we're going on a bear hunt | kit-sitting

He is not within the walls of the medicine day today - or at least he isn't currently. With urging not to do much, Flycatcher manages to just barely hobble to the centre of camp, sitting in the warm light of a sunray breaking through the forest canopy. It's nice to be out here, both to get out from the medicine den and just to get some fresh air and watch as clan life went on around him. Closing his eyes, Flycatcher would tilt his head back, and enjoy a few moments of relative peace. His quiet moment was disturbed by the pitter-patter of little pawsteps approaching him. One eye slowly opened and he turned his head to see one of ThunderClan's kits inching closer towards him. "Hello there," He said softly, an amused purr rumbling within his chest.

@RAINBOWKIT but anyone can post/ be the kit involved!
Rainbowkit is a good kit. And good kits listen to their parents and they kinda sort of maybe know that they're not meant to go that far yet. And Rainbowkit's okay with that, but sometimes they see something so cool that they forget about the rules and maybe that cool thing is this grey warrior that Rainbowkit knows is important. They don't remember why, but Rainbowkit thinks they're nice - looking and interesting anyways and it's polite to say hello to interesting cats. So Rainbowkit would suddenly dash out of the nursery to stand at the cat's paws. Maybe not dash cause they still can't walk that good but they're learning and stuff and they think it's a pretty good fast walk all things considered.

" Hello! " They mewl, sitting the way they should, politely with an attempt to wrap their tail around their paws but its not big enough yet. Rainbowkit would normally be content to sit and look at him but maybe they should say other things too. " Why's you sleeping outside? " They ask sounding super duper interested 'cause they are!

  • OOC:
  • rainbowkit & [ raine ] [ bow ] : sunfreckle xx rabbitnose 2nd litter. littermate to sunshinekit & emberkit. younger brother to mousepaw, sparkpaw & frecklepaw.
    —— amab. they / he ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    —— currently 5 weeks old.

    a typical size for their age. warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. early signs of a thick ruff to come can be seen in plush cheeks and a thickening tail. sports long curling whickers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.

Sloestride had been hovering, subtly he hoped, not far from Flycatcher when Rainbowkit bounded up to the deputy. The warrior had planned to battle through some small talk to ask after the tabby's injury. With the kit's colourful entry those plans were dashed- in a way that made it easier, he wouldn't have to work through the awkward bit with the conversation already started. On the other paw, he was bad with kits.

Flycatcher wasn't though, with kits of his own, so Sloestride strayed a little closer. Maybe he'd learn something. Probably not. The teak tom sat to match the pair, short tail unable to follow Rainbowkit's example. Being lower down was better right- more on their level? He nodded his dark head to Flycatcher amiably. "The uh, suns nice and warm?" Painfully unsure, the words were lathered with a rising intonation. "That's why I like it anyway, dunno about Flycatcher."

He eyed the smaller cat warily. Kits were so unpredictable. It was easier if they were playing a game or something but like this? They could come out with anything. Rainbowkit looked polite enough, however he definitely had the potential to randomly start licking slugs like the rest of them.
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Kits. Tigerfang thought she'd had enough of them to last a lifetime, from her own siblings to Meadowsong's brood, but she supposes she wouldn't mind seeing more of them. Like Sloestride, the similarly-colored feline lounges a few fox-lengths away from the main pair, greys half-lidded in the unfettered sun. Tufts of grass spring from beneath her, half-crushed by her bulk, and what has managed to escape waves gently in the summery breeze. Slitted pupils track Rainbowkit's progress through them, a bumbling missile on their way to pester the deputy. Unlike Sloestride, she stands and saunters over more for Rainbowkit than Flycatcher.

The bright sun cuts sharp shadows into the lines of muscle and scar as she hovers near Sloestride, perhaps accentuating the difference between her and the other seal-stained feline. "Aye, makes my fur hot though," the warrior chuffs. She blinks mischievously at the boy, a pocket of sunshine himself nestled between the drab-looking adults. Tigerfang wagers he's not yet old enough to understand much, the same age as her mate's kits when she first stumbled upon them all alone and starving. "Y'sleep outside 'cause y'can." Pity, she was going to say her nest was haunted or some such, but she doesn't feel like trying to decipher what his jumbled reply would be.​
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Rainbowkit's wide-eyed interest - whether real or fake - is rather endearing to Flycatcher. When Rainbowkit asks why he was sitting outside Flycatcher merely smiles for a moment, his purr returning when Sloestride and Tigerfang make comments about sitting in the sun and how it could make a cat too warm. "The sunlight is a nice benefit," Flycatcher hummed in agreement, giving a little nod towards the two warriors present with him. "Really though I just needed some fresh air. Although I have pleasant company in the medicine den, I was starting to feel a little cramped in there." Flycatcher confessed.
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He is tense, alarming so, red fur puffed out around him as he stone-faced stares hard in wake of his kit wandering over to the sunbathing deputy and others; it takes almost all of his willpower not to get up and go pick him up to bring back to the nursery, but Rabbitnose had made a comment that he was being too overprotective and needed to let them breath a little. It was hard, their birth and the build-up to it had been such a stressful, exhausting and terrifying event. Rainbowkit was one of two that survived in that litter at all so naturally his impulse was to guard them with the fierce protectiveness of LionClan itself and though not his by blood Emberkit might as well be. Sunfreckle tucks his one paw close in front of himself, tired green gaze narrowed as he watched like a hawk but did not rise to stand and join them all. It was a little too much effort for him, sometimes he still lapsed off into a drowsy, unfocused haze and time passed so quickly he blinked and it was the next day. Maybe it was good the kits were beginning to roam a bit more, its not that he didn't trust his clanmates to keep them safe when he was not entirely there or otherwise resting, he just couldn't help the fretfulness that urged him to spit and hiss at any cat who even glanced in their direction.
But he was doing okay for the time being, the struggle to remain stationary aside.
She had just seen off a patrol, when she happened to turn around and see her mate hobbling out into the camp. Her eyes widened in alarm, fighting the urge to chase him back into the medicine den. He was only recovering from a strained paw, but imagining him in any kind of pain was unbearable to her. She watched him like a hawk until he finally settled down, and was soon swarmed by one of Sunfreckle's kittens. A small smile started to form as she watched Rainbowkit approaching him, and it reminded her of the days when their kits were that size.

She wasn't going to walk over, but now she couldn't resist. The fiery tabby joined her mate's side, and touched her nose to his forehead. She laid down close beside him, and dipped her head in greeting to Sloestride and Tigerfang. She then rested her gaze warmly on Rainbowkit, her mind twisting them into a kitten version of Stormpaw. They were a perfect combination of their father's, much like Stormpaw, Lilykit, and Butterflykit were of her and Flycatcher. Her heart ached, wondering what their two she-kits would have grown up to be like. She casts a sorrowful glance at Flycatcher, unspoken words that she knew she didn't have to say...he already knew. I miss them.

Her eyes blinked a few times, not wanting the young kit to pick up on her sadness. An idea sprung into her head, and she would flick her plume-like tail towards Rainbowkit, and twitch it a few times temptingly. It was much more tolerable to let them play with her tail now, than when they were bigger and their teeth were sharper.

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The sun. Was the sun the thing that made outside all nice and warm. not toasty, like Sunfreckle's fur, but a different kinda warm that was also pretty good and Rainbowkit is just not realizing it as they stand outside here. Rainbowkit's head bobs at the new cat, even though they were missing pieces, maybe. " Sun comes in? " They don't see why it couldn't! Unless they didn't want to, which is fine.

Makes my fur hot though. Hot was bad, right? " Oh! Sun stays out. " Rainbowkit felt a little bad for them, but if they already stayed outside, that probably meant they liked it ok. "Cause y'can", then. Rainbowkit thinks this answer is perfectly acceptable. They bob their head again, this time at even newer, brown and white cat. " Y'can, " they repeat.

The grey cat makes that funny rumbling noise, and Rainbowkit makes it too. They could both do the same things which means they should be friends. Fur-resh air. " Me too, " Rainbowkit says, not totally understanding. It's fine though, cause fresh air sounded good. Briefly, Rainbowkit would look back at the nursery where he can see his dad huddled up. Did he like "fresh air"? Rainbowkit tilts his head at him, considering. Maybe they would ask him about fresh air later.

Rainbowkit blinks back to the important grey cat. " Why's– " New cat number four! And they're bumping their head against the grey cat's the same way Rabbitnose does to Sunfreckle. Rainbowkit blinks wonderingly. And then she smiles at them, so Rainbowkit smiles too. His biggest and brightest smile ever. " Hello! " It's the word they get right every time! The cat's face gets all weird, though. It's a face Sunfreckle makes sometimes. She kind of looks like Sunfreckle too.

Stop EVERYTHING, there's something big and fuzzy in front of them and they should catch it to show to all of their siblings! Abandoning all thoughts and questions instantly, Rainbowkit would attempt to pounce on the orange cat's tail with his super cool hunter skills.

  • OOC:
  • rainbowkit & [ raine ] [ bow ] : sunfreckle xx rabbitnose 2nd litter. littermate to sunshinekit & emberkit. younger brother to mousepaw, sparkpaw & frecklepaw.
    —— amab. they / he ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    —— currently 6 weeks old.

    a typical size for their age. warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. early signs of a thick ruff to come can be seen in plush cheeks and a thickening tail. sports long curling whickers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.
( ) Hailstorm's eyes would scan over camp and stopped at the sight of Rainbowkit as well as the group of warriors that seemed to be gathered around plus Sunfreckle resting a little ways away but kept a watchful eye. Which he understood considering that he had heard what had happened though despite this, the large warrior would walk over carefully and dipped his head in greeting to the rest of those present. He sat down watching Rainbowkit start playing with Flamewhisker's tail, a soft snort of amusement leaving him as he watched this. Kittens were truly a blessing from Starclan, a lot of work and time but definitely worth it.

He began to let his thoughts wander and tilted his head to the side continuing to watch Rainbowkit briefly with warm eyes. It made the large tomcat begin to wonder if he'd have a family of his own and kittens tumbling about, it was a nice thought that he pushed aside as he let his body lower itself onto the ground to get more comfortable "Ah, the mighty hunter has found their prey." A loud rumbling purr leaving him before adding with a chuckle "You'll be able to feed the entire clan with that," He mused only offering encouragement.
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