camp well concealed secret (patrol assignments)

After her private talk with Emberstar, it had become increasingly clear to Howling Wind that her leader had been under too much stress for far too long. She was her deputy, her right-hand. She's meant to help. So, from now on, she'd be dealing with every day's patrols. It would certainly take a lot off of Emberstar's shoulders. The tabby is up bright and early, grooms herself, eats a mouse, and then she's ready as most of her clanmates should be, too. She looks around, pondering for a moment. With Little Wolf and Sunfreckle expecting their kits so soon, they'd be unable to hunt or patrol. No matter - she'll make it work.

"Trufflepelt, you're leading the dawn patrol along the SkyClan and RiverClan border. Take Kindleheart and Whiskercloud with you. If Cinderfrost needs any herbs to collect, she'll be going with you."

"Blinding Star, you're taking the dawn patrol along WindClan and ShadowClan along with the eastern border, with Berryheart and Leafshade."

"I've got the dusk patrol by SkyClan and RiverClan, and I'm taking Flame and Wildflower."

"Flycatcher, you've got the dusk patrol by WindClan and ShadowClan. You're taking Hollow Tree and Meadowflame."

"Emberstar, you mentioned wanting to handle hunting today? Well, choose who you'd like!"
She trills towards the leader, smiling. All of their able warriors had been assigned, so whoever she chooses will have to double up their day. There's nothing wrong with that, though. A day of serving your clan is a day well spent! She waves her tail to big the dawn patrols farewell, adding on a quick, "Patrol leaders - find me with your reports afterwards."

SkyClan at dawn - @TRUFFLEPELT @KINDLEHEART @WHISKERCLOUD @cinderfrost and their apprentices
WindClan at dawn - @Blinding Star @BERRYHEART @Leafshade and their apprentices
RiverClan at dusk - @HOWLING WIND @Flamewhisker @. Wildflower . and their apprentices
ShadowClan at dusk - @Flycatcher @Hollow Tree @meadowflame with their apprentices
Hunting - @emberstar with a patrol of her choice to recruit

PLEASE NOTE: All warriors were taken from the census. Every time patrols are assigned, random names will be pulled from the census, so if you're not on there be sure to add your character!

When Howling Wind starts calling out cats to go on patrol, Flycatcher would have been lying if he said he didn't feel a growing sense of dread building inside of him at the prospect of repeating another failed attempt at a patrol. He's a little more relieved when Howling Wind gives clearer instructions on where they're going, but his earlier doubts are quickly replaced by a bout of nerves when Howling Wind announces he will be leading a patrol along the WindClan and ShadowClan border. Well, that ought to be interesting given that he didn't actually know where ShadowClan was...

His green eyes scan the crowd, looking for Hollow Tree and Meadowflame, and signals them to him with a flick of his tail. "If you two are ready, let's head out," He mews, already moving towards the edge of camp.
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( ) At Howling Wind’s call, Flame padded over to join her clanmates. As she listened, she was relieved to hear more clear instructions on what they would be doing, and where. This time was much more organized than before. So she would be joining the deputy and Wildflower, and they would leave at dusk for the Skyclan and Riverclan border. She dipped her head in acknowledgment, feeling relieved that she knew where they would be going.
Emberstar nodded along as her deputy announced the patrols. Despite the fact they had agreed on it, handing off her duties to Howling Wind felt strange. It made her feel lazy. This was supposed to be her job. She kept quiet though, after all the older molly was already doing a better job of it than she had. Which was, admittedly, more than a little embarrassing to think.

At the very least though, she still was assigning and leading the hunting patrol. She flicked her ear in acknowledgement as Howling Wind announced that. Emberstar had wanted to still assign something, for this first time, at least. Without missing a beat, she stepped forward. "Finchcatcher and Rabbitnose, you're with me!" she announced with a bright smile. Her picks were, admittedly, a little biased. Finchcatcher was an old friend she wanted to catch up with, and Rabbitnose was a new face that she wanted to get to know better. Between the fire and her duties, she had hardly had time to do either.

Now though, with her deputy handling a few more things, she actually had the chance to. She waived her tail toward the pair to follow behind her as she began making her way to the edge of camp.

// Emberstar chose @FINCHCATCHER and @Rabbitnose for her patrol
✦ ★ ✦

Squeak Squeak

At the sound of patrols being called, Moth gently trotted over as she listened to those who were picked out on them and her fluffy tail swished lightly. She knew she was still new to the clan but...she still wanted to help in some way but for now, with a gentle huff the young girl will set herself down to watch as these "patrols" begin to form, seeing the looks of excitement running in the eyes of those who were picked to go and she wondered if she too would eventually be able to go on one. Perhaps she could bug Howling Wind to allow her on one? Or... magbe not, she shuffled and tucked her paws underneath her chest, silently wishing those chosen the best of luck on their patrols. Maybe later she'll pester one of them about how they went

Finchcatcher looks up from his meal at the sound of the deputy's voice. She's assigning patrols, he quickly learns, a tightening in his chest at the thought of being assigned to a SkyClan patrol. What would he do, if he had to go back? If he ran into Cosmospaw? What would he do if he ran into Toad's family at ShadowClan's border?

But, no. Luckily Howling Wind doesn't assign him to SkyClan. Or, any patrol, for that matter. However, the deputy does assign Emberstar to her own hunting patrol - one that she gets to assign for herself. He can't help the surprise that he feels at the flame-point calling his name.


Emberstar wanted him to go with her?

Sure, they'd known each other back before the Great Battle, but.... Wasn't there anyone else she'd rather go with than him? There had to be - after all, this was her clan.

Finchcatcher keeps his concerns about her - in his opinion - questionable choice to himself, though, as the young warrior nods in acknowledgment, making his way over to stand beside ThunderClan's leader.
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Jaypaw approaches to the sound of orders being given out, ears tall to listen as he stops beside Moth. Like her, he's not sure this is for younger cats since he doesn't hear any kits or paws called directly but still he shuffles his paws in pondering. Jay catches the tail end of some of these; Riverclan, Windclan, Shadowclan. How many clans are there and what does it even mean to be a part of them. Does that mean that his dad, possibly, could be in one of those instead. Jay wrinkles his nose and quirks a whicker in flowing thoughts. Well, he's not going to get to know too much as just a passive observer, that much he's sure of. Inhaling sharply, the young tom lifts his paws suddenly and almost shouts in determination, "I want to help with something!" He immediately goes red under the fur when he realizes how loud he was. "Er, if that's okay. I don't know much about this stuff but..." He laughs nervously and tries to shrug it off.

Thunderclan's deputy speaks above them, and it's fitting, Howling Wind's position. He can tell from her voice, the way she carries her words is natural, fitting of a leader. A fine choice for a deputy, he concludes. He'd known she would be— but it seemed like little at the start. Nothing had changed, Ember still headed the front, made the time to do everything, running around like a madwoman.

It seems like she's finally tired herself out.

He barely pays attention; listens idly to the drawl of her voice as he picks at the dirt. Distantly, he wonders if he'd be called. He's been placed on the odd patrol here and there, at Ember's discretion. Would Howling Wind think of him differently? Too much of a liability, maybe— The last thing he expects is to be leading, the dawn patrol.

His head snaps upwards, jaws parted in what he's sure is a foolish gape. The picking stops, his paws lay idle at the ground. And she doesn't falter, doesn't backtrack. She continues with natural confidence, her tone lifting to a friendly chirrup as she addresses Ember, and he...

There's a swipe of a tongue across his maw. Anxiety hits him then, sudden. He would make a fool of himself, trip over his own paws, leave his patrol members snickering behind him as he drags himself out of a ditch. He's stiff as a board, his shoulders bunched. There's a neurotic flicking of his ear, listening for something he missed. Howling Wind trusted him.

Slowly, he rises to his paws. He's steady— he steals himself. Treat it as nothing but a walk, he hasn't tripped over himself yet. A shaky breath in, a calm bellow out. He nods to the deputy (Stars, was he even facing her—?) Another swipe of the tongue. "Berryheart, Leafshade..." he says, and he sounds less afraid then he'd thought he would. Good.