sensitive topics WELCOME TO MY DARKSIDE // oneshot; murder


It was time. Patiently he had been waiting for this day to arrive and finally it was here. Carefully he had been planning everything out for two weeks time as he had keept on coming to visit the den of hell putting up with all of her bullshit. But no more. Today he would finally set himself free and spread his wings out into the night like a vulture circuling the sky.

Silently he would enter the den, fur of a rabbit ript apart in his mouth. Warmth for the little ones so they wouldn't freeze. His mother lay in the den, tired and exhausted after giving birth only some few days ago. It was absolutely perfect, the timing couldn't possibly be any better. She was sleeping, not even having noticed when he had stept inside. After all she hadn't been expecting him until far, far later today. Outside the storm was raging on almost like it was on his side today. For a long moment he would stand above his mothers sleeping figure staring her down with small wide pupils. A dreadful face. One made of pure hatred. Vulturemask would spare a glance down at his three younger siblings who laid so unsafe and unprotected by his mothers belly. They looked to be in peace, so vunerable and innocent. If only they knew what sort of mother they had got cursed with. If he let them be only pain and misery would come down them and he wouldn't allow it. The moment his eyes had landed on them he knew he had to protect them no matter the cost.

With much care he would carefully place the rabbits fur on top of them, to keep them protected from the cold, and then finally his attention was pulled back to the monsterous creature. His mother.

" Wake up, mother." His voice was cruel as he called out to them to awake them from their slumber. It worked. Rain would open her eyes to look up at their son. " You're back already?" She asked, not suspecting a thing. How could she?. He had been playing out his role excellently until now, letting her contunie to push him around and abuse him like always. " Come with me." He would demand and he saw in his mothers eyes that did not settle well with her. It was almost bringing joy inside of him to see such displeasure in his mothers eyes by her son's lil 'rebellion' against her. He watched her stand up saying, " Watch your att- " She got cut off as suddenly Vulturemask claws was slashing her cheek as he rammed her head right into the dens wall. It was a hard hit, making her crumble down back to the ground in confusion. Vulturemask did not waste anytime as he leaned down so he could whisper into her ear. " I'm not asking again." With a quick motion of his head he would grapt the back of his mother scruff and he would drag her out of the den and out into the raging storm so he could throw her right into the cold snow.

Rain weakly got back up on her stumbling paws not having much strenght, and in his eyes she looked absolutely pathetic there she stood without any strenght. She was the vunerable one for once and he gleed himself with that knowledge. " What on earth are you - !! " She snarled but once again Vulturemask cut them off, not even allowing them to finish. " I would run if i were you." He lifted his head up higher, his eyes glaring down at her with such a dreadful expression, his voice chilling to the core as he spoke. " If you wanna live." A warning, but his mother still did not get it, thinking she was still in control here. " Now you listen to me here Leech!, the nerve you have to treat me like this!." Blaah,blaah,blaah. Tch. How delusional could she possible be?. Vulturemask lost his patience, and while she keept on rambling on nonsense he was quick to make his move, and before she realised what would happen next he lashed out a paw towards her this time aiming for one of her eyes. A cry got died down by the storm as blood got spilled on the white snow now a shooked Rain staring up at his son like he was a stranger to her. Finally there seemed to be some sort of realisation in her eyes, a grasp of the situation at hand.

" You really should do what you are told for a change....unless of course you wanna make this more painful then it has to be?" He stept closer, unbotherd by the blood on his claws as he creept closer to his mother who much to his amusement was taking a step back. " Of course...there is always the option of eating you alive." A cruel dead smirk would fill his maw. Just like a vulture who eats their dying prey. There was some sort of knowledge behind that statement, like it was not unforeign to him. His mom looked terrified and that made him feel fantastic. She had always looked so terrifying to him, so dreadful and powerful but now?. She looked so pathetic, vunerable. He couldn't explain how good it felt to have the tables turned around for a change.

" What is it gonna be, mom?." And finally he got the reaction he had been dying for. Rain turned around and started to run for her life knowing damn well she couldn't win in her condition or...perhaps, she had been a coward all along?. Who knew. He didn't care as he would rush after her to begin the chase, feeling like a hunter who was hunting down his own demons.

The blizzard was livid,merciless, fortunate to him Vulturemask knew this territory very well by know but his mother did not. She was slow in the snow, tired after giving birth just a day ago. It was easy for him to catch up to her but Vulturemask on purpose let her think she had a chance to get away, just for the fun of it. The chase was well thought out making sure she ran in the right direction and when she took the wrong turn... Vulturemask would increase his speed to leapt at her so he could tackle her to the ground so he on purpose could direct her to continue to run at the direction he wanted her to go. It was a cat and mice game, and Rain did not suspected a thing as she tried to flee for her life until they reached the thunderpath.

Rain realised what she had ended up and came to a sudden halt, panting heavily with the breath suffocated in her throat. Blood running down her face after getting blinded in one of her eyes after her son's previous attack. She with panic looked around after her son but he was nowhere to be seen. Had she outrun him?. What is wrong with him!, has he lost his damn mind?!. Thoughts where wild inside of the mothers head, trying to think through everything and what she was supposed to do next. Little did she know she was an open target and that she was not out of danger. Without warning Vulturemask would rush out from behind a bush he had been hiding in and with Rain's back turned against him the black warrior would leap at her from behind. In the last second Rain saw the shadow fell over her in the snow, and as she turned come eye to eye with her son who was out after her blood. Rain hissed and went up on her backlegs as Vulturemask came flying down from the sky at her, claws digging into her shoulders as he forced her down on the ground on her back. Both hissed at each other before Rain tried to defend herself as she lashed out a paw and clawed one of Vulturemask's ears with it, spilling his own blood on the ground. Vulturemask was numb to the itching pain in his ear as he stood unmoving upon her only turning his head briefly away to avoid getting unnecessery hurt by his mothers claws. He then procceed by using one of his paws to pushed it down upon his mothers throat to choke her.

Vulturemask watched as his mother started to struggle underneath him for breath, gasping after air. His gaze remain cold as he stared down at them. " What's wrong mom not liking it when you are the one who gets choked. " he would spat at her, pushing his paw down even more, and despite her attempts to try to get his paw away, one used to claw at the said leg that was choking her and the other pushing at his face trying to get him off her. Vulturemask face was forced to the side but he still keept his gaze locked at her. The fear in her eyes, the panic. He wonderd....if this was how he had looked from his mom's point of view when she had done the same to him when he only had been four months old.

When she finally looked to be at the edge of losing
consciousness he would remove the paw from her throat but before she even could get one moment to gasp for air...Vulturemask used the same paw to reach up to her unharmed eye to place it right above it and then cut slow and painful down her eye as the claws digged right into her eye. Screams, the agony of screams echoed through the blizzard as he for the first time heard his mother scream out in pure pain. How shooking. He hadn't thought a cat of her kind was capable to scream like that. So even his own mother was able to feel pain?.

When he was done blinding his mother entierly he stept of them at final last, to leave them in the snow to groan in pain while he placed himself a bit away, staring blankly out at the thunderpath. He had not been able to bring himself here ever since he had left for the moors. Painful memories flashed inside of his head as he watched the black ground. " I can't see, i can't see!, what...what have you done!!, yo-you wicked monster!. " His mother finally snarled through painful groans. Oh?. She still had the strength left to speak?. Vulturemask tore his face away from the thunderpath to stare at his mother who was stumbling herself up on her paws with no vision for the world anymore. Blood dripping down on the snow from her face...eyes. A stiff satisfied smirk traced his lips as he watched her. Monster, him?, hilarious. " I just figured...i should let you know how it felt like." he begin before he turned to face her again, slowly approaching her in the snow. [ " To be vunerable...defenseless, powerless." He was almost right in front of her, and Rain in paniced lashed out a paw at him blindly, which he dodged away from by taking a step to the side. He then started to circle her as he contunie to speak. " How does it feel like to have lost all control?, to know you stand no chance against me. Are you scared mother, perhaps now it's about time to beg me for mercy..." He was in front of her again taking a step forward and another one, and Rain backed away from him not realising she was getting closer to the thunderpath.

He rememberd now everything so clearly, memories he had surpassed. How many times had he not cried?, pleading for her to stop, feeling so powerless and defenseless. How had his littermates felt?. She stayed silent, and Vulturemask patience started to run out. " Do you not even feel any remorse over what you have done...ANSWER ME!!." he suddenly kicked up snow right at her face, fur bristling. " I have no idea what you're yelling about but one thing i'm certain about. You are gonna go to hell for this!, you ungrateful brat." his mom would fire back after having removed the snow from her bleeding face, no longer backing away from him. She stood her ground, growing tired to run away, knowing there was nowhere to run anymore. She was not gonna go down without a fight.

Vulturemask froze, his features growing colder. " I know what happened on the thunderpath. I know what you did!!, to me, to all of us!!. he would growl, claws digging into the snow. And she had dared to put the blame on him, letting him think it had been all his fault!. Rain lowered down her head, twitching her ears as she tried to listen to the blind world around her. " So this is what this is about?, Revenge?, haha.... i knew i should have killed you when i had the chance.. You are and will always be a leech. You should have died alongside your littermates on that thunderpath...I should have finished what i started back then." That confession was all he needed to hear. Suddenly his anger froze into ice. " You - "

Before he had a chance to say anything more his mother suddenly lunged at him. Vulturemask eyes went wide and he in the last second manged to dodge away, swinging around as he now stood where his mother had stood with his back against the thunderpath. Rain turned to face him, trying to listen to know where he stood, smelling after his scent. " If i'm gonna die today i'm bringing you down with me, Leech!!." she jumped blindly at him, and this time Vulturemask was unable to move away so instead he went down slamming the head in to snow as his mother landed on top of him.

He had briefly closed his eyes before he opend them only to find his mothers paw pressing down at his throat as she was trying to choke him. Vulturemask stared up at his mothers bleeding face terror flashing into his eyes over this repeating moment, having been here before. He started to fight for breath, his time struggling under them now as he started to panic until...The well known thundering sound of a monster were coming their way brought him back into reality, and as the light of the monsters eyes capture the corner of his eyes, Vulturemask knew what he had to do. With a quick motion with his backlegs he kicked at his mothers underbelly to send her off flying nto the road. He had just manged to roll himself around to his stomach when he watched his mother who had only got halfway up from the ground got run over by the happened in the blink of an eye and Vulturemask stared long afterwards while helding a paw against his throat.

It took a long while before he stood back up on his paws, only staring into the night at the thunderpath as he spotted the remaining pieces of his mothers body. No..this was..not what he had planned. This was not part of his plan. He had just wanted to make sure she never could hurt anyone ever again. To take the power away from her. Vulturemask hadn't meant to kill her, for things to turn out like this but was it really that bad?. He couln't exactly say he felt bad over it. was finally over wasn't it?. Vulturemask find it hard to believe. But the cost of it all was his own soul. 'Mom, i will see you in hell.' Slowly he turned his back at the gruesome scene, stumbling a bit as he walked the first steps until he believed himself seeing something in the blizzard. Four ghost looking cats in the size of kits. It might only have been in his head, a hallucination made of his own exhaustion. But...he believed himself seeing the ghosts of his own littermates, but only for a split second before the wind took them away to fade away for good. They could finally rest in peace knowing they had been avenged.

Now he just had to get back to his new siblings, his new family and stay with them until morning came and Bumblebreeze would help him with bringing the kits back to windclan there their new lives could begin.

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