Aug 1, 2023
jackdawheart / formerly jack, jackie
— male / masculine or neutral pronouns preferred
— 34 moons old / ages semi-realistically
— tunneler of windclan / formerly a loner

dark blue tomcat with low white and green eyes / reference
— jackdaw is somewhat easy to glance over, as he prefers to be. he has a dark, fuzzy blue-gray pelt splashed with the occasional faded white, and a relatively short stature. he has an angular face rounded out by feathery fur. his eyes are a murky green. he doesn't naturally stand out, nor does he often go out of his way to draw attention to himself; content with rather slipping by on the fringes of awareness and recognition.
— due to a head injury in his youth, jackdaw sports a noticeable scar across the top of his head, alongside a mangled and deafened left ear.
smells of mint and lavender, cool mist after rain, loamy earth
sounds of a steady, impassive baritone, usually calm but not immune to outburst / voiceclaim

pragmatic, observant, obedient, distant
the consigliere / the mentor / no social skills
— outwardly jackdaw is very quiet and reserved. he doesn't go out of his way to interact with others and often works better alone than in a group. however, he has lifelong experience with danger and hardships, and is very aware that teamwork is often necessary to survive.
— he has no problem making his voice heard when it needs to be, which almost makes him better suited for an argument than a casual conversation. in his efforts to be friendly, jackdaw has a tendency to come across as awkward or tense. he has a bad habit of making harsh jokes, but isn't usually outwardly rude otherwise.
— definitely not one to be backhanded or secretive. jackdaw will tell someone outright if he dislikes them, finds them annoying, etc. he's genuinely terrible at reading other people and finds it exhausting trying to parse through passive aggressiveness, so he personally opts for plain old aggressiveness instead. that being said, he doesn't enjoy hurting anyone's feelings, and will do his best to avoid arguing in the first place.
— overall a very caring and protective individual. will go out of his way to help those in need, and cares very deeply for those around him.

npc x npc / raised by mercy
— mentor to tbd
— acquaintances with stagcrest

penned by bellus
— updated 8 / 1 / 23
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