bonejaw's sharp accusations, the way she had pleaded her not to go. She had been so young, so afraid and the clan had been angry. Justifyably so. The scene that plays out before them is so shockingly similar that it makes her heart twist in pain for the two apprentices that this traitor leaves behind. Basilpaw opens his mouth to say something, but Lividpaw is quick to interrupt. Putting up a strong front, acting like the loss doesn't hurt. Even if their father wasn't a good cat, he was still their father. Starlingheart understands, perhaps more than most, what it is like to love someone like that.

She stands next to Chilledstar in solidarity, head held high as she fixes a gold gaze on the retreating form of a cat that had once been their clanmate "ShadowClan is-is better off without him" she says, hoping her words are reassuring to the monochrome pelted leader. They had done the right thing in proclaiming Crawlingheart's exile. When a cat chose to leave their clan they were abandoning them in every sense of the word. There would be no turning back.

  • PSgWDJV.jpeg

  • 80989743_Y4EI15MsrzJWZG0.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training