we're going on a bear hunt | "attacking"

It was one of those days where her kits were particularly active and restless. No matter how hard she tried to get them to settle they wanted to play games, or ask for stories, or play another game. Howlfire had eventually given up trying to settle down and join them in their games. Gathering her three kits into a huddle, they whispered and conspired together, creating a plan to "attack" a fearsome beast. Dropping to a crouch, Howlfire lead her small attack party after the beast, which in this case would be an unsuspecting Chrysaliswing. Howlfire had once suggested doing this to Slate, but as he was not present in camp, her grumpy friend would have to do.

With a flick of her tail and a few gentle words of encouragement, they lunged at him, leaving Chrysaliswing to be swarmed by three excitable balls of fluff. "Oh no!" Howlfire cried out, putting on a bit of fake panic. "Someone please help Chrysaliswing! He's been attacked!"

// please wait for @CHRYSALISWING and one of @BLAZINGKIT @wolfkit @Hawkkit to post before posting!
Wolfkit loves when Howlfire plays games with her and her littermates. She's usually agreeable to their antics, except when Blazingkit is smashing beetles, but today is especially special because today Howlfire is actually suggesting a game in the first place. They're going on a beast hunt! Wolfkit is, like, the best at pretending to be a beast, since she likes playing porcupine so much, but rarely does she ever hunt the other kits in her games. Admittedly, she's a little nervous to be hunting. She has to be the best, better than Blazingkit and Hawkkit, so it's going to be hard to compete with them, but she thinks she's got it down enough.

Wolfkit crouches like Howlfire (though with remarkably less practiced grace) and toddles after her alongside her siblings. Her muscles are screaming to leap out of the crouch and just chase Chrysaliswing, but her siblings have chided her enough for that before that she doesn't want to ruin their game with her weird hunting. Still, her energy is boundless — and when Howlfire gives the signal, Wolfkit can hold back no longer.

"WRARGGHHARHGGHH! I'VE GOT YOU!" Wolfkit's battle roar squeaks from her chest as she races after Chrysaliswing and pounces on him, hoping to wrap her kitten-fluff limbs around one of his legs. Her grip is impressively tenacious, really, and she sticks like a burr to her spot despite the warrior's attempts to throw her. It would take a lot more than some half-hearted kicks to buck her off!

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    — wolfkit
    — she / they / he ; kit of skyclan
    — longhaired lilac torbie with piercing yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — avatar by tropics; signature by dreamydoggo
    — penned by meghan
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"What the- ?!" The chimaera tom's words stumbled out in a sputter, as though he were choking out an imaginary hairball or chunk of too-hearty prey, as the surprise proved palpable in his quite-dramatic actions. The war-cry from Wolfkit and her brood - almost like a lion cub taking on a bigger threat than itself - sounded in his ears like a terribly raucous bell. And then, mismatched gaze trained upon the culprit of this whole mess - Howlfire. Of course, he inwardly grumbled.

He attempted to shake off Wolfkit who clung to his leg like a burr in a thicket, a dogged fever to the misbegotten, and a pain in his rump. He took care not to shake her off with so much force as to send her airborne for a little while - as much as he truly wanted to, he knew that the precarious eye of the mother burned upon him. All the while, his hackles rose as though electricity coursed through his veins, with that easy ire flowing through his as easily as blood took hold of the old pathways of bone and body. It was natural for disdain to color his entire face and bring his figure into motion with it. Still, he wasn't a complete ass. Maybe he should just play pretend if it would get those irritable kittens out of his fur like fleas to the flesh.

"Go away! Or I'll eat you whole! I've done it before!"
He yelled, probably much louder than it needed to be. Concerned murmurs sussurated at the edges of his keen hearing, though he cared little for what most felines thought of him nowadays. He stood up now from a sitting position, towering over the litter with a long, spiraling and storm-like plumage to match.
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER — Blazingkit followed along with the rest of his littermates doing his best hunters crouch with ears pressed flat against his skull and taking careful steps forward on big kitten paws. His stance is definitely a bit sloppy but he does his best and Howlfire signaled for them to go onward to attack their mighty opponent, Wolfkit's quick to cling on like a thorn to a pawpad and Chrysaliswing's quick to rise trying to dislodge his littermate soon bellowing that he would eat them whole. A part of him believes it for a mere heartbeat but he's going to be the best warrior in Skyclan so such a claim would not startle him from his target and thus, Blazingkit darts forward to help Wolfkit in their attack "Not if I stop you!" He let's out his own bold squeak soon leaping onto the other leg of the tom proceeding to cling just the same like Wolfkit though he becomes a little more ambitious and tries to climb onto the bicolored tomcat. Maybe that way he and his siblings would have the upper paw against their larger opponent.

His kitten fur sticking in all directions as he shoots a quick glance to Wolfkit and tries to see if Hawkkit would soon arrive to help the both of them. After all, the three of them could very likely take on Chrysaliswing if they all worked together or that's what he initially thought in his overimaginatve kitten mind.

  • Untitled248_20231022220251.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    4 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfkit and hawkkit
    easy to befriend; will throw a tantrum if you call him filthy
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
At first, she's as gung-ho as ever: encouraged by their mama into jumping all over Chrysaliswing, Hawkkit had joined the fray with a delighted (and probably ear-piercingly shrill, from an outside observer) shriek. However, the warrior's orders to leave him alone, for once, does not fall on deaf ears when followed with a threat such as: I'll eat you whole! I've done it before!

The statement just about shocks Hawkkit off of Chrysaliswing without him having touched a hair on her pelt, and she hits the camp floor with an oof! of impact. He had to be telling the truth! Howlfire said he was one of Slate's apprentices, and he definitely ate cats for fun!

Hawkkit scrambles to her paws in short order with a visible shudder, loosing an incredulous "You did WHAT?" into the air. It's a yowl hat's eerily reminiscent, really, of how Howlfire tells Hawkkit off when she returns to the nursery looking like she's been dragged through the camp wall backwards again. With her jaw slightly slack in horror and eyes so wide her Clanmates could probably see some of the white around them, Hawkkit becomes completely useless to her siblings in taking down Chrysaliswing.