oneshot Weary hearted wanderer || Frostbite

Frostbite rarely craved company. In fact, before he came here, he loathed it. He was better off alone, so no one could betray him. So no one could abandon him again.

He always regarded others with a cold glance. Distanced himself and was reluctant to form any connections with anyone. Each cat he saw was just another cat who would hurt him. Originally, he had come down from the mountains to shield his eyes from the blinding snow and find a group, possibly.

The wolves he tailed often seemed to do better together... It seemed like a good choice.

He quickly learned he had no idea how to deal with the company of his own kind. They were all strangers. He was outside looking in.

Yet slowly..... He began to learn. He began to adjust to living in a group.

Frostbite still spent his time as a recluse, but soon he began to realize.... And it dawned on him rather suddenly one night... That he was lonely.

He felt cold and alone. His mind told him that he wasn't. His heart told him otherwise. He knew it to be true, he was the only one he could trust. If he put his trust in anyone else, gave his heart to anyone.... They would take advantage of him. Use him and then toss him aside when he wasn't useful anymore.

This little voice spoke to him every time he felt himself growing closer to any of his clanmates. Any time he found himself caring about them.

They're going to hurt you. Stop opening yourself to further heartbreak. You're the only one you can trust.

And it left him feeling desolate inside.

He sat alone at night in the snow, having few distractions from the torment of his mind. Was companionship worth it? Was love worth it?

Would he be able to tell the difference?

Was he worth the effort?

He was tired of being torn two ways. He just wanted to be loved for once. Appreciated.

Genuinely. Truly.