sensitive topics WE WERE ONCE THERE | honey

✦ TW: Mentions of death and grief.

It was well into daylight, several patrols had come and went, cats of all ages chattered within the clearing. Dogbite found himself caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, torn between the loyalty he owed to Skyclan and the yearning for the solitude. With foxes, rogues, and tensions there was little chance of real alone time. As a Lead Warrior he felt a deep sense of duty to be present, especially in the wake of death. Faced with the loss of Applefrost, a she-cat that had been more than just a friend, Dogbite felt adrift, his heart heavy with grief and longing.

Nose pressed to the wall he hunched into his desolate corner. Thankful for the empty nests that laid around them. She had been the one who had captured his heart with her little moments of genuine enjoyment. Cracking a smile at his lame attempts at play. Though she had never been his mate, she had been his confidante, his rock in times of trouble, and his source of comfort. The horror of her passing left Dogbite shattered, soul aching with the pain of absence. He had never found the courage to confess, and now, with her gone, he felt a profound sense of regret and longing, wondering what could have been if only he had spoken his heart. The tear stained whispers he had gasped into sodden fur were to be left unanswered.

Amidst the tumultuous emotions, the splotched feline longed for personal time to process his grief, but his duties and the expectations felt like an invisible wall. Orangestar relied on him, along with the rest of the council, to provide strong support and guidance for Skyclan, and Dogbite couldn't bear the thought of betraying said trust by abandoning his responsibilities. Yet, here I am coddled into a corner like a lost kit. His life was far too tangled into the threads of cat he now considered family. Every clanmate faced their own whirlwind of trials and tribulations but he couldn't sit through the loop of empathy.

He wanted to be selfish for a change. To bury his head inbetween their paws and scream out all the frustrations buried within. The call of solitude echoed promises of peace and clarity amidst the chaos, tempting him to run away from camp in search of solace. Yesterday's temptations flickered into the forefront of soundless tears. Guilt eagerly dancing along the lines of his vulnerable mind. He yearned for a chance to sort through his feelings but the fear of disappointment rooted him, trapped in a cycle of indecision and self-doubt.

Alone in the darkness of the warriors' den, Dogbite allowed himself a moment to mourn, a personal testament to the depths of his love. He knew that he could not escape the pain, but he hoped that in time, he would reconcile the conflicting pieces of his identity as he navigated the uncertain path that lay ahead. Until then, he remained boxed in a limbo of grief and longing, his heart heavy with the weight of reality. That he could be just as lonely even when in the proximity of friends.

Wound tightly into his own psyche they neglected to notice the sound of paw steps approaching.

  • @Honeysplash I know it's late but I was thinking this could be set a little bit before Honey moved into the nursery!
  • jLfE0mV.png

  • ✧ LH cinnamon tabby high white blue eye
    npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 34 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
  • Love
Reactions: Honeysplash

-ˋˏ ༻❇༺ ˎˊ- There was a sense of tension amongst the clan that they couldnt rightly shake. It was like everyone was on edge, waiting for the next big bad thing to happen. It all felt so small but yet so important, but they had tried to not think about it too much. They knew if they sat too long in one place or thought too long on their own they would delve into their own sorrows. With death knocking on the clan entrance for many it felt like it was never ending. First foxes and Orangestar then her own sister and Dandelionwish to rogues. Then there was everything thatg transpired inbetween in their own personal life like Chrysaliswing rejecting them entirely- but they had tried to work as much as possible. Tried to distract better- but that was a loosing feat.

Honeysplash was returning to camp from an outing to try to catch something but their mind had been too plagued with thoughts to focus enough on it. So the mouse had gotten away and they returned to camp empty-pawed, but they more so just wanted to lay down for a bit and just try to forget. To look on the brighter side of things like they use to so easily do- but it was like they had forgotten who they were. That joy was long gone and they couldnt find the flint or stone to spark it back to life. The fire was gone and they felt so lost, so confused, and sleep sounded like the best option.

Though as they neared the den, the pushed through the entrance without a second thought and blinked with surprise to find the den wasnt empty. Everyone was out on patrol or training or what have you so there wasnt anyone in there beside well- Dogbite. They had no knowledge of the closeness he shared with their sister, they had been gone during that time and hardly seen their sister when they returned. Still, they couldnt help but tilt their head slightly to the side. He- he did not look okay from where they stood. Curled up there in his nest and they glanced to their own on the other side of the den for a moment. It had been rather empty for them too with now Chrysaliswing avoiding them entirely.

The cream tabby cat looked back to the tomcat and their mossy green gaze softened slightly, before they went to more quietly this time pick their way across. They stopped at an empty nest beside Dogbite, it smelled faintly of another cat though they didnt try to pick out who, and reached down to nudge his shoulder with their muzzle, "Hey, scoot over, make room, silly goose! Think youre gonna just sit in here alone and not have a napping buddy? Well think again" They mused cheerily in an attempt to mess with the lead warrior.

Honeysplash then moved to settle in the nest beside him and give him space despite her words, and smiled a little at him. They didnt know much about the lead warrior and they found that to be such a shame. He probably had all kinds of stories to tell from his life before the clans. Not to mention she never remembered him as a mean or spiteful cat, he was always so kind to others. The young warrior glanced at him once more before turning in the nest so she was able to face him, meeking speaking up again with, "Sorry- if you wanna be alone, i can go too, i dont mind" They didnt want to be pushy if it was truly something he had wanted. Though something in her chest ached for the lead warrior and they flicked their tail behind them idly.

"Are you okay, Dogbite?"

  • Speech
  • Honeysplash she/they/it, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    a lithe, short haired cream tabby and white patched cat with mossy green eyes
    sister to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower and Cloudberrythorn // aunt to; Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Glimmersun // crushing on; Florabreeze & Chrysaliswing // mother to; Cloverkit, TBD
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by wolf@wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

The other's touch makes him sit up as though lightning had struck. Remorse floods their mind at the idea any clanmate would see him in such a pitiful state. Their cheerful nature feels like a bruise and the Lead sits like a stone. He tried his best to hide his marred face, keeping their blue gaze fixed on the wall. Only when Honeysplash moves into the nest beside them does he relax.

In a warbling scratchy tone he addresses the cream tabby. "Honeysplash." Such a question was far too intense to answer in that moment. He muttered, voice strained by tears. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... I just-." Their words fall apart as he tries to articulate his thoughts.

"-needed a minute." The cinnamon and white tabby breaths slowly, struggling to regain his composure. "Thank you for your concern." He meows solemnly, attempting to sound more put together. They hated talking after crying. It felt like he was losing air and the humiliation it brought was frustrating. "It's been... Difficult." Dogbite couldn't find it within himself to lie to the molly.

At last, he looks to Honeysplash, revealing his heartbroken expression. Their presence was sppreciated despite his initial reaction. Hoping to avoid too many details he sticks to the present conversation. "I don't want to be a burden." They admitted, raw emotion barely above a whisper. "But your company is welcome."

Dogbite settled back down, feeling a small measure of comfort in not being entirely alone. The weight of grief was still heavy, but sharing even a smidgeon of it made it a bit more bearable.

  • mobile post will edit later!

  • ✧ LH cinnamon tabby high white blue eye
    npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; mentor to hollypaw
    ✧ 35 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:

-ˋˏ ༻❇༺ ˎˊ- The jolt startled even themselves and they blinked a few times in surprise- they hadn’t meant- oh no. Their chest ached with slight panic and they swallowed thickly slightly to try to force down the automatic sorry that threatened their throat. The light furred warrior watched this tabby tomcat then tensely address them by name and their ears flicked back quickly. Crap! What’d did they do? Obviously nothing good.

Then Dogbite apologizes and they shake their head quickly, “No im sorry- I didn’t-” They meekly speak but their tone trails off as they didnt know what they meant. They just wanted to say sorry for being too pushy, too forward, and they felt shame burn their pelt. They should be more mindful but they were so oblivious sometimes it was painful.

The cinnamon and white lead then admits to needing a minute alone and their chest aches slightly, oh no had they bombarded their alone time? Honeysplash looked down at her paws quietly and nodded a little as she was thanked for her concern. Of course, she always cared. She cared more for others than she cared to admit she did and it often blew up in her face. The young warrior swallow a little bit once more and her ears twitched upwards a little.

Its been difficult.

Their heart aches and they find mossy hues to a blue beam amongst a scarred face. His face was twisted and turned in a way that makes her chest hurt, and she wanted to reach out and off comfort. Physical touch was all she knew how to give as she wasnt good with her own words of comfort but that didnt feel welcomed in this moment with how he jolted before hand.

Youre no burden, don’t you say that now” Honeysplash was quick with her words, almost interrupting the tomcat with it as he voiced not wanting to be a bother. That her company was welcomed and she softened slightly at the words, and she nodded with a smile though it was small and soft, “Of course, you can always count on me, mister” She mused with a little chuckle.

Honeysplash watched him settle back down and she moved to do the same, curling her tail around her body as she got comfortable. She was quiet for a moment before voicing softly, “I miss her too,”

  • Speech
  • Honeysplash she/they/it, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    a lithe, short haired cream tabby and white patched cat with mossy green eyes
    sister to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower and Cloudberrythorn // aunt to; Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Glimmersun // crushing on; Florabreeze & Chrysaliswing // mother to; Cloverkit, Adderkit, Weaselkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by wolf@wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.