camp WE'VE BEEN SO OUT OF TOUCH // gossip

[ this takes place during the oct gathering! @MIDNIGHTASH mention but feel free to post before! ]

She reclines in the gentle moonlight, her pelt pressed against that of Midnightash. She doesn't relent to the other the turmoil that burns beneath her pelt - the frustration that comes with not being invited to the gathering once more. A part of her knows that her freedom hasn't earned her a permanent spot beneath the full moon, but a larger piece wishes it has if only so she could be there when Pebbletail's name is announced. He got to see her in her triumph - why had she been excluded from seeing his? Maybe others are more important in the eyes of his mothers, like his siblings... Maybe she's more needed here, in camp. Iciclefang let her know of the tragedy that happened seasons ago. Do they truly fear it happening twice?

She is caught up in chatter with others. Senseless gossip, mostly, but the she-cat catches a lull in the conversation and takes it with everything she has. She may as well have fun if she's stuck a casual sentry within camp. "Y'know who I seen hanging out with Valesight?" She chirps his name with ease, as if it doesn't hurt him in the distance. "Turtledove. In fact, I've seen him say more to her than... to anyone else, I think!" Her tail flicks as she blinks the astonishment from her eyes, "D'you guys think they'll warm the same nest come leadbare?"
NIGHT ENDED THE FIGHT ✧°.☀ ————————————
Herondawn rested among his clanmates with his eyes half-lidded. He was glad he wasn't offered a place among the gathering party. As much as he wanted to be by Cicadaflight's side to see how he would interact with other's not in their clan, he never liked the amount of eyes that the Fourtrees held under the full moon. They all seemed to burn into his pelt and he thought the entire time how much he wanted to be home in the comfort of their camp.

That was hard found in the beech copse, but it was better than the nerves he would feel under the large oaks. He shifted his foggy pelt as he heard Splashdance pipe up. He was no gossip. He liked to mind his own and let others be, but he couldn't help twitching an ear in interest at her statement. Turtledove and Valesight, huh? Something told him that the warrior was onto something there. He'd watched the stocky she-cat exuberantly talking to him the other day while he listened, something he had not seen her do since Magpiepaw was alive. He was pleased Valesight seemed to be helping her move along from that terrible event.

Herondawn peeked at Splashdance and hoped she wouldn't turn her attention to his own personal ongoings. If she was picking up on two cats just talking to each other as interest, the fish that Cicadaflight placed at his feet he other day would certainly be brought up. His stomach sank into his feet and he slowly rose from his resting position, fully intending to sneak away before any eyes turned his way.

[penned by muddly - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BUT THE SONG REMAINED