private WELCOME TO BERLIN πŸŽͺ Birdy




Kurt's seen a great many things in his time at the circus: things classified as miracles, as one-of-a-kinds, as marvels of the world. He knew that he had not seen everything, which had assisted in his decision to come into these woods and seek out these wild cats that he now spent his days with, to get to see and experience things that had no place in the circus. And yet, when presented with one of these never before seen sights, Kurt had nearly jumped out of his skin - though he supposed that was the natural reaction to when a cat fell from the skies. He'd heard the circusfolk use the phrase 'cats and dogs' when it came to rain, but he'd never taken it literally.

The one who'd fallen out of the sky called himself Birdy, and Kurt'd had half the mind to make a joke about Birdy falling into camp with a hawk in tow, but he hadn't - not then, when the wounds were still fresh and the threat was still real. He was as surprised as the next cat that Birdy had survived the fall, and perhaps he was more relieved than a few of his fellow Clanmates for that. He'd heard that Birdy had been moved to SkyClan's medicine cat's den, a mysterious place where Kurt had yet to set paw in, due to not wanting to disrupt such precious work as was done by the Clan's medicine cats, who he had also yet to meet - but he was sure they wouldn't mind if he checked in on their newest patient, to see how he was doing.

"Birdy, was it?" Kurt asked as he stuck his head into the den, blinking as his yellow eyes adjusted to the changing light. He stepped in, carefully, respectfully, much as he would the small chapel that the circus kept for its members. As far as he knew, these medicine cats that called this home were the Clan cats' link to their ancestors. "You took quite the tumble. How are you feeling, herr?"
  • !
  • KURT ✩ daylight warrior of skyclan, twenty-eight moons
    speaks with a German accent
    β†’ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    β†’ penned by Archivist β†’ .archivist on discord.

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TAGS β€” Birdy has taken to languishing in the mossy nest below the hazel bushes, licking his wounds, and generally letting the time pass. He doesn't expect visitors. It's not like he knows anybody, and really, he would be getting out of here as quickly as possible if he hadn't taken that stupid little oath. Something about pledging a life to warriorhood and obeying SkyClan. Blah blah blah. Birdy hadn't heard it all, really, too focused on the magma in his sides and the blood flowing from his back to pay much mind to what he was signing his life over to.

He has half a mind now to just leave β€” and yet, something keeps him here. He can chalk it up to the bruised ribs or the dressing that stuck to his back; he can claim that he's a little afraid of wide open spaces anymore. But there's something else that keeps him anchored beneath the hazel bush. Some sort of realization, maybe: I can't do this alone forever.

Not that he knows it yet. Birdy refuses to acknowledge his newfound lack of freedom. He'll heal, and then he'll be on his way out of here. Until then, he can entertain what curious faces decide to spare him some time. Here's one now β€” the cinnamon and chocolate feline shifts his gaze to Kurt when the other tom pads in.

Birdy, was it? "Yup," he answers, a wry smile stealing across his muzzle out of instinct. A tumble is a quaint way of putting it. Birdy huffs a laugh through his cream-point teeth. How are you feeling, herr? "Um. Like shit." His hazel eyes squint slightly. It's true. His ribcage still aches, though thankfully it is more sore than actively on fire anymore. His shoulders hurt, too, and worse than that, they itch as the new scabs form. Not that he would disturb the dressing. He'd rather not bleed out, thanks. A ginger paw gestures vaguely upward. "It's, uh, a little hard on the body to fall out of the sky like that."

There's a beat between them as Birdy studies the other's curly ink-black fur, nicked ears twitching. "Who're you?" he asks, blunt. Does he, like, want something, or...?

"I'd imagine so," Kurt replies, relaxing a bit when the other tom lets a laugh slip out from behind clenched teeth. If one could find laughter in troubling times, that showed a resilient spirit; something that Birdy had already proven himself as having with surviving the fall as he had, but now even more so. He seemed to be in good spirits, and although Kurt was far from being one of SkyClan's medicine cats or anything of the like, he could confidently say that that attitude would aid in healing him well.

"Ah, forgive me. My name is Kurt." He introduces when Birdy asks, and he offers a small bow. He doesn't expect Birdy to do the same, and he already knows his name, so he continues, "I apologize for the intrusion. I just wanted to see that you were getting along alright despite the fall. You know, you startled all of us quite a bit." Kurt can vividly remember his own reaction to Birdy's arrival, the surprise that had wracked his body and soul.

"You plan on staying with SkyClan, after you heal?" It's a question that could easily be taken as a statement, but Kurt gives Birdy a curious look that adds that important question mark to the end of his sentence. He's seen cats come and go in his few weeks of being with SkyClan as a daylight warrior, though he'd never had a situation quite like Birdy's before. He could imagine wanting to leave, but after being treated by the medicine cats, Kurt would think that Birdy might feel some sort of indebtedness to the Clan for saving his life.

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