As they approach the border, Flamewhisker has to skid to a stop before accidentally crossing it. She knew the way to their camp, but there were borders for a reason. Blazestar hadn't been mad last time, but she had also been warning them about being ambushed by Windclan. This was a different level of severity, but it was extremely important nonetheless. She forces herself to sit, but her kneading paws reveal how much she didn't want to sit. "Keep your eyes out for anyone nearby." she orders Silverlightening and Leopardtongue who were beside her. WIth each passing moment, another one of their clanmates could be dying.

Finally, a fresh Skyclan scent starts to fill the area. Flamewhisker jumps to her paws, "Skyclan!" she calls out, hoping to bright light to the urgency of the situation. "We brings news, Berryheart has found a cure to the sickness! We need to speak to Dawnglare or Fireflypaw!"

@Acornpaw. @Silverlightning @leopardtongue

No need to wait for them before posting!

When her name had been called out by Flamewhisker, Leopardtongue had quickly gotten up from where she had been in camp, almost running to gather with Acornpaw and Silverlightning as they prepared to head to the SkyClan border. She walked quickly in the direction of the other clan, staying quiet for fear of this being only a dream - they had found the cure. Berryheart had done it, and the clans would be saved from this horrible illness. When Flamewhisker spoke to her and Silverlightning, the brown-furred feline nod her head simply, looking ahead of them in the hopes that she could see someone from a SkyClan patrol.

It was simply a few moments of waiting, but it felt like a lifetime, and Leopardtongue found herself pacing slightly before Flamewhisker shot to her paws, shouting across the border to those that were coming, and the warrior stopped, looking in that direction once more. Would this be them waiting at the border for whoever was here to get Dawnglare or Fireflypaw, or would they quickly be escorted back to camp to speak to the medicine cat and and apprentice, hoping to spread the news quicker?

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 33 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Duskpool raised his helm, pivoting to stare in the direction, blinking languidly. What—? He frowned, molten copper narrowing until he tugged at heavy paws, carrying the bone-tired warrior further towards the border until he stared at the collected ThunderClanners with an air of indifference. “A cure?” He rumbled, tail flickering at the bold statement, mind conflicted.

He did not dare take another step forward to reveal a cruel illusion, but watching them tore him away from such a thought. He remained silent, torn ear flickering to watch with a calculative optic. They found a cure. His mind rumbled, helm pivoting to stare at the pines, expression deadpan. “About damn time.” He couldn’t help but rumble, darkened lips tilting up in a subtle smirk, barely noticeable save the splash of white along a scarred muzzle.
thought speech
ThunderClan has found a cure to the plague! An NPC shouts towards the medicine den, though Fireflypaw has to take moment to rethink the words said- what if they were lying? Sparrowsong's position wasn't good, wasn't healthy; this wasn't funny. He stands up, ready to berate the one whom made such a uncool statement. But when he steps out of the medicine den, he is instead met with a panicked voice again who reminds him once more. A cure was found.

His limbs speed up, Fireflypaw dashing past his clanmates in the camp and through the forest as if he'd found heaven- and he did, oh, he did. A cure! A cure! How would they handle this? His panting is heavy by the time he makes it to the border with the others, head swinging around wildly for a moment. He only hoped Dawnglare had followed soon after.

"A cure? What is it, Flamewhisker? Oh, blessed Mother.. You have not failed us, bringing us a cure.." He speaks the last sentence in a whisper, ears raised high and hauntingly blue eyes wide with curiosity. Which herb would heal the wheezing of lungs, the death of those we all loved?

By comparison, his gait is a slow, dragging thing. A velvet tail drags wearingly at the ground, not dissimilar from the flat press of his ears against his skull. Unlike Fireflypaw, who bounds eagerly toward the promise of salvation, Dawnglare is not so keen to believe. ThunderClan was not their enemy – this was true, but he did not consider them friends. Just as well was that – well, would he not know of this thing, before any other? Why would a solution that veers so sharply away from him spring in full before ThunderClan’s eyes? Discomforted, his stomach churns, and he is a wary creature, standing with stiff limbs and strained eyes next to a dark SkyClan warrior.

Dawnglare would not present himself in the same disheveled state as his apprentice. He is merely… concerned, and would continue to be so, not quite the frothing beast someone would rather have them be. His eyes screw up upon glimpsing Fireflypaw’s muddled whispers, and then his gaze is gone again, flickering toward the forest, as if something leaned just shy out of his sight; sparks to carry the sickness far. Mother has brought them no such thing, if it had not been privy to his own eyes. His lips are pressed thin. " Well? " He invites no frivolities.

  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 55 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Currently in an era of questioning; upset and uncomfortable by things he should not be.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Despite the severity of the situation he holds his composure, a pillar of calm in the midst of his clanmate's anxiousness. A single ear flicks in regard to Flamewhisker's statement to keep an eye out for any passing skyclanners. Long strides carry him parallel to the invisible line dividing both territories, seeking one of the pine dwelling cats until the molly calls out to one in particular. Turning his head he regroups, coming to stand beside Leopardtongue just as Dawnglare makes his slow appearance, inquiring with thinly veiled concern. "Lungwort." The warrior voiced with a subtle lift of his chin. Berryheart's recovery was nothing short of a miracle compared to how he looked days prior. The medic's staggering gait, cloudy eyes, and withered frame were gone now thanks to this herb. Grey eyes shift to fall on their patrol leader, leaving her to fill in any other necessary gaps.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road


Johnny was quick to arrive alongside Fireflypaw, ears pricked forward and steps urgent. They'd lost too many cats lately to *not* pay heed to what the Thunderclanners had to say, and he was grateful they'd chosen to share the information despite the recent.. tensions between their groups lately.

"A cure? Thank the stars." sighed Johnnyflame before bright eyes landed on the cats standing opposite the border. "And thank Thunderclan for sharing what they know. Skyclan appreciates this- if your right, lives will be saved."

It was no secret that sickness had swept throughout the clans like a plague, falling their cats one by one and leaving corpses in it's wake. When Dawnglare had first announced that none of his herbs were working it had left a dark cloud hanging over the clan, leaving them helpess and frustrated as they were forced to watch their friends and family wither away.

Now they might have a chance.

"Where can we find Lungwort around here, Dawnglare?" Johnny asked, molten gaze shifting to the medicine cat expectantly. "I'll take a patrol out to gather it right now."

He assumed that the healers would know where to find the plant, all they had to do now was gather it- right?


News of ThunderClan at his border initially panicked Blazestar. Were they escorting yet another aimless cat back to SkyClan? The Ragdoll’s gaze was troubled as he followed Dawnglare, Fireflypaw, and Johnnyflame to where Flamewhisker’s patrol sat. A cure, they vowed—lungwort. Blazestar flinched. It came too late. So many of their cats had been laid in freshly-dug graves—Tallulahwing, Sheepcurl, Mountainheart… but he thought about those still curled in moss in the medicine cat’s den, growing weaker, sicker.

He sighed. “SkyClan thanks you for bringing this to us.” He turned to Dawnglare. His expression held no warmth. “Do you have any lungwort? If so, begin treating the sick immediately. Johnnyflame is right. We need to start collecting more as soon as we can.

Briefly, he turned back to Flamewhisker and her patrol. He dipped his head to the lead warrior. “Thank both Howlingstar and Berryheart for us. I hope this is the end of this terrible sickness.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

✿—— thunderclan at the border—bobbie is late to arrive, trailing after blazestar to hear whatever news they might bear this time (starclan, don't let it be another wayward apprentice). luckily, when she arrives, her own clanmates are firmly on their own side of the border as a small thunderclan patrol waits on the other side. unsurprisingly, dawnglare fails to be even the barest trace of diplomatic, despite the fact that the thunderclanners bear news of the cure that will save their clanmates from certain death by this mysterious illness. his sourness does little to mute her private excitement, though—they had lost so many already, and now their savior has arrived in the form of this small patrol and a single word: lungwort.

the herb is unfamiliar to her, of course, but what isn't unfamiliar is the memories of bodies dressed in lavender, laid out for vigils night after night—of their clan's weakest and strongest alike laying delirious in dawnglare's den, stinking of sickness. lungwort will be the solution to all of this, and if thunderclan's healer had some at paw, surely it would be easily gathered; something they could secure and stockpile, so such an epidemic would never again blight their camp. johnnyflame and blazestar appear buoyed by this news as well (one more tiredly than the other), and she nods in agreement with the bobtailed lead warrior's assertion that a patrol should leave to gather it. the tabby's quick to add, with a dip of her head, "thank you for sh-sharing your knowledge, thunderclan."

"i can help gather more as well - i'd be happy to come along with you, j-johnnyflame," bobbie mews to the tom, glancing over at blazestar as he quickly handles both dawnglare and diplomacy. she glances between the thunderclanners and dawnglare; irritating as their medicine cat might be, he was competent, and as soon as he told them where the herb was, their warriors would be out in droves to help collect it. there was nothing that could stop them—right?


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

Lungwort is told precisely, spoken with an elegant lift of the chin. No bells ring in his frenzied mind. Freyed blue pools flit quickly between the members of the patrol, awaiting, perhaps, more.

Immediately – and for this, he was not angry. Anyone could see why a supposed answer would be accepted quickly amongst fools, and… lesser fools, he supposes – Johnnyflame perks, overeager gaze on him on an instant. Dawnglare flinches as if burned by fire, great expectation in that gaze suddenly too heavy to bear. And that – that has never been so, in a mind like this. “ I’m – I’m thinking, ” he hisses, though the wideness of his gaze betrays any true appearance of anger. Any directed at Johnnyflame, anyhow. His brow is pinched as he ponders the appearance of this lungwort.

Distantly, in the dredges of his mind, he can see plum budding and spotted leaves. As they speak, it dotted his den, though he cannot recall seeing such a thing in a wild…

Blazestar’s presence can be felt without him fully turning an eye to the sun. Sighing in the sorry way he does, overgrown paws stumbling the earth like the beast he was. Another crack. Dawnglare meets the toms gaze furiously, lips peeled in a sneer. What an worthless demand. " As if I need to be told, Blazestar. I do not twirl my own fur all day and night. "

He all but leers at the tawny she - cat trailing after. He supposes there is some merit in her looking for something else to pad after, for once. A wry thing, he speaks, " I fear there may be nothing to gather. " In his franticness – that’s what it was – he finds the exact knowledge escaping him. A muttered" ...Thank you, " is all ThunderClan recieves before he is gone to see to the ill.

  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 55 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Currently in an era of questioning; upset and uncomfortable by things he should not be.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
  • Angry
Reactions: BLAZESTAR


His fur bristled as the medicine cat turned away, dismissing them all with nothing but a few words, and for once he felt a frustration rise against Dawnglare that had nothing to do with their cryptic way of speaking.

"So that's it, then?" he scoffed as their 'healer' disappeared back to camp to tend to the ill. He shook his head, though whether it was out of frustration or a stubborn refusal to admit to defeat, he was unsure. "Fireflypaw- tell me about Lungwart; it's smell, it's shape, anything you can. There's got to be some in the twoleg gardens I can search out and bring back."

He wouldn't give up until he'd exhausted every option available.

OOC- talking to @Fireflypaw


Fireflypaw listens with perked ears as Dawnglare dismisses his father, turning his body until his voice fades away; Fireflypaw is obedient, taking a step after his mentor with a frown on his face. Perhaps Dawnglare wasn't trying hard enough, or perhaps they didn't have much of the herb? He'd never heard of Lungwort before, never used it himself- so when Johnnyflame asks him for information on it, Fireflypaw stops in his tracks and turns back to the Lead Warrior with a look of guilt in his eyes.

An owlish turn of his head, and then Fireflypaw is padding back over to the group. "I'm afraid I don' have the answers you seek, Johnny. I've never seen nor used Lungwort before, Dawnglare must teach me of it." He mutters with a bow of his head, ears laid back against his cranium as if seeking to hide from the other tom. He didn't like not having much information on such a crucial cure, but he supposed they would all have to wait for Dawnglare's decisions on the matter.

Turning back to Bobbie and Blazestar, Fireflypaw dipped his head in apology. "The moment I learn of this Lungwort, I'll have you all try and look for some with me." He nods his head to the group, before he himself takes after the disappearing form of the high priest.

Little did he know, things weren't so easy as finding herbs whenever. Nature had rules. Mother had rules.

// out!​