private WERE YOU BORN TO RESIST, OR BE ABUSED? — sparkwing

Once, hunting with her littermates had been a great pleasure, but Mousenose’s expression is glum as she follows her crimson-pelted brother into the barren forest. The scent of deer is heavy on the breeze, but mercifully, she does not spot any in the immediate vicinity. Unmercifully, prey-scent is buried beneath the snap of crushed undergrowth and the overwhelming presence of the migrating herd. She exhales hard through her nostrils. “Ugh! Good luck to us, I guess,” she tells Sparkwing, her tail lifting.

After a heartbeat, she turns to study her brother. He looks the same as he always does—mentoring doesn’t seem to have put any doubt in those blue eyes. As for her… “So… how’s it going with Pigeonpaw?” Her nose bridge crinkles just slightly. “Are things going well? Whatcha, uh… whatcha working on?” Her acid-bright gaze lowers to her paws. “Havin’ any… troubles?

Surely, she isn’t alone in her struggles… right? She loves Sparkwing dearly, but her brother isn’t known for his wits, exactly. Surely he must find mentoring as difficult as she is.

  • ooc: @Sparkwing
  • Mousekit . Mousepaw . Mousenose, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 18 moons old, ages realistically on the 25th.
    — mentored by Silverlightning ; mentoring Sunshinepaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — thunderclan warrior. sunfreckle x rabbitnose, gen 2.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh messy-furred tortoiseshell with high white and bright green eyes. demanding, exuberant, selfish, sensitive, oblivious, obnoxious.

These deer are making a mess of things! He can't smell ANYTHING other than deer, and the prey he does smell have probably taken off, not wanting to get stomped. He can't blame them, but still. He wishes these deer would hurry and leave.

"Ugh, right? These deer are causing so much trouble for us!" He complains with his sister. Maybe if they startle them enough they'll run away.

Mousenose turns to face him and she asks about how Pigeonpaw is doing. He knows she's been frustrated with Sunshinepaw, and while he can't relate to her level of frustration, he understands.

"He's been doing good! Hunting is...A work in progress. He's not so good at it... But he's trying his best. He's good at fighting though!" He says. "He's not the most skilled apprentice, but he's got the spirit. I know he'll improve if we keep practicing!" Sparkwing says confidently. He has complete faith in Pigeonpaw. Not all flowers bloom on time!

"How's Sunshinepaw?" He asks. "I've heard you've been frustrated with her." He worries about her. She's not the most energetic cat, after all. But maybe.... Sparkwing can dispense some wisdom. Even if he isn't known for being smart.​
Mousenose hums her agreement. “They’ve probably scared off all the prey in this part of the forest, but we’ll try, I guess,” she mews, waving her tail behind her. She turns to study her littermate as he begins to speak about Pigeonpaw. Even as he admits their younger sibling struggles with hunting, there’s no disappointment in the ginger tom’s voice. He speaks highly of Pigeonpaw, stating he knows he has the right spirit to improve. Mousenose’s shoulders sag slightly. Is she the reason Sunshinepaw is struggling so hard?

Erm… that’s good. I’m glad he’s getting the hang of things,” she murmurs. “Sunshinepaw is…” Mousenose sighs. “They’re just not motivated to do anything! They let mice slip right through their paws, like they’re not even interested in learning to catch them. And battle training…” She lets out a bark of strained, frustrated laughter. “We can’t even get the basics down yet.

The tortoiseshell looks guiltily at Sparkwing. “I don’t mean to get frustrated. I love him, y’know? But…” Her ear twitches. “I remember being excited about training with Silverlightning. Sunshinepaw just… doesn’t.

  • ooc:
  • Mousekit . Mousepaw . Mousenose, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 18 moons old, ages realistically on the 25th.
    — mentored by Silverlightning ; mentoring Sunshinepaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — thunderclan warrior. sunfreckle x rabbitnose, gen 2.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh messy-furred tortoiseshell with high white and bright green eyes. demanding, exuberant, selfish, sensitive, oblivious, obnoxious.