pafp we'll get through ✧ combat training

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Voices sung tunes of warning, tales of threat and danger, notes that snuggled up close to ears perked in anticipation. Tension as tangible as the dirt under-paw, this was the closest thing to a heads-up they could be afforded... the unsettling feeling of a rising peril. It was an easy decision where they then must begin next, where their attentions and focus must lie; there would be no chance to prepare once fate had begun its next wild course and she would not have them caught completely by surprise. They were old enough they needed to be ready to defend themselves.

"Not going hunting today I'm afraid," though regretful, it is a necessity. Curving in a wide arc to face the two apprentices, their kinked tail flicks agitatedly as their gaze moved across the faces of Brookpaw and Dipperpaw, "And let's keep our claws off our clan-mates please..." The lead wasn't certain if Brookpaw would be petty enough to try to get in a sneaky swipe against her new classmate... she could be very strong-willed to say the least.

The gritty earth underneath their feet is forgiving enough... they shouldn't be able to properly hurt each other even if they bowl one another over. This would be a good opportunity for Lichentail to gauge what kind of fighters they really were- what strengths in themselves they saw and tried to leverage, what weaknesses they would hide in guarded footsteps. Flicking a torn ear as she spoke, she tried to offer a meager bribe.

"Loser cleans the winner's nest tomorrow... sound like a fair threat?"


// please wait for @DIPPERPAW and @brookpaw !!​

If Dipperpaw is being honest, she had never fought in a border skirmish or any battles. Sure, she had sparred plenty of times but sparring was not real paws on experience. It was not the taste of blood and trial by fire she was hoping that she may one day get. It does not excite her. She could honestly care less about besting her peers. As much as she doesn't want to be embarrassed by losing she also does not want to embarrass her fellow apprentice either. Claws off was alright but there were no real stakes, no real reason for her to worry. Lichentail says that the loser has to clean the winners nest but really how different was that from the usual duties she is expected to perform? Ah well... it seemed it was time.

She does not contest her new mentor but it is clear in the rolling of her shoulders that she has a lackadaisical attitude about the whole thing. "Sure sounds good" she says but her voice does not rise in tempo, it lacks any excitement about the upcoming event. She gets into a typical battle position but she does not make any move to attack first, instead she stands in place, plumed tail flicking back and forth as she waits for Brookpaw to attack.