WELL, CAN YOU SEE ME? ❯❯ scorchstreak


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    SAOIRSE SCORCHSTREAK ; a fiery, memorable name
    A stoic, highly guarded cat with a sharp gaze, Scorchstreak's trust is difficult to gain and nearly impossible to regain once lost. She is intelligent and logical, and scorns emotional decision making. In the wake of her mate’s death, she is more closed-off than ever, and does not engage in petty squabbles or arguments; she would rather end things quickly with a swipe of claws than go round and round for hours on the same issue.
    ⤷ named for the scathing way that she often speaks, for the stripes along her pelt, and for the quickness of her paws
    — female; she/they; afab
    — deputy (tunneler) of windclan; loyal to her clan first and leader second
    — 54 months / ages every 1st
    — penned by foxlore; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
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    shorthaired tortoiseshell with low white / carrying points, longhair, dilute
    Of short stature and fiery spirit, Scorchstreak cuts an intimidating figure despite her size. Her pelt is short and coarser than it appears, usually coated in patches of caked-on dirt. Her forepaws are broader than her hind paws, flexible and powerfully built, though her claws tend to be dulled. She is moderately scarred, but most of her scars are cloaked beneath her fur—of the visible scars, she has three jagged lines spanning from her right shoulder to her hip, claw scars from the top of her head to her left eye, and puncture scars in the shape of two canine teeth in her left cheek. Across her chest lies an intentional scar, laid there by Sootstar herself when Scorchstreak was promoted to lead warrior, and then slashed through by Sunstar’s claws.

    Claw scars from her right shoulder to hip, claw scars from top of her head to left eye, bite scar in left cheek. Intentional claw scar across chest (now in the shape of a jagged “E”.
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    Scorchstreak is a ferociously loyal warrior above all else—she is willing to do just about anything for the sake of her clan, and stands by her clanmates against all that would harm them. However, despite being deputy, Scorchstreak would easily choose the clan as a whole over the leader as an individual, and even left Sunstar behind to die in favor of keeping other clanmates safe. She is a shrewd, intelligent cat who tries to keep her emotions out of her decision-making—but like anyone else, she is only mortal. Strong emotions rule her in times of grief, and her decisions are notably less logical as of late.

    She was once a more open, more reasonable cat, but the death of her mate has forced her back into her shell. As many cats around WindClan have noticed, the deputy has been remarkably off-kilter since her mate’s death. Her moods shift and change violently, a bloodied axe set to swing. No one is safe from her wrath when it rages to the surface, but nearly everyone is closed off from her icy grief. Anyone offering comfort or kindness meets only a brick wall, chipped and cracked but standing tall and indestructible. Stoicism reigns supreme in the midst of her typical volatility, though in flashes she shows endless patience especially with her kin.

    Scorchstreak is a rule follower at heart, and scorns those who break both the clan’s laws and the warrior code. She is a strict enforcer of rules when she can be, and holds respect and duty in high regard. She takes her responsibilities seriously and does not do anything halfway, to the best of her ability. She insists on completing tasks and projects as efficiently as possible—in doing so, she tends to overwork herself, and can become snappy if others try to convince her to take a break. Her confidence has grown significantly after her journey into the mountains, though she is more frequently seen in the tunnels than aboveground.

    Lawful Neutral, Warlock of the Raven Queen. Walks with a slow, smooth gait and her head held high. Not especially strong, but makes up for it in dexterity and stamina. A great underground hunter, but vision adjusted to see in darkness gives her poor vision during the daytime. She is able to swim and climb decently despite WindClan's lack of both water and trees, both traits carried over from her past as a loner. Excels at stealth and reconnaissance, good at gathering information from others. Has an excellent sense of direction. Very careful and purposeful with every movement.
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    NPC xx NPC | sibling to NPC, Rattleheart, Rabbitclaw
    mentoring none
    ⤷ previously mentored Cottonsprig, Pinkshine
    Mate to none | Parent to Dappledsun, Rumblerain, Frostwind, Luckypaw, Scorchstorm
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: Bluepool, Rattleheart, Sunstar, Pinkshine, Cygnetstare, Tigerfrost, Weaselclaw
    LIKES: Slateheart, Periwinklebreeze, Featherspine
    DISLIKES: Bluefrost, Dimmingsun
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: Ferngill, Rumblerain, DuskClan

    extremely guarded and slow to trust. acts cold and closed-off in her grief.
    SMELLS LIKE: damp, rich earth
    SOUNDS LIKE: Florence Welch
    speech is #c36b52
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    Born and raised in an abandoned badger’s den, Saoirse had a relatively normal kithood, as normal a kithood spent mostly isolated from other cats could be. She felt stifled, though, bound by the expectations of her parents, and set off on her own with her siblings when she was hardly an adult. She spent some time drifting around to avoid more dangerous cats, and spent at least a couple months in nearly every clan’s territory before the clans’ formation.

    For a long while, she made herself at home in the forest near the twolegplace, brushing paws with street cats and kittypets alike. For all her flirting and playing, it was no surprise that she fell pregnant by a nameless father—kittypet or rogue, it’s anyone’s guess—and gave birth to a single kit. She named him Finnegan, her only son, and she loved him dearly, shielded him from the worst that the world had to offer such an innocent child. And a while after Finnegan was born, when they stumbled upon WindClan, the family joined without a second thought.

    Scorchstreak and Dappledsun, as they were named, settled into WindClan without issue. Scorchstreak took up the mantle of a tunneler, finding herself right at home in the sprawling network below the land, and she grew very fond of the clan that she now called her own.

    For months they lived in WindClan happily—until the problems began. Dandelionwish was made prisoner shortly after WindClan's raid on SkyClan's herb stores, and Scorchstreak remained steadfastly loyal to Sootstar and the clan. Dappledsun, though, grew weak-willed, selfish, disloyal. and when Dandelionwish finally fled WindClan, moor runners snapping like dogs at his heels, Dappledsun was among those who aided the healer in his escape. He became a problem, a threat, and one of Scorchstreak’s own making. She had brought her son into this world, and she knew that she needed to right her mistake.

    Now, Scorchstreak has settled fondly into her place beside her fellow tunnelers, and will fight tooth and claw for her clan. During the clan’s raid on RiverClan, Scorchstreak was a part of the first wave of attackers—she fought with Cicadastar, and though he bested her, she managed to avoid death only with the aid of Weaselclaw, Tigerfrost, and Sparkpaw. She owes each of them her life, and does not take for granted the sacrifices they all nearly made.

    Scorchstreak was promoted alongside Bluepool to lead warrior in the early spring season, becoming the first tunneler to take up the mantle. She took her newfound position of power seriously, and made more of an effort to spend more time outside of the tunnels and around her clanmates, especially after the week-long lockdown of the clan. Unfortunately, however, Scorchstreak realized that she was pregnant soon after, carrying the kits of the clan’s deputy Badgermoon.

    Only a week or two before she was due to have her kittens, Tigerfrost, fellow lead warrior and one of Scorchstreak’s closest friends, was killed by a group of rogues. Crushed, she hid away from the clan until the time came for her to have her kittens. During this time, however, she allowed a visit from her close friend Curlewnose, who told her that he had been rejected by Badgermoon—and the timing fit perfectly. They agreed that it must had happened right before Scorchstreak fell pregnant with Badgermoon’s kits. but Curlewnose promised to support her even after she told him who her kits’ father was, and the two grew even closer as friends.

    At last, the time came for Scorchstreak to become a mother for a second time. Badgermoon, Curlewnose, and Spiderbloom helped her through the labor and birth, and Badgermoon finally seemed to admit that the litter was his as well. Scorchstreak was exhausted at the end of a two-hour labor, and so she didn’t keep track of what order the kits were born in. She named one kitten Frostkit, after her dearly departed friend. Another was named Luckykit, in hopes that he would have great luck in his life. The next was Rumblekit, after her friend and tunneling partner Redrumble. And the last kit, she was too exhausted to think of a name for, so she passed the honor to Badgermoon, who named her Scorchkit after her mother.

    As her children grew older, Scorchstreak began to mend fences with Badgermoon, and grew closer to Curlewnose. she was assigned an apprentice, Sootstar’s own daughter Cottonpaw—only for Cottonpaw to be reassigned as Wolfsong’s apprentice a month later. Around that time, another plague began to sweep through WindClan, with many clanmates falling ill and a few even dying of the sickness. When Sootstar asked for volunteers to go on a dangerous journey with cats of the other clans to find the much-needed cure, Scorchstreak was among those who stepped up, alongside two of her kits.

    The journey into the mountains was filled with danger around every corner, but it was also filled with beautiful sights, and gave Scorchstreak a much-needed reprieve from the volatility of her clan. She was forced to work alongside and understand the cats of other clans, and found herself enjoying their company by the end of their journey. Just before their return home, the journeying cats were attacked by a pack of dogs, and Scorchstreak was among the WindClanners who helped to distract the dogs so the others had a chance to escape. She was nearly caught by a dog, but Milkthorn (then Milkpaw) helped to lead it away with his faster speed.

    Their return to WindClan with the lungwort was not the joyous affair that it should have been, however; Scorchstreak was devastated to find that in her absence, Weaselclaw had died of yellowcough, as had her fellow tunneler Lambcurl. And perhaps even worse, Sootstar—the leader who she had considered such a good friend—had seemingly gotten worse. Her story of mistreated ShadowClan kits being brought to WindClan was suspicious, especially when one of the kits looked so much like her fellow journeyer (and deputy of ShadowClan) Smogmaw. Her faith in Sootstar died that day, but Scorchstreak held her tongue. She was assigned a troublesome apprentice, Pinkpaw, and shared her questions of Sootstar's decisions with her sibling Rattleheart.

    She and Rattleheart were approached by Sunstride a couple weeks later, the deputy asking them to help him take the stolen ShadowClan kits back to their home territory—confirmation that they were, in fact, stolen and not saved—and Scorchstreak, though suspicious, agreed. Together, she and her sibling lead Halfkit and Tanglekit through the tunnels to meet with Sunstride, who would guide them on their way back to ShadowClan. The return of ShadowClan's kits sent Sootstar into a rage, and when the leader found out that Sunstride had been the one to take the kits back to their rightful family. A battle broke out in WindClan's camp, and those who supported Sunstride—including Scorchstreak, her siblings, and all but one of her kits—were driven out. They took shelter at the horseplace on the edge of WindClan territory, and they remained there for weeks. Scorchstreak, while on a patrol to search for tunnels, was injured by Hollowcreek leading a WindClan patrol, and returned to the horseplace after retreating. After a few weeks, Cottonpaw found the rebels at the horseplace, bringing Downypaw along with her, and both were brought into the barn despite Scorchstreak's newfound distrust of Cottonpaw.

    Then Sootspot arrived, along with a warning that Sootstar's forces were just over the hill and launching an attack. Another battle broke out, but this time the rebels had the upper hand—they'd expected such an attack, and had prepared for it.

    — won battle at barn, drove back loyalists
    — launched attack on windclan camp, Scorchstreak tried to convince Rumblerain to come back (& failed)
    — sunstride defeated Sootstar, loyalists were either killed or driven away
    — sunstar became leader, asked her to be a lead warrior again
    — asked sunstar to ruin the scar that sootstar gave her ; in a way, she asked him to leave his own mark on her
    — wildflower event, calm month of march
    — she & bluepool became mates!!!!
    — ahhh shit the whole territory is on fire
    — sunstar dies, scorch is forced to leave him there and go home. the council argues and scorch takes initiative and asks riverclan for help
    — scorch leads riverclan to camp to help evacuate the vulnerable, sun&wolf return and scorchstreak is named deputy
    — bluepool died
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banner by icey <3​

every single thing to come
she / they ⋆ windclan deputy ⋆ tags

this is not your destruction
she / they ⋆ windclan deputy ⋆ tags


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Open to: injury
Closed to: maiming, killing

Small and slim, lean and unassuming in appearance.
Average in terms of strength, but light on her feet and skilled in agility. A generally decent fighter, faster than she is strong. Prefers to fight from within tunnels, striking out at opponents before darting back to safety.

Will aim to kill or seriously injure. Will initiate fights. Will run if obviously overpowered or outnumbered. Not opposed to fighting children, but will not kill cats who are obviously young.

— Scorchstreak will attempt to seriously injure or kill her opponents in battle (except for small children). This does not mean that she has to be successful though! I write battles very aggressively, but I won’t get upset if your character dodges hits, etc. I want us both to be satisfied with the results of the battle, so feel free to DM me if there’s a certain way you’d like for it to pan out!

— Please note that I will not roll for attacks/damage/etc. Almost all attacks will land on my characters (unless I’m avoiding certain injuries), and I take my characters’ strengths, weaknesses, & experience into account during fights.​
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  • SCORCHSTREAK ❯❯ she/they, deputy (tunneler) of windclan
    small, slim flame-streaked calico with fiery golden eyes. cold and closed-off, ferociously protective of her clanmates. rarely seen aboveground.
    mate to bluepool ; sibling to rattleheart & rabbitclaw
    mentor to bilberrypaw ; previously mentored pinkshine
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted, but may react aggressively
    penned by foxlore

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[TABS][tab=every love that i touch][color=#9d531a][b]ooc: [/b][/color]—[/tab]
[tab=☽♰☾][center][img width=80%]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/84614867_oGXlwEhkllyouH3.jpg[/img][/center][/tab]
[tab=falls to ruin][size=5][url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/oh-drunken-gods-of-slaughter-❯❯-scorchstreak.3846/][color=#9d531a][b]SCORCHSTREAK[/b][/color][/url] [color=#ea902a]❯❯[/color][/size][color=#948c8c][i] she/they, deputy (tunneler) of windclan[/i][/color]
[color=#f4c783]༄[/color] small, slim flame-streaked calico with fiery golden eyes. cold and closed-off, ferociously protective of her clanmates. rarely seen aboveground.
[color=#f4c783]༄[/color] mate to [s]bluepool[/s] ; sibling to [s]rattleheart[/s] & rabbitclaw
[color=#f4c783]༄[/color] mentor to bilberrypaw ; previously mentored pinkshine
[color=#f4c783]༄[/color] peaceful and healing powerplay permitted, but may react aggressively
[color=#f4c783]༄[/color] penned by [url=https://tabbytales.net/members/77/][color=#948c8c]foxlore[/color][/url][/tab][/tabs][/font][/justify][/box][/center]
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