we're standing here by the abyss — riverclan patrol

Foxtail trudges to the border they share with ThunderClan, as the sun beams down on him and his patrolmates. He knows he shouldn't be complaining; but today it feels like he's walking through a thick cloud of hot air. StarClan, it's really hot out today. The tom can only think as he rubs his pelt against a tree, but his ears prick up at the sound of the river... the sound of cool, refreshing water. The tom hesitates for a second, but he pushes himself forward and dips into the river... letting out a sigh of relief. "L-Let's take a q-quick break to cool off," He mews to his patrolmates; he knows Gladefrost must be sweltering as well with that thick coat. "...It's way too h-hot out today..."

The young lead warrior swims forward, and he turns to face his patrol members.... he knows they won't be able to deny the offer of a quick dip in the river. The river feels so refreshing, they are lucky they have the river at their disposal— but before the tom can finish his thoughts, his eyes widen with alarm as something.... slimy brushes against his legs. The tom's gentle paddles turn quickly to panic— and suddenly the tom finds himself leaping out of the river with seaweed stuck to his legs. He lets out a shaky sigh as he looks over at his clanmates, whom must've got alarmed from his reaction... and his ears pin back. "S-Sorry for the scare... It was just some s-seaweed...." He mews sheepishly, and pulls it off his leg, when his ears twitch at the sound of pawsteps from the other side of the river.

Oh.... ThunderClan. Did they just witness his alarm over some seaweed? "Oh. H-hello ThunderClan...." The tom mews to the patrol, as he steps back into the refreshing river.

  • no need to wait for @Gladefrost , @PEBBLEPAW , @EVENINGPAW , @TWINKLEPAW
  • 82418929_FoLQDUUK9zQigyb.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    20 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to trops for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)

the sun beams a harsh, cruel warmth across the entire forest. it can be felt even through the shaded canopy, and it ends in a dull ache under leafhusk’s fur. the fishy scent of riverclan grows stronger near the border, and she unknowingly leads her own patrol into a seaweed fiasco. her eyes watch the tail-end of foxtail flailing around, sending spare droplets of water at the thunderclanner’s paws. a small smile tugs at her maw, slightly amused by the display, but she hides it behind simple warrior duties. her shoulder rubs against a tree.

"riverclan," she greets, squinting curiously, "are the fish fighting back today?" there’s a small glint of playfulness in her tone. hopefully, they don’t see any ire in what she’s said, this small gathering of riverclanners looked pleasant. probably.​
𓍊𓋼 The RiverClan border is so hot, Falconheart is surprised the river's water isn't boiling. Out from under the shade of the trees, the sunlight feels blistering across his freshly-scarred wounds. Getting back to work after his injuries has proven to be difficult, if only because his thick fur makes the summertime heat feel nothing short of suffocating. For a split second, he imagines dipping himself into the river, if only to escape the horrible heat. But then a spray of water hits his face, and Falconheart frowns. Never mind his dreams of cool, refreshing water—what are the RiverClanners doing? He only catches the end of Foxtail's panic and the ensuing apology to his clanmates, but he can draw a conclusion about what had happened. Seaweed? He isn't a river expert, but he didn't even know there were plants underneath the water. Just another reason not to go swimming, he reasons; he can't imagine the scare of feeling something brushing against his legs underwater. The river is best left to the cats who swim in it.

The dappled cat from across the river greets them, and Leafhusk returns the greeting modestly. He chuckles at her question, fluffy tail fluttering with humor. "Looks like the plants are fighting instead," he pipes up from beside the lead warrior. His nose wrinkles at the thought, once again, and he turns away to continue his duties. Marking the border doesn't feel necessary here, since the river divides them, but who is he to question his responsibilities? "At least they've got a way to cool off. This heat is just about unbearable."

  • ooc:
  • 82611636_I7otEt4vDdutjcB.png
  • FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedpaw, bugpaw, sunpaw, squirrelpaw, sparrowpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

"Oh, patrol and entertainment." The smoke hued tom would purr as he trailed behind Leafhusk and Falconheart. Golden eyes dim with disappointment as he watches the Riverclanner safely make it back to shore, with a plant stuck to his leg instead of an angry fish. "Pity." His eyes roll, and he sighs loud enough for the rival clan to hopefully hear. For once he had hoped to witness something actually interesting while on patrol, but no. He watched as Leafhusk separated from the group to mark a tree, and as she turns her back from him, he narrows his eyes. She may be the leader of their patrol, but she was still a former kittypet nonetheless. If she did anything to screw up he would report back to Skyclaw.

Falconheart seemed more interested in small talk than actually doing his duty, and the idea didn't sit well with him. As the deputy and former deputy's son, he should more focused on making sure their borders were well marked rather than small talk. It was a shame for such legacy to be wasted. He waited for the cream tom to mark a tree, before walking over to him. "Why don't you go for a dip in the river then?" He said, turning to his clanmate as if it were a normal conversation. "Oh wait...nevermind. Your mommy wouldn't be able to help you if you slipped." His voice grew quieter, just barely loud enough for just Falconheart to hear. Then as if he hadn't said anything, he would trot away a few paw steps, glancing back at the river. The one who had gotten seaweed stuck to him was back in the water now, but they didn't seem like a threat...yet.

  • Angry

If there was a word that Antlerpaw could apply to how she felt about those who seemed to have banded up against kittypet blood, and what they did, it would be 'unnerved'. It set her on an edge, especially since some of them were still wary against rogue-blooded cats. Antlerpaw's ears twitched as she followed the patrol, yellow eyes peering forward as they made it to the river. Even just standing in the open yawn between their clans, it was cooler.

A soft breath left her, and while she didn't seem perturbed by the seaweed fiasco- if anything, it made her lips lift in a small grin- but she was still unnerved by the gray-pelted that seemed to hover. Ears twitched, vision directing towards @HOWLINGSTAR on their patrol route briefly, before moving to mark a tree herself. She didn't know what Smokefur said to Falconheart, but her words were languid, open-natured and calm as she spoke. "We'll have to go find some deep shade, Falconheart." She hummed.

Rubbing cheek against a tree, she spoke again, her confidence today far different then from moons ago. "Perhaps underneath the shadows at camp, against some water-soaked moss. Would help." She thought briefly, tail swaying as she cast her vision back to the water. Still... that must feel better then what she was thinking off.
  • "speech"
  • ANTLERPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowpaw and doepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Howlingstar steps forward from the forest's edge, gentle green eyes scanning the RiverClan patrol curiously. Though growing older, her powerful frame still cuts an impressive figure as she approaches at Antlerpaw's heels, never far from her apprentice's side. She chuckles softly at Leafhusk's joke and nods to the opposing patrol. "Hello, RiverClan. I see the river has provided you some refreshment today," She addresses calmly, her voice carrying a measured tone of diplomacy. Her gaze lingers on Foxtail, who is now attempting to shake off the remnants of the seaweed. Her eyes soften slightly when she looks to Falconheart - she's always had a soft spot for that one. Fresh from the medicine cat's den, she wants to make sure he's handling his duties well enough again. "The heat's gotten to all of us today. Antlerpaw, why don't you find a spot with more shade for us? We could use a bit of respite," She mews gently, turning to the young she-cat. Though she wouldn't say so out loud, she wants to ensure Falconheart isn't overdoing it. She shifts her gaze back to the RiverClan patrol, offering a respectful smile. She won't keep them too long.

The lilac tom moved with his patrol, quiet as a mouse as the sun beamed down on his cool colours. He had little to say to the clan across the borders and even littler to say to ThunderClan, but Pebblestep forced a smile upon his muzzle all the same, his nervous eyes flattering left to right until they could settle on a patch of unclaimed earth opposite the borders. Reminded of the way he'd fell into the river during the battle for Sunningrocks, the tom was quite keen to not have that happen again, coming to a halt a good distance away compared to his clanmates. "I can continue the patrol, if you need to rest," he offered, though not to one clanmate in particular. They all complained of the heat in equal measures and, though he could feel a pant in his future, he did not want to burden them with an unengaging rest due to the fear of having something to do - that wasn't just him, was it?