camp well you do enough talk ✧ healed

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These reprieves were never at moments you'd identify as 'ideal.' It left a sour taste in her mouth always. She had failed too much to merit such a lengthy stint of recovery... it was infuriating. Terrifying. The longer she'd stayed shackled to that nest, the more days she'd wake up from fitful sleep with sweat dripping down the small of her back... it had threatened of Ravensong's inability to weave the stars to his will. That she might join them.

But it had gotten easier... finally. Sleep was restful, when not interrupted by intruders and the crumbling, haggard forms of her clan-mates returning with their own injuries to be tended to. A dark swatch of fur dappled in starlight comes to mind. Again.... again he'd been left to make a sacrifice. It felt like she stood in a pool of his blood, that it rose to her ankles now rather than just the spattering where Deacon's strike had sent it arcing onto her pelt.

Ravensong had been nothing short of fussy... his anxiousness at the staggering number of loses being translated into the firm, practiced grip of his paws as he pulled or pushed at her muzzle to check over her wounds for infection. She'd never once said thank you. Hoped sincerely her gratitude was felt in leveled stares, in her allowing him to prod and poke and not complain too much about being bored or needing to return to work. That was the best she could really offer... was her own waning patience.

Finally though (her paws itched for it), she was deemed fit enough to leave. Was not at immediate risk of opening the fresh pink scars that had been adorned in ground marigold, tenderly packed with cobwebs. And naturally, selfishly, her first thought was to look for her mate.. for the toddling pairs of six loving paws that had been awaiting her recovery.

But there were so many others bodies to account for; that grisly final stand off had happened but a few short days prior and while she understood that no one had died (permanently) within RiverClan, she ached to think of their injuries, their exhaustion. Their now slowly settling fear. Snakeblink had not managed such a lucky few scars this time as he had last... and even parting from where he lay in the medicinal den makes her nervous. What if once more she'd left that den with friends who would not follow suit?

Swallowing past the unsettling thought, the lynx point opts to stretch out in the small bits of sun that hinted towards new-leaf. To relish in being able to wander around again without Moonpaw piping up that she shouldn't be moving (not that she loathed it, just that she had been restless despite the pain). She'd need to make up for her absence as quickly as possible- owed the kittens a mighty fish to inspect and judge and share amongst themselves. Owed her sunshine gentle licks between her ears in apology for making her worry. To check in on her warriors, to thank Robinheart profusely for her help.

Just to name a few things on her list.

// for clarity's sake, this would be two days AFTER the war/war wrap up

Iciclefang dozes just outside the nursery, stretched languidly in a brand of gilded sunlight that sets her flame-dappled pelt ablaze. It seems she sleeps more than she ever has in her life; even just trotting to the fresh-kill pile and back tires her now. Her paws carry the weight of her kits, but even more than that, they carry the crushing weight of loss. Her shoulders threaten to crumble under the barrage of stones slung toward her shoulders, the rockslide the past and her cursed memories keep flinging her way. Even in repose, the tortoiseshell queen thinks of soft gray-striped fur, of a scarred chest behind which beat a brave and furious heart.

Movement from the medicine cat’s den interrupts her musing. Lichentail lurks on the shadowy edge of her periphery. She exits Ravensong’s lair with the scent of marigold still crushed into her fur, with new scars adorning her blue-gray pelt. She dips her head, tail swishing lazily behind her. “It’s good to see you up.” She folds her paws beneath her body as Lichentail passes her. “Off to see Hazecloud?

  • ooc:
  • image0.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 21 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


Iciclefang wasn't the only one to notice Lichentail up and about- stashed away into a little nook, out of view while he was pruning, Ferngill caught sight of the deputy's pale pelt, and pyre-bright ears perked up at the sight. He'd finished his meticulous grooming, anyways- and some things wre more important than looking perfect, anyways!

Medicinal scent still clung to Lichentail's fur, but there was already a purpose in their movements, as if they'd already set their mind to something. Well... she'd had a while in that den to think about it, right? There were a million questions on his tongue- about how whe was, about how everyone in the medicine den was- but none of it came out. Never had he been as composed, as put-together as Iciclefang. "I'm so glad you're alright, Lichentail!" he cheered instead. Oh, Hazecloud and the kits- they'd be so glad! Ferngill's eyes already gleamed with the happiness of that nearby future.
penned by pin
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It was odd to see Iciclefang left to recline in the spattering of warm rays that kissed the camp's floor. She looks almost peaceful, if not for the stubborn furrow of her brow that never seems to fade even in sleep. What could she possibly be fighting in her dreams? Perhaps... she wishes she had been on the frozen river too.

She has a sixth sense for gazes maybe, to notice the way Lichentail's silently glanced over her and perk up near immediately in a queenly exhaustion. The deputy's tail curls slightly in acknowledgement, pulling back her lips into a small smile. "Iciclefang... Thank you." Her voice is breathy, something that has forgotten its use outside of a heated argument with Brookstorm that hadn't lasted more than a few clipped sentences.

Ferngill appears out of thin air it seems to offer similar sentiments though with a certain level of... volume... that his sister lacked. Leaning forward to press her nose briefly to the side of the tom's face, it would be a long day if she had to respond to every notation of excitement at her presence. No one was as delighted to be free of near-death as she was anyways!

"Ah... yes," they answer shortly to the molly's astute observation. "I'm sure... to get a lecture," is the probable outcome... once all the fear is gone, Hazecloud had something of a mouth on her. Especially now that they had tiny shadows to account for- worrying them when they were not even old enough to show their pointed grays...

"Is.... everyone else.... alright?"

“I can’t speak for every RiverClanner but it seems that the majority can claim to be alright,” Robinheart pipes up with a gentle and genuine smile as she pads over to Iciclefang, Ferngill and Lichentail, having just returned from a short hunting patrol. It felt odd to be back to normal, or as normal as possible, after the rogue attack. Her injuries were less severe than the deputy’s after all which resulted in a quicker recovery. “I’m glad to see you out and about. Your presence has been missed,” the tortoiseshell she-cat adds with a high degree of honesty. Truly things felt tense and off the past weeks - hopefully now all their lives could resume somewhat. Now that the rogues were gone.

It was like she had just missed Lichentail from the medicine den. She had certainly missed the sighting of the fresh wounds and collapse at camp. Although, she chose not to bother Lichentail. Petalnose hadn't even seen her condition, merely of passing conversations. Even if she wanted to directly approach her for a private thank you at her own falters, she didn't want to overcrowd. She wasn't family and Lichentail had a full one. Stars knew she herself didnt like to be fretted about.

She watched the blue deputy emerge, the siblings moving to greet her back but she stayed in her place from a distance to listen. Struggle she heard, curious she was about it. Not that she'd question the medicine cats, but had she merely convinced and lied her way into an illusion of healthy state? Was this something else? "You sound like you just ran across the territory." Petalnose bluntly put from her spot, creasing her brows and squinting her eyes in suspicion and touches of concern, "But it is good to see you back. Take it easy, I guess call me if Hazecloud gets too deep in lecture. I owe you." A lighthearted joke through a hint of her appreciation, she turned her head towards Robinheart as her question had been answered with an added hum of approval.

Salmon had briefly spent time in the medicine den with Lichentail, though mostly unbeknownst to herself until she had practically been released. If Salmon had been lucid, perhaps she would have been better company. Salmon returns from a hunt with a fish in tow, interest piquing as she listens to chatter. It looks as if Lichentail was finally released by Ravensong.

She watches, then realizes shes just standing there staring. And then the awkwardness and embarrassment begins to prickle at her spine, the fur just slightly rising along it.

She hesitates, tries to decide if she wants to say something or flee, then steps forwards, then steps back as if she were going to run, then steps forwards again after a heartbeat and dips her head in a weird kind of greeting. She drops the fish at her paws. "...It's good to see you alive." way to go, she inwardly cringes but keeps her poker-face unwavering. I'm happy you're not dead, she almost says but she has enough self-restraint to clamp her mouth shut, lingering around like a ghost instead. Salmon had never been too in to the mushy, feel-y emotion side of herself, it'd be weird to hear herself say that anyways.

Silence is loud, and it screams in her ears, and it begs her to say something else that she may regret later in her nest as she thinks over her day. "I can bring you two," she gestures towards the nursery, where Lichentail is sure to go after the awkward chatter dies off. "A fish, if you are hungry." If it's not intruding, she cringes yet again because she should have just waited, but lets the offer hang heavy in the air as she picks up the fish from her paws and moves to brush past the gathering crowd and put it in to the freshkill pile.

  • 70831649_t0YE8lpgGiTPlyS.png
    -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 36 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    -> "speech, ff91a4" ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    -> chibi by pin

Snakeblink is an atrocious patient for the medicine cats to deal with. He knows it too, not that the self-awareness makes him easier to deal with; it’s simply that his characteristic restlessness grows teeth when he is at rest, and the itch of healing injuries (or the ache of a slower convalescence) makes his insomnia worse and his mood alike a fox in a twoleg snare; he would gladly gnaw off his own paw for the chance to escape back to his own nest, where he would sleep just as little but feel less sickly about it.

He settles, out of respect for Ravensong and Moonpaw’s hard work, for dragging his aching carcass out of the medicine den to bask in some sunlight. His injuries are not that dire; he’s sure they will not mind him giving the other wounded a little more space. Probably.

(He used to love the smell of herbs, and watching Beesong and their then-apprentice Ravenpaw working. The experience has lost its interesting quality with repeat exposure.)

At least Lichentail gets to walk out newly-healed; it’s a deep comfort to his over-anxious mind. He watches their healthy steps through camp be met with sincere joy and leans his thin muzzle over his paws with a sigh that’s half envy, half relief.

”Hazecloud will have an easy time of it,” he muses at the multiple references to their mate’s potential lecture. ”With Lichentail’s voice being as it is right now, it will not take much to stop them from getting a word in edgewise.”

Not that the quieter Lichentail could ever have competed with her mate’s fierce temper and sharp tongue before. In truth he worries, the concern over her injuries mellowing into a thin, persistent anxiety over the new hoarseness of her voice: his own battered ribs have him moving gingerly and speaking with more caution than before, overly aware of the mechanisms of his lungs that give voice to his words now that each overly enthusiastic movement has him cringing in pain. Just that much feels stifling; he cannot imagine how it must feel to have every word be pulled out of one’s throat and through one’s teeth, which is what Lichentail kind of sounds like now.

”A good idea,” he whispers to Salmonshade as she walks past him. ”There is only so much yelling one can do while eating, and it may give Lichentail the opening they need to escape her ire, if it comes to that…”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 50 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

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If she didn't know better, she'd think it a jab from Petalnose rather than an honest summation of her observations. Her mouth switches into an unamused frown, glancing towards the lead warrior with a veiled amusement in her eyes. She did sound terrible... but it didn't need to be crowed for everyone to hear. Brat. Her tongue sticks out in a silent retort, not intending to cash in on that favor for something as small as a verbal lashing from her mate. She could placate to the foggy molly well enough on her own... calling her a big, beautiful waterfall was usually disarming enough to get her out of immediate trouble.

A softened gaze falls on a tapestry of sunrise golds and cloudy whites, and for all her gentle features, her words are sharp. Clear. Painfully direct. The awkwardness is enough to make any bystander wince but Lichentail takes it in stride- she is... nothing if not equally embarrassing. She nods, pointing her nose towards the nursery as if to invite the ginger molly to join them there; they could share together... and it would be a good chance to show her friend the new skills the babies were developing. (She's sure she's missed things in her recovery period.)

Snakeblink is lucky she pities his sorry state enough not to give him a sincere smack on his cheeky little face. "Don't think... you're safe either," she chides in slow, careful articulation. Her lack of voice not only prevented self defense but also narrowly spared him his own heated discussion about being more careful on the battlefield.

He was supposed to be good at dodging, not just laying on the floor and take a beating.