private weep, dear child, weep // sunfreckle

"Mmm, Dad...?"

He calls to his father with quiet ease, spotting the russet tom off to the wayside. His fur itches, damn-near waterlogged with the recent snowfall, and just like a kitten growing into their legs... he does not do well with grooming his own. He walks closer to the other, a pitiful pout on his face as he murmurs a soft, "Can y'help me...? Again?" Perhaps he's been babied too many times by now. Regardless on if Sunfreckle says yes, the mottled apprentice stays close, grooming the stubborn, matted fur of his legs.

A few beats pass and he speaks again - unknowingly the real reason he's sought out Sunfreckle. "Do you..." a prolonged moment, an ear craned backwards, "do you think I'll... get better, at all'a this?" Sunshinepaw turns his gaze towards Sunfreckle, forcing himself to speak a bit more deliberately, "Mousenose - they're... tough on me, 'nd - 'nd they should be! B'cause 'm not too good at the-the... hunting, and tracking... I've got the territory down - up, down, backwards and forwards! ... Until I find a border, then I'm lost again." His leg falls unceremoniously to the ground, and he moans out a frustrated but pitiful, "'m gonna be a 'paw until I'm three-million-thousand moons old, I just know it."

@Sunfreckle pre owl thread :3 <3 ​