welcome to your worst hell — chi


height differences, tragic backstories
Feb 19, 2023
.you save everyone ———


——— but who saves you.
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HIS MUSCULAR BUILD SLID PAST SILVER BINS BUBBLING WITH ROTTEN FOODS, nose scrunching up at the smell wafting past the sensitive buds of his tongue. His tail twitched, ignoring how his muscles bubbled, tensing beneath darkened flesh as if waiting for something to jump out. The anxiety prickled his flesh as he drew deep, steady breaths to calm his racing heart.

The wounded brute paused, head curled over his shoulder to stare behind him, brows furrowed in caution, fur bristling along the lengths of his spine at the familiar sensation lapped at his consciousness. He was being watched, wasn’t he? Mason frowned. Who the fuck is it then? Azure optics drifted along the visible crevices of brick and pavement, noting his blind spots which … didn’t settle well with his stomach. Too many.

With a snort, Mason pulled forward, shaking his helm. Whoever it was would show themselves, eventually. He didn’t have time to wait. Damnit. His frame buzzed with familiar aches, pinching at his nerves. Who knew he’d find comfort in the dulling … burning pain that seemed to encompass his entire being like a warm blanket on a cold winter’s morning. He huffed out a bitter laugh, azure optics crinkling, lips curled in a bitter grin. Fucking hellhole.

He didn’t deserve the soft, bubbly moments in life. He didn’t fucking deserve it. He deserved to suffer for all his misgivings. He was a damn monster. No one could convince him otherwise. Hell. Kavan tried and even the charismatic idiot failed to help. Keane hadn’t bothered to beat around the bush, boldly announcing that whatever fucked up thought was running through his head was a lie.

Damnit. He shouldn’t be thinking of this when Yukio hadn’t shown up to help Yuhwa who’d come stumbling back with a panicked expression. Where the hell could a pregnant feline go? Not here, apparently.

The raven-hued brute spun on his heels intending to head back where he came. His brows furrowed, mulling over where the tiny cream-ticked feline could go. Yukio’s small. He reminded himself, tossing his head to stare at the looming twolegs building with a scowl. The prickling sensation returned tenfold drawing in a sharp breath, shaking his helm. What the hell? He wasn’t entirely sure who would follow him, but even then, Mason wasn’t sure he’d be able to defend himself.

Because you’re weak. His subconscious reminded him. A bittersweet smile overtook the scowl, that settled heavily on his darkened lips. He fought back the bubbling laugh that threatened to escape. Damnit. Azure optics drifted from side to side, observing the eerie buildings submerged in darkness, willowy tail twitched in annoyance. “Whoever you are—” He snapped, teeth bared in prickling fear. He wouldn’t be strong enough to hold someone back. Not in his condition. Fuck. When had that stopped him from fighting? His family.

He might be a selfish bastard, but he’d never abandoned them. He didn’t have the heart too, The raven-furred brute snorted. Even if his heart was shrouded in darkness. He didn’t deserve them for fuck sakes. He didn’t deserve a lot of shit, but here he was being the selfish bastard that he was.

thoughts speech
.i could tear you apart ———


——— if i wanted too, hun.
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THE MOLLY WATCHED, HIDDEN BEHIND A METAL BIN WITH A CRUEL GRIN as Mason prickled with unease. She could almost taste it. The thought of it making her purr as he snapped like a scared kitten, staring into the abyss. Oh, my little monster. It’s been so long, hasn’t it? She giggled, paw pressed against her muzzle to muffle the sound.

The ex-kittypet padded from out behind the trash bin, nose scrunching up in distaste at the dreaded smell that clung to her well-groomed fur that glistened against the flecks of sunlight. She grinned at the raven-furred brute who tensed, staring wide-eyed at the Somali like he’d seen a ghost. “Little monster! Oh, how lovely it is to see you!” She purred, padding closer to the stalk-still brute. “Oh? Not going to say anything to your mate? I would love an apology.” She tapped her chin where the old scar lay, cutting through her lips. “You ruined my face!” She shrieked, tail lashing out from behind her.

“You just had to leave, mhm? Leave me all alone in that dreaded house for what? A bunch of sad excuses?” She quipped. She huffed, willowy tail snapping to slide under Mason’s chin, grinning at the hitched breath. “Still not a fan of touch? Pity.” She scoffed, ignoring Mason to press up against the other with a grin, sharp green optics glimmering in joy.

“Poor little monster. All alone just like you should be.” She hummed, giggling as she licked her paw, grooming the ruffled strands that fell out of place.

“You’re a worthless brute. You should know your place.” She sneered, tapping his cheek with a paw. “I hope you didn’t forget what you are. I would hate to have to reteach you everything! It seems you staying with those pesky mutts changed you for the worse. I miss who you used to be, but I never back down from a challenge!”

Soon … the Somali would have what she’d always wanted. Of course, it would take time, but who said she didn’t love the thrill of the chase? She was a predator who hunted on the weak and Mason was ripe for the taking.

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