camp We Wouldn't Dare Surrender | Patrols

𓆝 . ° ✦ "Gather around for patrols!" Mosspool ordered as she stepped into the center of camp. It was not often the task of assigning patrols fell to her, and so she intended to treat the responsibility with the weight it deserved. Especially since the recent skirmish was fresh on her mind, and doubtless the minds of all her clanmates as well.

Her eyes scanned her clanmates as they assembled around her for their assignments, searching for eyes she could trust to guard the clan's most dangerous border. The gaze she finally landed on was one she trusted more than anyone else in the world. "Willowroot, you will lead the patrol to secure the Windclan border." She took a moment to search for other capable cats. "Take... Fogshore and Lakemoon with you and be careful, all of you." Hopefully Riverclan's recent victory at the border had taught Windclan their lesson, but Mosspool was not going to get her hopes up. She was going to assume the worst; that more trouble from Windclan was to come.

There was far less weight put on her decision as for who to send on the next patrol. "Foxtail, take Cricketchirp and Cicadaflight to patrol along the border with Skyclan." The clans newest lead warrior and two of it's newest warriors made for a rather inexperienced patrol, but the border with Skyclan was hardly a dangerous one.

Thunderclan's border was more troublesome, but they seemed content to trade words rather than blows for the moment. "Houndstride, take Bronzeshine and Hawkcloud to the Thunderclan border." All three were more than capable of handling trouble should it arise. Even if it was unlikely, it was best they were prepared for it.

That was all the borders addressed. Now all there was only one patrol left to assemble. "Finally Snakwblink, take Dawnstorm and... Pikesplash out for a hunting patrol." Her gaze lingered on the latter cat for a moment too long, even if her expression betrayed nothing. She was hesitant to even send him on a patrol at all. Pikesplash's punishment still felt too light to Mosspool. Lichenstar had said that he was Snakeblink's responsibility so shed send them out together. If Pikesplash was going to go out on patrol, then it would be only right for there to be someone who knew exactly what he had done to keep an eye on him.

"That is all." She stated curtly, ajourning the cats about her with a flick of her tail.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    windclan -
    @willowroot [lead]

    skyclan -
    @FOXTAIL [lead]

    thunderclan -
    @HOUNDSTRIDE. [lead]

    hunting -
    @Snakeblink [lead]
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.
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