pafp weather one nest | turkey encounter


New member
Aug 1, 2023

Separated from the rest of his hunting patrol, Brackenleap slinks through the familiar trees and undergrowth that he has always called home. He knows the changing soils from riverbeds to gravel to dirt. He can predict what flowers will bloom in what glade and recognizes where puddles are the most and least likely to form. There are patterns to life, and while some feel stifled or bored with such routines, Brackenleap finds comfort in them. He has lived almost two years, now, so if he reacts with astonishment to the sight before him, who could blame him?

Well, some certainly could. But that is not on his mind just yet. Because there are a few very big birds strutting around in front of him.

They are almost twice his size and only his long limbs give him any sort of advantage in comparison. Two of the three birds have feathers that stick straight up in the back in a manner entirely foreign to Brackenleap. Their heads are bald, like a vulture's, but their feathers are far more puffed and short. The creatures are focused on their food and haven't noticed Brackenleap yet, for which he is thankful. Just one of the birds would be a feast for ThunderClan, but it was going to take some strategizing.

Brackenleap eased himself back towards where the patrol had split and caught Shiningsun's eyes. Brackenleap felt sure he looked half, if not entirely, crazed and tried to talk calmly. "There's a potential feast that way," he explained as he used his tail to indicate direction. "But... Well, the birds are very large. I've never seen anything like them before."

He described the birds as best he could, making sure to emphasize their size. "I think we could take one down with at least two of us, but it would be safer with more," he continued. "We should of course approach with stealth and from downwind, but I'm not sure if it would be better for all of us to pounce at once or create a distraction so the birds panic and fly into us. But they might also just fly away then." He frowned thoughtfully.

"What do you think?"

|| OOC: please wait for @SHININGSUN to respond! ||​

Shiningsun really hadn't meandered far from where the patrol had begun to split off to hunt. The tom had been eyeing up a songbird that had been perched on a low branch just above his head, but before he could make a leap it flew off after being disturbed by the arrival of another feline. The large fluffy tom turned to look back into the eyes of the older warrior, fortunately with no anger either considering his lost prey. In fact his gaze mostly conveyed a deepening sense of curiosity as he was told about some big birds. "Large birds you say? Now this is something I've got to see!"

Eagerly he listened and he nodded along with what Brackenleap was proposing. "Yeah, this definitely sounds like a two-cat task. I think it would be best if I do the initial charge since I'm a big fella, so if I can get on the bird's back that should slow it down just enough for you to zip in for a strike to the neck. What do ya think?" It sounded like a more advanced pheasant hunt.

She was still within earshot when Brackenleap returned with news about the big birds that were up ahead. The squirrel that she was hunting was still too high up for her to try to catch, so she abandoned her hunt and trots over to join the two toms. "Bigger than a pheasant?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with interest. If these birds were truly as big as her clanmate was describing, then it would at least be worth looking at. A bird this size could be more dangerous to try to catch...but with enough cats at their side, surely they could bring it down.

"I'll help out wherever you need me." It sounds like the two younger warriors have it covered, but she was willing to at least help them carry it back. Having another set of paws nearby would be safer anyways, just in case the bird decided to fight back.


Brackenleap nearly purred with satisfaction. It was all coming together, and just the idea of victory left a pleasant feeling rushing through his paws. He tried to keep it controlled, however - the bird wasn't dead yet.

He nodded at Shiningsun. The warrior built on Brackenleap's rough idea brilliantly. Flamewhisker's offer of help reassured Brackenleap, and the tom turned to her. "Could you wait nearby, in case my strike isn't enough to kill it?" he asked her. Or in case I miss? he thought but didn't say. He wanted his clanmates to have confidence in him, after all.

Brackenleap signaled with his tail for the two cats to follow him and led the way to where the birds had last been seen. They had moved slightly but the wind was still in the patrol's favor, and Brackenleap sent a prayer of thanks to StarClan for that. He waited for Shiningsun to circle around and flexed his claws in and out of the dirt, tensing his muscles in anticipation of the strike that would hopefully keep the clan fed for at least two days.​

"Or to trip it up if I fail to land the jump." Shiningsun chimed in as he looked between Flamewhisker and Brackenleap. He fully intended to land the strike, but he knew that things could easily go sideways if they got sloppy. The tom filed in behind Brackenleap and he followed his lead back to where the big birds had been last seen, or close to that location anyway. The wind carried the odd scent straight to him and helped to guide his paws to where he needed to be.

The tom brought himself into position below a clump of ferns and at that moment he got his first true look at the birds in question. There was no denying it; they were huge! Shiningsun found himself having his first feelings of doubt as he eyed what he had to contend with and he began to feel somewhat small. Still, no backing out now, not with Brackenleap depending on his strength. The tom cycled a few breaths to steady himself before he burst forth at full speed towards the large male turkey.

Landing on the bird's back had perhaps been the easiest part, but now he was in for a manic ride. The turkey hardly seemed hindered by the weight of the tom bearing down upon its back as it took off with Shiningsun as a less than willing passenger. The warrior cried out in shock as he was treated to a wild ride, only just managing to cling on. The turkey raced about in the clearing, leaping and gobbling loudly in distress. "G-GET IT! QUICK!" Shiningsun could feel himself slipping off and it would only be a matter of time before he lost his grip entirely.


sleekpaw & 07 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan apprentice

The commotion draws the boys attention, though sleekpaw is all to happy to not participate - eyes wide in shock. "What is that?," he whispers, glancing to see if his mentor might know. It's certainly the biggest bird he's ever seen, and perhaps the loudest too. Shiningsun and brackenleap attempt to bring it down, but the... thing hardly seems bothered by their presence - annoyed and panicked maybe, but mostly unharmed. Sleekpaw flattens herself down further into the undergrowth, a whine slipping out before she can help it - she's always been smaller than others her age, and to be quite frank the turkey looks big enough to eat her.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: mentor ping @KILLDEERCRY ;
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and effeminate apprentice with pale pinkish cream fur and baby blue eyes. sleekpaw comes across as quiet and aloof towards most, though he shows a softer side around the nursery queens and his mentor. she seems to care little for anything outside of training, apprentice duties, and her appearance. they seem strangely silent on the topic of borders however, and even shiftier about anything concerning cross clan relationships.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mistyrose]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
"Potential feast?" Lightstrike echoed as Brackenleap crept back with wide eyes. That sounded interesting. A large bird, larger than even a pheasant, however, sounded dangerous. Not that it would stop him. If they could take down foxes and dogs and pheasants, why not whatever this was? They were all capable warriors.

A plan was swiftly thought out, and the cats began to prowl along with Brackenleap in the lead. The foliage thinned, and they caught sight of their bounty. The golden tom stopped short. "What the fuck are those things?" he hissed in a whisper, feeling the fur along his spine beginning to rise.

They looked disgusting. With a growing sense of appall and horror, he studied the beasts, from their bald, wrinkly heads, worse than any vulture, to their fat bodies and massive clawed talons. Worst of all, there were three of them, occasionally making stupid noises that made him want to shudder. Suddenly, his breath felt thick in his throat.

Before he'd even realized it, Lightstrike's pelt had bushed out to near twice its size, eyes blown wide and unblinkingly fixed upon the birds that were no doubt predatory. He was leaned back, claws sank into the earth and ears pinned to his skull.

It was then that he realized he wanted no part of this hunt, had no desire to get any closer than he already was. He was made of stone, frozen to the earth. Distantly, he wished he would never see one of these again for as long as he lived. Their dark eyes spoke threats, and stars, was he threatened.

Belatedly he realized that Brackenleap and Shiningsun had already began the hunt. The latter leaped upon the beast, claws sinking in and bird panicking. Lightstrike couldn't, wouldn't move.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

Brackenleap had been feeling very proud of himself. Not only had he spotted a spectacular hunting target, he had come up with a plan that others were following, and for a shining moment - pun intended - a win seemed imminent.

Then chaos broke loose.

The bird raced around the clearing, scaring off any other prey from the patrol's location to Four Trees, potentially even to the TwoLeg Place. Shiningsun barely kept his grip on the bird and seemed to be doing next to no damage. The bird's weight was truly incredible and Brackenleap found himself intimidated much like his two clanmates. Unlike them, his determination to prove a trustworthy and credible patrol leader - for that is what he now believed himself to be - freed his limbs from any potential fear. He leaped forward, demonstrating the skill he was named for, and sunk his teeth into the bird's neck.

The bird screeched and flapped its wings, but after several seconds marked by scrabbling claws, clenched jaws, and challenging yowls and gobbles, the creature collapsed. Brackenleap found himself pinned by the struggling bird and with several hissed expletives heaved himself free. A quick, final strike ended the fight.

All was still.

Brackenleap surveyed the area for his patrol mates, though his gaze stuck on Sleekpaw and Lightstrike. He frowned before he thought better of it. "Sleekpaw? Lightstrike? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" His tone became more and more concerned as he went on, and his eyes darted between the two, completely forgetting to check on Shiningsun, the last member of the patrol.​

At last the bird had been slain, though during the final moments of the chaos the large tom had been thrown from the avian's back and sent tumbling across the ground. With an evident limp to his stride, he then headed to join Brackenleap with a grin. "I can't believe that we downed that thing! The clan is gonna be eating well for a couple days, that's for sure!" He announced with glee whilst he attempted to nudge Brackenleap's shoulder in a playful manner.