Weight off my two feet (from a towering cliff) | Cindershade


It’s late. Late enough even Snakeblink’s insomnia should have surrendered to the pull of exhaustion, but he can’t sleep. The moon is a sliver in the sky, waning towards darkness like a giant cosmic eye closing. It’s barely enough light to see by: Snakeblink’s immobile eyes can’t see much further than the ground on which he lays his paws. He paces anyway, peripherally aware of the gorge yawning open nearby. It helps him think. With that disastrous conversation with Cindershade and the ensuing gossip he’s eavesdropped on playing in his head again and again, he needs all the help he can get.

See, Snakeblink likes solving problems for other people — but he knows that he tends to cause them, instead. He likes talking, he dares say he’s good at it, with his big words and his mind that is always trying to be ten steps ahead. But words without meaning are hollow, not communication, and Snakeblink is terrible at communicating. He’ll talk and talk and talk and never for a second pause to think about what others are hearing, only what’s coming out of his mouth, so worried about it being helpful and witty and clever and never about whether it’s the right thing to say, whether he should be saying it at all. He knows this, yet he’s always surprised by the reception he gets — surprised that he got it wrong.

Stars. He’s just another idiot, isn’t he? Shoving all four paws of his straight into his mouth. It’s a miracle no one’s tried to claw his tongue out — well, no one since the one time that landed him with that scar of his.

He has to apologize. That much is obvious. But how? He can hardly trust himself not to fuck it up again, pardon the language. He, frankly, still isn’t sure how he insulted her so thoroughly — no, that’s not right. He doesn’t know which part insulted her most, and fears he’ll only repeat his mistake without this knowledge. He’s learned in time that even the most innocuous things might be taken as a slight if said in his voice, and he’s said many things that were not innocuous.

”Cindershade,” he starts muttering to himself, peering intently into the impenetrable night as if he might glimpse her shadow-woven pelt in its depths. It’s easier to find his words when he’s only imagining her — but not by much. Even in his mind’s eye, she cuts a frightening silhouette. ”You have to understand that— no, no, too forceful. I must tell you that I spoke in… haste? Hm, no, hastiness was not the issue. I misspoke… Spoke out of turn? Maybe. I never intended to insinuate anything negative about your appearance— should I really remind her of that…?”

Thus focused on the meticulous crafting of this speech (which he would hardly have the time to recite in full in front of the molly), Snakeblink doesn’t notice his steps taking him slightly closer to the open maw of the gorge. Close enough that, when gravels under his paws loosen unexpectedly, he finds himself pitching forward with a yelp — headfirst towards the edge he cannot see.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

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Another sleepless night has her standing guard in the front of their make-shift camp grounds, bracken and bramble woven sloppily with string-like reeds to reinforce a fortitude. It was nothing like home, sleeping under weeping willow branches as gorse and sedge sheltered their clan from wind and rain. Now, there was no canopy to shelter under. Just a large expanse of an Indigo sky patterned with tinkling stars. It was quiet now, the majority of RiverClan tucked within their dens for the night. The weather was cool, but not chilled as it had been previously. Snow had finally melted within the soil, vanishing as if it never were piled on top of them a short time ago. The warmer breeze billows around her sturdy frame and the lead warrior sighs in satisfaction, for she longs for the budding New-Leaf. It couldn't come fast enough in her eyes. Soon the river would receed, and even if it didn't for a period of time, at least it would be brimming with fish and she could emerge herself into it's heavenly wake.

Her whirling thoughts had ceased immediately as a rustle sounded to her left, the spine along her fur raising in silent alarm before seeing a familiar tabby and white form. She says nothing and he returns the favor, walking by as if he didn't even notice her presence. Perhaps he was too lost in thought, by the look in his eyes, but she doesn't really make a fuss over it. If Snakeblink wanted to frolic around in the dead of night by the gorge, she wouldn't stop him. He was an adult—even if he acted so childish. One particular event played within her mind then, a slur of condescending words with an exuberant smile. Cindershade huffs through flared nostrils, but a coy smile plays upon her features as she remembered sending him a physical lesson that had him flabbergasted. He had said nothing after that, making it a point to avoid the she-cat besides their Lead Warrior Ceremony. She was certain at first that Cicadastar was going to publicly chastise her wrong-doings, that the tom had whined to him over it. But, that wasn't it at all. He took her reaction to heart and didn't cross her path till now.

Apart of her did feel a bit guilty over the situation, a gnawing pain hiding in her subconscious that it was taken too far. Her ears pressed outward, beginning to flatten again her cranium. She would not apologize to him for that. He needed to apologize to her. I didn't even hurt him physically, just his ego. A defensive thought against her own, a demon and angel partaking in a debate upon her shoulders. Silence lays in the air, despite the continous roar of the gorge that now lulled her into relaxing. She almost doesn't hear it, the murmuring drowned out by the raging gorge before her; but she hears rumbling rocks and the beginning of a scream. No thoughts penetrated through her mind now, just a heavy wave of panic as a barely visible silhouette alight by the veil of the crescent moon begins to move forward and down to the mouth of the gorge. Nothing would greet him but the churning current of waters and jutting rocks below.
Strong legs, sturdy and thick with muscle, carried her forth in leaping sprints to her target. Virdian eyes narrowed in concentration, but behind her stoic mask was a frightened clan mate that was about to witness the down fall of her fellow warrior. "You idiot!" Cindershade snarls as she leaps toward the tabby tom as he descends to his demise, hooking curved claws into his haunches. It's good that Snakeblink wasn't a more hefty warrior; otherwise she'd probably fall with him. Curvaceous muscle coils and ripples underneath her sleek pelt, using her own momentum to tear him away from the edge and back to the safety of land. They both tumble in the process, a tangle of limbs and contrast of fur till she lands unceremoniously on top of him. Her heart still thunders in her chest as she gasps to regulate her breathing. Adrenaline still pumps through the warrior's body, a cracked mask slips as her eyes widened and she stared at her clan mate for a moment. He was alive? Oh Stars, that was a relief. Now she could kill him herself.
"What the fuck did you think you were doing, you muttering fool?! Have you gone blind with the scar over your eye? Do you have bees in your brain? Next time you want to take a plunge in the river, let me know so I can hold your head under water till the bubbles stopped!" Her words came out rushed and in huffs, her tone frantic and wild as she screams at him. She was almost too late. Almost too late to save him from his reckless suicide. Cindershade inhaled and exhaled in a rhythmic pattern, attempting to steady her own shaking voice and trembling limbs. She removes herself from on top of him, shaking the grit and dust from her pelt. The warrior steels herself now, molding the cracks of her walls as she stares at him. "What the fuck were you doing out here, Snakeblink?" She demanded an explanation, but no matter what he decided to sputter from his flapping gums, she'd be ready to shred him for it. How dare he almost die and make her panic like that. All she could see in that moment was Smokethroat nearly falling into the ice before her. Snakeblink may jump of every nerve she had, but she'd be damned to let him die.

  • Crying
Reactions: Kangoo

For one short, breathless moment, Snakeblink feels the ground open beneath his paws. In that brief moment of suspension before gravity takes its hold on him, a thought flashes through his panic-addled mind like lightning: You idiot. He thinks it so hard he seems to hear it, strangely enough.

Then he pitches forward, claws scrabbling uselessly at loose pebbles and dirt loosened by recent rains, and every conscious word is swallowed by a rising tide of panic. He knows the fall that awaits him; has seen it in daylight, stomach swooping in vertigo, has even warned apprentice away from it. He won’t survive the drop. They might not even find his body, swept downstream by the river, or if they do it’ll be moons from now, a half-dessicated corpse buried in silt and mud. What a stupid way to go.

His heart rises into his throat… and slams back into his chest as pain shocks through his body, tearing into his back legs, and he’s pulled back up. The weight of another body slamming into him as they roll onto solid ground chase the breath from his lungs. He lays there, gasping great gulps of air, until a particularly familiar voice starts going at him in a growling rush. Cindershade. His haunches sting from the claws that hooked him up, bright pinpricks of pain that feel like a miracle. Wide-open eyes, struggling to take in faint moonlight, make out the vague outline of deeper shadows where Cindershade stands above him, blotting out the stars. Her wide pupils glow in the darkness like they’ve drunk the starlight.

I was right, he thinks hysterically, She is hefty.

He opens his mouth, instinctively going to voice his thoughts, but his hammering heartbeat and her ranting thankfully gag him. He can’t get in a word edgewise anyway, not with the way she’s yelling and also standing on top of his ribcage, but once she steps back he realizes he wouldn’t know what to say, anyway. Which is unfortunate, because the tone of her question implies that it’s not merely rhetorical, and she expects him to explain himself. He struggles for a moment, jaw working silently as he tries to marshall his thoughts and review her previous words at the same time, until his thought process hooks onto one of her previous exclamations.

”I– can't see well in the dark,” he explains dimly, answering none of her questions. If anything it’s only making it worse: what business does he have, walking out in a state of near blindness? But he's still dazed from his close call, so his tongue goes on in the absence of a mind to tell it quit: ”My pupils cannot dilate to take in the light, so I didn't see the edge until I was falling over it. I… You saved my life, Cindershade, thank you. After all I’ve said to you—”

All of his precious, practiced words fail him then. He stutters, falls silent, and finally blurts out, ”I am so sorry.” His mouth clamps shut with a click, biting down on the rambling he can feel threatening to spew out.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

They stare at each other for what felt like ages, an awkward silence laying a heavy pressure upon the both of them while the gorge roars as the only sound behind them. She does fully expect him to answer her questions, but it seems she wouldn't get what she wanted. It's clear that Snakeblink is still reeling from his near death experience, her own claws his life raft to pull him away from his demise and throw him back onto solid ground. She can't deny how scared she was, the wild look plaguing her dark features that shine within the dim light of the moon. Her rosetted fur that usually was so sheek, now disheveled with a layer of dust covering her. Her own heartbeat thundered against her ribcage, threatening to break free at a moment's notice as she stares incredulously at him when he finally begins to speak.
That was his excuse? He couldn't see well in the dark? Every word that plays upon his tongue makes her more infuriated, a dark thought lingering in her mind to just let him fall and think nothing of it. But she couldn't live with herself. She may have a strong dislike for Snakeblink, he may creep and slither under her skin like his namesake but she'd be a fool to say she hated him. "You should've been named Snakeblind with useless eyes like that then." She retorts cooly, her own hues tracing over his slender features. His apology comes in laborious breaths, the adrenaline still running wild within his mind as he speaks. She mulls over it for a moment, her barbed tongue flicking at the roof of her mouth. In this situation, Cindershade has never known how to feel with apologies. They made her uncomfortable, a prickling along her spine as time passes between them in heavy silence.
A mere few moments drags on, before finally she steps in closer to him. "Don't ever scare me like that again. Or I will make sure you don't have a savior for next time." A lowly hiss passes through gritted teeth as she speaks, barely heard over the roaring falls behind them. "I accept your apology. Just—don't do it again." The shaded molly suddenly whips around, padding away from him before flicking her tail to beckon him to follow. "Come. Let's get back home, don't stray from me since you can't seem to see in the dark." A dry laugh bubbles in her throat then, her head shaking slowly. "What a fool you are, Snakeblink."
  • Crying
Reactions: Snakeblink

Cindershade’s response to his rambling is harsh, with an edge sharp as a swipe of her claws. But Snakeblink is well used to vicious words, and despite her tone he doesn’t hear cruelty in her voice; only frustration, undoubtedly directed at him, and a kind of reluctant care that transpires through her words. Don't ever scare me like that again. The threat that follows falls on deaf ears: all Snakeblink hear is that she was scared for him.

He thinks they are quite similar, in this way: the indiscriminate care for clanmates that goes beyond affection, that doesn’t even require its presence. He knew this about her, dimly, but only now does it occur to Snakeblink that it includes him as well.

Maybe that’s why Cicadastar thought to promote them both. Snakeblink is not well liked, and Cindershade not prone to liking others — or at least not to expressing it — but they will both go above and beyond for the sake of their clan. And maybe they can find a way to breach the gap between them along the way: some sort of middle-ground between her prickliness and his [prendre les gens à rebrousse poil]. It already feels like they’re starting on a better paw this time with the way she accepts his apology off-handedly, even if in a tone of voice that strongly suggests she’s just hoping it will shut him up.

“I will be on my best behavior.”

She calls him a fool, and he can only chuckle wryly, pleased to find it echoed by her own dry laughter.

“Lead the way: I trust you blindly to bring us safely back to camp,” he jests lightly. “Although you better stick close if you don’t want me to hold onto your tail like a kit. I nearly walked off a cliff once tonight, and I am prone to repeating mistakes.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • ooc:✨friendship✨ (ish)
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo