WE'RE ALL DAMNED ☆ nebulous prompt/rta


Icy morning light ribbons across the snow without much fanfare, bands of shaded ash cut through by thick rivulets of scarlet sunrise. Bulky shoulders set low and crooked, houndlike puffs of steam wreathing his face, Cicadaflight trudges through the snow. His shredded jaw is set tightly and muscle ticks in the hollow under one sharp cheekbone, gritty water dripping from the sodden spirals of his fur and showering onto the half-frozen snow beneath.

" Keep up, " he grunts around the fish wedged in his teeth, exposing the vivid redness of his mouth to the cool air through the scarred-over gash torn in his cheek. Steam puffs strangely out of the gaps. The young warrior's temper has been chewing on a frayed leash lately, evident to his Clanmates—ever since Beefang had settled proudly into her new rank with her mate at her side, his broad shoulders have seemed to knot tighter each day. Impatience checks every word he utters to his patrolmates.

The dry reeds, armored with frost, rustle ahead. A sleek vulpine shape emerges from the bed of ashen green, cunning dark eyes focused on the patrol with their jaws full of prey. Snow puffs around its steps, ropes of saliva hanging from the curve of its lower jaw. The fox snarls and shows its teeth; Cicadaflight barks a hoarse, " Damn it! "

Nebulous karma prompt: Oh no! A predator has come crashing through the snow during your morning patrol. Who does your character team up with to fend it off?
Cicadaflight is a hulking black-and-white tom with tangled, curly fur and heterochromatic amber and salt-blue eyes. There is a jagged scar torn into the right side of his face, and he wears three pairs of luna moth wings behind both ears.

cicadastar x smokestar / brother to beefang & loveburn / kin to many
mentored by iciclefang / mentoring n/a
19 moons old as of 2/5/2025
penned by dejavu

✦•··········•✦•··········•✦ He's not blind to the tension between his siblings (nor to the fact that it's been mostly on Cicadaflight's end) but it isn't something Loveburn is prepared to poke his nose into. Especially not with the cold weather trudging on through the moons, their freshkill pile no easier to look at in the middle of the day than after their vulnerable are fed. It's a sorry sight either way, not to mention ThunderClan's lengthening shadow and the possibility of another battle for Sunningrocks. Worse still, he never feels comfortable when his siblings are off handling their duties without him, so as brusque as his brother is, Loveburn is just grateful for the chance to keep an eye on him. He trots in his wake, sans a fish of his own, partly due to his preoccupation with watching the other side of the river (and, of course, his clanmates). "Not everyone's legs are as long as yours," he points out, more playful than anything.

Yet even though he's prepared for any one of them to reveal insidious intent, he isn't expecting the lean silhouette that abruptly reveals itself. The fox looks deranged, and as Cicadaflight curses, Loveburn lunges to the space beside him and puffs up, arching to seem taller and baring his teeth right back. Maybe, if they're lucky, they can scare it off without needing to fight— but it may just be hungry enough to risk their greater numbers. "Must've smelled our fish," he grits out, his ears pinned flat, every muscle bunched tight and ready to lash out if it closes the distance. He won't let its squalid mouth draw either of their fathers' blood if he can help it.

Theoretically, it might be content with their catch— but Loveburn's not keen to surrender anything they've hunted, so he doesn't even think of suggesting it.

loveburn (formerly lovepaw and starlightpaw) — currently eighteen moons old
son of cicadastar & smokestar — brother to cicadaflight & beefang — he / him
single & not really looking — peaceful/nonviolent actions may be powerplayed
please note that loveburn has persecutory delusions & sometimes personal prose
will make patently untrue assumptions and mischaracterizations of other people.
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ She could see the tension in his shoulder blades but Cicadaflight had always been a rather intense individual since the loss of their first father and she can't help but notice the way that he seems to avoid her like the plague. It hurts her for her twin to be so avoidant of her but Beefang simply takes it on the chin as she does with everything else, surely, he just needs some time to clear the fog from his brain and he would be thinking well again that the two of them can reconsole with each other. Besides, she has Loveburn and they've been spending plenty of time together to fill that small feeling of emptiness that her brother isn't really paying her any mind, a part of her wonders if he doubts that she cares about him and she wants to reassure him. Her own thoughts are interrupted when she hears his grunt and sighs between her own fish that she had managed to catch, Loveburn's joking remark is enough to make the sides of her mouth twitch upwards just the slightest.

The faint smile disappears when a fox makes it appearance and the fur along her spine seems to rise immediately, her lone eye narrowing at the sight of it and the first thought is to protect her brothers from this russet beast. She immediately drops her catch as she goes to join her brothers with her teeth bared at the fox "What a shame for the ugly brute, huh? We aren't letting it get our fish," Beefang states firmly as she casts a quick glance in the direction of her littermates and can see what Loveburn's trying to do but the scarlet-hued beast doesn't seem to back away, it needed an encouraging nudge of sorts and the lead warrior would be more than happy to provide it. Without a second thought, her claws are already out and her arm is extended forward in a quick swipe to the fox's muzzle "Get out of here!" The snarl slips from her jaws and her tail lashes behind her, she would protect her brothers.


ㅤtrans female (she / her)ㅤ/ㅤasexual homoromantic, taken by moonbeam
ㅤ18 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 10th of the month
ㅤwarrior of riverclan for 6 moons
smokestar x cicadastarㅤ/ㅤolder sister to cicadaflight & loveburn
ㅤmentoring roepawㅤ/ㅤmentored by smokestar & houndstride
ㅤpenned by BossTaurusㅤ/ㅤmessage bosstaurus on discord for plots!
"speech", thoughts, & attacking ; uses brute strength, fights dirty/unfair, and will end/start fights
a short/curly-haired black smoke moggy littered in several scars, missing a toe on one of her paws, and has a lone amber eye w/low white

Cragpaw had been walking at the patrol's rear, shoulders tense and head low as he carried his own catch. He wasn't really here for the company, just another set of paws to help fill the pitiful fresh-kill pile, another body to do his duty, same as always. He kept his distance from the siblings, feeling like an outsider among them. Suddenly he finds himself wishing that Pinefrost or Crabchill were here so he had littermates to joke around with.

But then the fox appears, and Cicadaflight's curse and Loveburn's quick movement snaps the multicolored tom's attention forward. Fur bristling, he locks eyes with the predator, its dark, hungry gaze darting between them and the fish they carry. He bares his teeth and steps closer to the others without thinking, muscles coiling beneath his pelt.

He is so tired of failing.

Beefang strikes first, her claws flashing across the fox's muzzle. The beast reels back, snarling, and Cragpaw doesn't hesitate. He lunges after her, a growl ripping from his throat as he rakes his claws at its shoulder, aiming to drive it back. He isn't going to let this thing steal from them when they had worked hard for this prey and when their clan needs it so badly. Not when he has something to prove.
Four large, wide paws punch through the surface of the snow as he tries to match pace with the others. The sticky snow clings to the tufts of fur that sprout between his toes while annoyance rests on his face. Those clumps would be a pain to chew away when they'd return to the camp, for his body heat would turn them into thick hunks of ice. A chub sits firmly, though gently, between sharp canine teeth. It wasn't the largest fish that the patrol had caught, but it was something. This would not be a feast for a warrior and Heronpaw had already decided on where the fish would go when they'd gotten home. Perhaps it would be tempting enough to get his father to eat?

Heronpaw begins to lag behind the three siblings as his mind turned toward his own father. A ship on a new foggy journey through a sea of misery. Turtletuft, his mother, had told him of Troutsplash's refusal to eat. The thoughts are stopped amongst the fog as a stench, unknown to him, wafts past the scent of fish. It pulls him out of the murky sea of new misery.

"Damn it!"

Cicadaflight's snarl pulls the apprentice back to the present, stopping him in his tracks.
Frozen eyes glare ahead at an ugly, angular creature with hungry eyes. It was staring at their fish with drool dripping past it's lips. Clear, sharp claws slide free of their sheaths as Heronpaw's thick fur bristles along his spine. The stocky apprentice drops his own fish with the other's and bares sharp teeth as a growl slides from his throat.

This is it!
A true battle.

Beefang lunges first and is quickly followed by Cragpaw. Muzzle. Shoulder.
Heronpaw feels fear creeping through his thick pelt, but ignores it. The apprentice lunges forward on powerful legs and rakes needle claws across the beast's flank. The lynx point moves away from the creature with fur puffing up and lips drawn back in a snarl. "Go away!" And hopefully, the beast would listen. It was outnumbered though it also looked desperate.

  • ooc. mentor tag @tarantulamask
    rolled 17 to hit
  • HERONPAW —— apprentice of riverclan . mentored by tarantulamask
    penned by DROID
    male . he/him . eight moons . ages every 19ᵗʰ
    physically easy . mentally easy . honest . fair . judgmental
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted . tag account when attacking
    —— little combat training . no combat experience

    "speech", thoughts, attacks
    all opinions are in character
  • 91539564_cU1KUzQs6zpxtxZ.png

    a longhaired blue lynx point with low white and blue eyes. a feathery soft, longhaired, and thick furred tomcat of beautiful blue pigments. eyes a bright electrifying blue. strong and sturdy legs held by white webbed paws dimpled with pink pads. fangs peek out from under his lips due to their curious length. well cared for fur is attached to lean, hard packed newly earned muscle. an unconventional teenage heartthrob followed by a thick air of fresh apprentice confidence.
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