we've all got missing pieces [duskpool]



"Don't tell me this is where you've been sleeping?" came the lightly accented voice of none other than Johnnyflame, the words accompanied by a hesitant chuckle- amused, but clearly confused.

It was dusk, and as always the koi bobcat had been making his way dutifully back to his twolegs nest to spend the night with them, curled up at the foot of their bed. In all honestly he didn't mind the thought of sleeping outdoors with his fellow clancats, but he already spent the entire day away from his humans, and it would feel like abandoning them completely if he couldn't at least give them this.

What the stocky little bobtail hadn't been expecting though, was to find Duskpool out by the twoleg place boundary as well, trying to fix what appeared to be a nest within the hollow of an old tree.

"Why aren't you back in camp with the others? Surely there's enough room in the warriors den- even for a giant lug like you." he asked, amber eyes bright with curiosity and pale lips painted with a crooked half grin.


anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The obsidian-furred brute grumbled, his head swerving to shoot a half-hearted glare in Johnny’s direction, his paws positioned, weaving moss into the bulk of his nest which didn’t look like much, but it was comfy, or as much as it could be tucked away in the hallowed trunk of a tree he found while out and about some moons ago.

Just as he was about to speak, Duskpool huffed, shaking his paw in an attempt to rid them of the damn moss that kept on getting everywhere. “Stupid, moss.” He huffed, watching as a clump tumbled some lengths away, ear twitching in annoyance.

At the other’s voice, Dusk pivoted, brow raised, shrugging. What was here to say? “Plenty room.” He grumbled, inspecting his nest, gaze narrowed, seemingly critical as he poked and prodded at the walls, humming in satisfaction when they didn’t give way. “Not bad, if I say so myself.” He leaned back, satisfied. “You wanna test it?” He turned, asking Johnny.

“To answer your question—” Tail gesturing towards the lonely nest. “Suffocating.” His nose wrinkled at the thought of sleeping in the warrior’s den again. Didn’t go so well. “Don’t need to bother those idiots with my damn nightmares.” He grunted, shuffling to his paws, pointing a clawed toe at the nest.

“You gonna test it out now that I’ve answered? Nosy one, aren’t you.” He grunted, tone humorous, but lacking expression, molten copper optics ever so blank as he peered down at the lead warrior.

It wasn’t like he’d be getting much sleep. Dusk wasn’t too keen on watching when he sure as hell wouldn’t be sleeping a wink.
thought speech


Duskpool wasn't a cat that Johnnyflame knew all that much about, if he was honest, and it certainly did occur to him that the tom may not exactly enjoy having his privacy invaded by the bobtail. Was that going to stop him checking on them? Not a chance.

The tabby laughed softly as he watched the larger tom try to dislodge the moss clinging to his fur, but not unkindly. It did fade a bit though when they finally remarked that there was pleanty of room, which only had the leads confusion returning. Just why was Duskpool out here, then? They'd been a member of the clan longer than Johnny had, so it wasn't like the Skyclanners were strangers or anything.

"Not bad, if i say so myself. You wanna test it?"

Okay, his smile was back. "What? You want me to test it?" Why? Was he trying to prove to Johnny that it was just as good as good and sturdy as a nest in the warriors den? He considered declining, if only because he didn't want to invade the personal space of a cat who seemed to clearing be seeking it if he was all the way out here alone, but when Duskpool gave his very curt explanation of 'suffocating' and 'bothering those idiots with nightmares', he did so while pointing and gesturing at the moss bed with carefully blank eyes fixed on Johnny the entire time.

"You gonna test it out now that I've answered? Nosy one, aren't you."

Whatever guarded uncertainties may have laid within Johnny about the aloof, independent tomcat seemed to soften at once with the others tone, the humor unexpected but a clear indication to Johnny that he wasn't being quite the pain in the ass he originally thought.

"Aye, don't get your fur tail in a knot, I'm going." he teased as he stepped forward and slipped past the other tom, carefully stepping into the moss nest they'd built for themselves.

To be fair, it as a nest, but Johnny couldn't give an accurate review of just how great it was considering he didn't spend much time in nests, certainly not having his own to fix and enjoy. It was soft from the moss, and to his delight he found that it was made to fit Duskpools unreasonably large frame, meaning that the much short Johnny had a lot more room to sprawl out and enjoy himself.

"Hmm, yeah. I'd definitely say this is a nest." he declared after flopping into a few different positions to test it's comfiness and integrity, both of which seemed to be holding up- at least for now.

"So... nightmares, huh?" he began carefully, flipping back onto his stomach and resting his chin on the edge of the nest as golden eyes peered up at the other. "Isn't it worse waking up out here all alone when your scared like that?" he ventured. Dusk had already called him 'nosy', so he might as well play the part- not that he'd push too hard. Johnny may have been the cat that curiosity was always trying to kill, but he wasn't selfish with that curiosity.

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Just as he was about to tell the other never mind, to forget about it because Dusk knew damn well how weird it was, Johnny continued to prove him wrong. He watched with a raised brow, molten copper optics staring impassively as the lead made himself comfortable.

He snorted, shaking his helm, amusement dancing within mysterious optics. “No shit.” He glanced down, inspecting the moss still clinging to ridged claws, flexing the dangerous appendages with a twitch of annoyance. Damn things. He wondered if anyone else had the same problem or if he was just an unlucky bastard. Of course. He’d never been horribly lucky.

The obsidian-furred brute grunted, gaze narrowing. Damnit. He had been hoping the other would drop it, but again, luck was never on his side, was it? “Comfy?” He asked, gesturing towards Johnny’s position. Sue him for wanting to prolong the inevitable. Better to rip it off now than later. He supposed, muscles coiling beneath scarred, supple flesh.

Once comfortable, Duskpool huffed, deadpan gaze meeting amber. “What about them?” There wasn’t much to say. “Nothing worth mentioning.” Trauma was trauma. It wasn’t that important. Not to him. His particularly.

At sleeping with the other warriors, Duskpool grumbled, head cocked. “Maybe.” He shrugged. “Got used to dealing with them alone. Don’t feel particularly fond of dealing with … others.” He didn’t deserve the comfort, that’s for sure, knowing well someone would offer it.

Sure as hell would make the guilt even worse. Just what I need. He thought sarcastically. Duskpool had no intentions of growing attached to anyone else, something he didn’t need. His resolve was already waning with Drizzle.

Shaking his helm, the large brute tsked. “Curious one, ain’t ya?” He grumbled, wondering if that was a good or bad thing for him, being mysterious and dead set on keeping his secrets locked up tight, he wasn’t thrilled with the idea of someone realizing just how much of a shitty cat he was. “Anything else you wanna ask?” He tapped the other’s helm, brow raised. “Can’t say my nightmares are that interesting. Nothin’ but dogs I’ll tell you that much. Don’t think they’d enjoy someone my size trampling their tails on my way out.”
thought speech


It dind't take much for Johnny to relax around others. It was his natural disposition to crave friendship and friendly company over hostility and drama, and more often than not he didn't go digging around looking for problems without a reason; if someone was nice to him then he was nice to them back, and if they weren't? Well, then the got to see a side of Johnny that wasn't all that nice. But, much to the golden-eyed toms pleasure, Duskpool was proving to be for more approachable than he'd intitially expected to the smokey tom to be, and he had a feeline he wouldn't be hesitating so much in the future to approach them.


"Oh, very." he assured them matter-of-factly, whiskers twitching in amusement as he continued to make himself at home in Duskpools nest. "Just the right amount of fluff and firmness, And the whole 'in a dead tree' thing definitely gives it that broody, mysterious feel." he added as he lifted a paw to gesture to the hollow he was inside of, clearly teasing about the last part.

When Dusk went on to mention that he'd gotten used to the nightmares and that he wasn't fond of dealing with others, the bobtail couldn't help but scoff. "You don't get used to a dog chewin' on your tail, Dusk." he retorted, because that's exactly what nightmares were- something that hurt, that chewed away at you in your sleep and often ruined your waking moments. There was no 'getting used' to that, just resigning yourself to it.

Though, the toms next words had him immediately wincing, a sheepish look crossing his features. "Okay, so maybe the whole 'dog chewing your tail' thing was a bad example.." he lamented, ears twitching backwards in a mixture of embarrassment and guilt. "But yes, actually, as a matter of fact I do have a few more questions rattlin' around up here." he continued, because if Duskpool was going to give him an in, he'd take it.

"What happens if a predator or twolegs finds you out here? Or if your needed back in camp?" he challenged, the words far from unkind, but stubborn in their insistence. "If your worried about disturbing the other warriors, I'll march in there myself and tell them to stuff their ears with moss if they've got a problem. Better than seeing you torn up, or disappearing like Thi-"

He cut himself off, jaws clicking shut as if the words had come without him intending them to. The loss of Thistleback was still fresh for Johnny, the loss of the cat he admired most, who'd brought him into the clan. Saying it out loud, that he was gone, it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"It's not safe out here." he concluded.

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
A strangled snort escaped his opened maw, teeth visible against the inky backdrop splattered with ghostly white along his muzzle and upper cheek. “That so?” He remarked, leaning back to stare at the tree overshadowing their frames, blinking languidly, narrowing only a fraction before returning to their original state.

Maybe. He thought, shaking his helm. Few get ‘used’ to it unless it became a constant, something one expects the second he lets his eyes rest, only to relive what he escaped from with only the fur on his back and the shrieks that stuck to his scar-ridden flesh, hidden beneath the mesh of obsidian fur, steaming in darkness, waiting to strike. “For what it’s worth.” He huffed, tone deadpan, borderline humorous. “I’ve yet to have a mutt chew on my tail.” His tail flickering in emphasis. Besides. He wasn’t keen on finding out what that would feel like. He might have been bait for some stupid, mangy mutts, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to be their dog toy.

Duskpool sighed, grimacing at the aspect of more questions rattling out from the smaller tom, already expecting, muscles coiling beneath marred, supple flesh, molten copper hues narrowing. I backed myself right into that one.

Sighing, he mulled over Johnnyflame’s words, shrugging. He’d already made plans if things went south, relying on his younger brothers if the time requires. He doubted there’d be much activity during the night, even so, Duskpool never truly slept. If he felt especially jittery, Dusk was patrolling the borders alone with nothing but the sounds of nature and his ragged breath.

His ears fell flat, optics zeroing in on the pause, staring knowingly. It had been a surprise when Thistle vanished, nowhere to be found. Some had been hit harder than others, Johnny no doubt being one that felt the worst. “If you hadn’t already noticed—” He began, waving a paw towards the few visible scars beneath the thick of his pelt. “I think I have the ‘torn-up’ box filled.” He remarked dryly, tone sarcastic.

“I’ve got it covered. No need for pointless worrying if I vanish.” Or attacked was left unsaid. He’d be fine. He survived this long. He might be a rusty dime in a dozen, with no true value other than providing food and patrolling the borders, but he still had some things worth living for. Even if some days felt like he was dying, he was never … quite dead.

“But … If it makes you feel better.” He sighed, pressing a paw to his eyes. Can’t believe I’m doing this. “I’ll go about fixin’ a nest in the Warrior’s den. I’m not makin’ promises.” He was sorely going to regret it, but he’ll try again. The third time’s the damn charm, isn’t it?
thought speech


"That so?"

A content smile found itself slipping onto Johnnys maw as he nodded in response, watching Duskpool glance up to regard the tree for himself, surprised by the ease of the conversation that had settled between them. It hadn't been expected, but it was certainly welcome. Johnny didn't get many moments like this to just hang out with another cat, and he wondered if the same was true for Duskpool as well.

At the mention of their tail having never been chewed on, the tomcat couldn't help but grin. Johnnyflame didn't have a tail of his own, but he'd been born that way. Still, it seemed like Dusk was trying to reassure him and joke in his own way, maybe? It was still hard to read the smokey male, but Johnny found himself compelled to try.

“I think I have the ‘torn-up’ box filled.”

His smile would falter at the mention of already being torn up, amber eyes dropping to the violent scars partially hidden beneath fur all along the others body. Johnny had his share of old clawmarks and bit wounds, some from cats and others not, but he wouldn't for a second pretend to understand what going through something like that was like. The closest he could come was the infection that rat bite had set in him, leading to an operation and short stay at the vets back in his old twolegplace, but that had been a slow-build, a small wound turned sour. Duskpool had surely been through worse.

"But I would." he replied stubbornly after being told not to worry pointlessly.

Johnny wouldn't be able to help himself, especially now that he and Dusk were familiar with each other. The tom was no longer just a background ally belonging to the same clan as Johnny, but a cat he knew and could easily see becoming a friend. How was he supposed to not worry?

“But … If it makes you feel better.”

Sunshine eyes blinked in surprise as the older warrior brought a paw to his face in what seemed to be exasperation, and he immediately recognized the gesture for it was- defeat.

Johnny perked up in an almost doggish way; ears flicking forward, head cocking slightly to the side, a goofy half-grin settling on his maw. Perhaps it was a blessing he had no tail, or that, too, may have wagged.

"Really?" he asked, surprised but delighted that the dark tomcat had decided to rethink things- even if it was only to make Johnny feel a bit better. "If it makes it easier, I can stay with ya and talk your ear off until you fall asleep. Maybe all the ramblin' will fry your brain enough to keep the nightmares away?" he offered.

He'd only ever spent the one night out away from his twolegs, and it's hadn't been spent in the Skyclan camp. Rather, he'd been breaking into the shelter and working his paws raw on the twoleg latches to free his clanmates, both new and old. He figured he could make an exception though for Duskpool. He wouldn't be missed for one night, surely?

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
His gaze widened succinctly, head swerving away with a quiet tsk, whickers twitching at the blunt statement. Duskpool wasn’t positive about how to feel, but the undeniable warmth it filled him left a bitter taste on his tongue. Sure, kid. He kept his maw clamped, instead, staring up at the decaying pine he took refuge in some moons ago when his ghouls became prevalent, impossible to ignore.

He wondered what it would be like to die beneath its rotting roots as flowers blossomed within cream bones, overgrown but filled with life. A morbid thought, yes, but Duskpool wasn’t one to shy away. Not since he was a babe.

Duskpool was a bad omen. A walking shadow amongst his peers. He was damn well determined to keep it that way, but cats like Johnny made it damn near difficult. Fuck me. He wanted to laugh, but instead, focused on the bob-tailed warrior, brows knitted, deadpan.

He couldn’t help the snort that left him at Johnnyflame’s dog-like behavior to his noticeable half-grin. Duskpool cracked a smile, the corner of his lips barely tilted, chest rumbling akin to a monster rumbling against the rough pavement.

At Johnny’s suggestion, Duskpool blinked languidly, head cocked, ears swerving against his helm, obsidian-smokey fur rippling as his muscles coiled. “Tempting.” He snorted, covering up the surprise which briefly graced his omniscient features.

“Wouldn’t your owners miss you?” He asked, brow raised. “Don’t need you getting in trouble over some nightmares.” Grunting as he pulled himself to his paws, leaves crunching beneath his weight.

He gazes at the male with a critical eye, brow raised, huffing in exasperation. “If you’re willing.” After some hesitation, rolling his shoulders, relishing in the brief relief it brought to his sore muscles. “Nothin’ else to try.” He remarked grumpily, staring at the nest Johnny currently occupied. Other than walkin’ around like a ghost.

Jerking his head towards camp, “You comin’ or going?” His head cocked, brow raised. Duskpool pivoted, exhaling through a parted maw, staring up at the canopy of trees, tail low to the ground, moving idly. Sure wouldn’t blame the other for going, either. He wasn’t sure he’d be getting any sleep anyway, but Dusk wasn’t one to break his promises ( if you could call it that ), even though it made things more difficult. Damn, fool.

Peering over at Johnny. “Or you sleepin’ here? Real comfortable, I’ll bet.” His tone was deadpan, brimming with humor, molten optics crinkling.
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"They would." he replied, the words falling from his tongue with a blunt sort of honesty. His twolegs were good people, and he'd seen the way they fussed and fawned over him the few times he'd skipped out already. "But they'll understand. They may not know about Skyclan and what I do with my days, but they trust me enough to make my own decisions."

It hadn't been something he was confident in when he'd first started coming to Skyclan. Hell, he'd even put off joining in the first place because he was worried it would affect his twolegs negatively, either causing them to worry or think he just wasn't grateful to them anymore. But even after coming homea bit beat up, or missing his 'curfew' and staying away from nearly 48 hours after the shelter raid, they'd never once tried to punish him or confine him.

His cat door was always unlocked and waiting for him, and that was as big a show of trust as anything in his book.

Besides, Johnnyflame found that he was willing to take those risks for Skyclan and it's cats. Thistleback had been right all that time ago when he said there was more to a cats life than guarding the fenceline and protecting twoleg gardens. All that time, Johnny had been missing pieces of his life, thing he couldn't even imagine, let alone begin to understand. But Skyclan was slowly changing that, was showing him that there were other connections to be forged and pursued, to be valued just as fiercely as he valued his twolegs, if not more.

If Duskpool needed him, he wouldn't think twice about offering himself up to run interference against the other toms nightmares.

Duskpools next words were those of acceptence, a question of if Johnny was coming along or not.

“Or you sleepin’ here? Real comfortable, I’ll bet.”

The botail let out a chuckle, poking at the nest with an exposed claw as he let a thoughtul look settle over his features. "It's tempting- you put so much work into the thing it seems like a crime to just leave it here unused." he joked he, but got to he paws and shook out his coat all the same.

"Come on. I bet there's still a good spot we can steal for you. If I have to shift a few nests around though that'll be our little secret." he said, winking at the tomcat as he fell into step beside them with an eager bounce to his step.
