pafp WHACK-A-MOLE / beetle incident


Oct 14, 2023
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER — Blazingkit found himself curled up next to his littermates this morning especially now that it was beginning to get colder, his feathered ears lay flat against his skull with nose tucked into one of his sister's sides. It isn't long until he gets up seeing that the sun had finally risen, the tabby tomkit rolling out from the pile of fuzzy kitten bodies does he step outside with a small frown on his maw at all the cold stuff that nipped at his tiny kitten paws yet he walks on only letting out one shrill hiss of protest and blinks when his eyes zero in on the moving body of an insect, very specifically, a beetle does he forget about the snow completely. In anyone else's eyes it was a harmless bug but in his eyes, it was an intruder, a trespasser, and those would be dealt with accordingly by him especially since his grandpa was waaaay too busy mooning over Bobbie. Gross.

This is why Blazestar could never be a true Lionclan warrior like him and his sisters, he was too focused being lovey dovey and such feelings were yucky and weird. Blazingkit would never turn out like that, this he silently swore, and he focuses on the beetle once more with owl sized eyes before pouncing forward "Gotcha! You nasty little trespasser!" He squeaks triumphantly with ears pinned against his head only flinching momentarily when a crunch sounds from underneath his big paws, he steps back to see that two of its legs had fallen off and it had nasty green bug guts coming out from its belly. His disgust turning into triumph at having gotten rid of this pesky trespasser as his feathery tail lifts up with pride. That will teach those pesky beetles.

/ please wait for @Springkit

  • Untitled248_20231022220251.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    3 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfkit and hawkkit
    easy to befriend; will throw a tantrum if you call him filthy
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Springkit was never the type of kitten to sleep in. Always she tended to rise early, which forced Roseblaze to rise with her. Today though, Cricketchirp had agreed to watch her so that her mother could get a rare day of sleeping in, Pumpkinkit with her if it so chose to. Her father sits nearby, chatting with a couple of other warriors but still he keeps an eye on his daughter as she plays in the snow. She had been playing with a beetle, following it throughout the camp as it desperately scurried away from her paws. "Don't worry mr.beetle I'm not going to hurt you!" she assures it, but the poor creature does not understand and, much to her dismay, it continues to try to get away from her.

There is a terrible moment where Springkit looses the beetle. She had only looked away for the briefest of moments and it was gone. "Oh no! Don't worry mr.beetle, I'll find you" she assures it, her voice quiet so as not to alert the adults to her distress. Her green eyes scan all the nearest snow drifts, but the insect remains painfully hidden, despite how much it should stick out against the ivory landscape.

Her ears flick when she hears a hiss and she turns just in time to see Blazingkit with his paw above the beetle she had been playing with. "NOOOO! BLAZINGKIT STOP!" she cries out, diving forward with the intention of barreling into him but her feet falter when the orange striped kitten squishes the bug underneath his paws. Immediately, Springkit breaks into tears. " could you?" she says between sniffles "Mr.beetle was my friend! I..I loved him!" and Blazingkit had just killed him as if he was nothing!


Howlfire sleeps contentedly in the nursery. Her three children are close at her side and for once they were getting a rare lie in. Or they were until Blazingkit awoke from his slumber. Howlfire briefly stirs alongside her son, watching him carefully for a moment before he chooses to slip outside. She doesn't feel too worried about him wandering off, knowing one of the queens sits outside, along with Roseblaze's mate who was kindly watching over their own kits.

Howlfire had just settled down comfortably again when she is startled awake by the yelling of Spirngkit. She does not know what has happened, only that her son was partly to blame. Carefully rising from her nest, Howlfire tries to make sure her daughters are still sleeping soundly, though she knows with all the yelling and moving about they're likely to make an appearance soon as well. Howlfire steps outside and quickly tries to figure out what was going on, looking between Springkit and Blazingkit. "What's going on out here?" She asks, looking between the children. "Why are you crying, Springkit?"
Blazestar was just exiting his den, leaving Bobbie curled delicately into their nest, when he hears Springkit’s shrill cries of distress. Cricketchirp is hovering nearby, and soon Howlfire is on the scene, too, her hazel eyes bright despite the sleepiness that clings to her still. The Ragdoll chirps a greeting to his daughter before settling his bulk beside her and the kits. Springkit’s accusatory cry of Blazingkit still rings throughout camp, so the SkyClan leader turns gentle blue eyes on his grandson. There’s a mess of green insect guts spilling from the carcass of a squashed insect between the kits.

Did you step on Springkit’s beetle, Blazingkit?” His tone is mild and carefully non-accusatory; he knows kits have instincts, especially at the age Blazingkit is now, and he’d hardly get the child into trouble for squishing a bug he’d been playing with. Still, even his tender old heart aches for the little black-and-white she-kit who cries over her destroyed plaything.

, ”
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER — The last thing Blazingkit had been expecting was for Springkit to run over to cry loudly to him, his feathered ears laying flat against his head and the fur along his kitten body bristling in every direction wondering what was the big deal. It was just a dumb bug. He squints at her as if she was accusing him of murder, which he kinda did, only to puff out his chest at her as he says in a matter-of-fact voice to her "Well, Mister Beetle had an acorn for a brain since he was trespassing on Lionclan territory. I dealt with the problem ac... accord... Accordingly!" He steps back realizing that there's plump tears rolling down her face and he can't help but grimace at the sight wondering why she loved that pesky beetle more than him, he was way cooler than some dumb beetle and he wouldn't get crushed. He was a giant! Maybe if he crushed it further to prove a point then she would realize she was crying over nothing, he frowns at her beginning to speak once more "Look Springkit, I'm way better than some stinky, small beetle-"

Blazingkit cuts himself off when he hears the voice of his mother, his eyes growing wider, and turns his focus on Springkit to glare at her for getting him in potential trouble. With a large paw, he sweeps the beetle out of his mother's sight and closer to himself trying not to grimace at the feeling of it near his pawpads. "She tripped! I was chasing her and she tripped-" His green gaze locking onto her blue-green one, "Right?" He thinks himself a genius for a heartbeat until his grandfather arrives at the crime scene and a part of him wants to flee but instead Blazingkit makes the rash decision to scarf down the beetle until it was in his jaws, he cringed immediately wanting to gag but refuses to be caught. What if he got held back for killing Springkit's stupid beetle? He couldn't possibly risk it.

"Whaff beefel?" Blazingkit tries to say around a mouthful of beetle and he starts to feel his fur burn, it takes him a moment before he manages to swallow down the bug and offers Blazestar a toothy smile. He was going to be sick.

  • Untitled248_20231022220251.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    3 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfkit and hawkkit
    easy to befriend; will throw a tantrum if you call him filthy
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
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It seemed that Roseblaze could never quite catch a break. While Cricketchase had taken Springkit out to monitor her playtime, Pumpkinkit hadn't immediately followed, instead pawing at its mother and huffing and shifting from foot to foot until she got the memo.

Together they walked to dirtplace, the sleepy and somewhat disgruntled queen mouthing and nudging her kit in the direction of its father and sibling so that she may return to her nest in peace. Only after it began to toddle away did she trudge back to her den.

It was here now that Pumpkinkit stumbled upon the frightening scene, raised tail and smile faltering at the sight of Springkit damp with tears. Adults were gathering, looking concerned and upset. Everyone was mouthing and looking from kit to kit and it didn't understand what was going on. Springkit was crying.

"Mmh," the patchwork kit whined shrilly, its own throat tightening with tears. Why was she crying? It wanted to cry too. Maybe it would- maybe it should?

Shoulders hunched and flank pressing close to her own, it could feel each hiccuping breath she sucked in. Its own whining grew, and Pumpkinkit began to shed tears of its own, confused and upset.
|――――――――――――――| (()).....
  • // OOC
  • (( pumpkinkit )) of skyclan, sibling to springkit ; npc x npc
    ↳ its/they/any pronouns, doesn't care about gendered terms
    ↳ AGAB undefined ; intersex ; gender unlabeled, it does not yet understand the concept
    currently 3 moons old, ages every 1st
    completely deaf. unlikely to understand anything said with words alone.
    ↳ this is not currently known, most just believe it to be quiet or slower to develop speech
    likely to respond to situations based on the expressions of others.

    a scruffy, shorthair chimera kitten that is a distinct and striking combination of glossy black fur and bold red stripes. it has bright, mismatched yellow and copper eyes. for its age, pumpkinkit is of average height. it smells of dry leaves and springkit.

Blazingkit was speaking to her, but she hardly heard them through her own sobs. When the adults arrive, Springkit finds herself calming just a little bit. her hiccuping cries reduce to just tears streaming down her face, mixing with the snot from her nose that she reaches up and wipes away with the back of a foreleg. The grown ups would take care of it, they would make it all better right? They would bring Mr. Beetle back and he would be saved from mean old Blazingkit. Howlfire asks what happened but she is saved from answering by Blazestar who is able to correctly guess. She nods to his words, mute for now as she continues to try to wipe the tears from her face, an Olympian task considering they were still falling as she was wiping them away.

When the other kitten answers, she is expecting the truth from his lips, for him to own up to the thing he had done and apologize, but instead he lies and for a second, all Springkit can do is stand there, shocked. Blazingkit was trying to avoid getting in trouble no doubt. "Nuh uh! I did not! Tell them Blazingkit! You stepped on my beetle, tell them!" she cries out, indignant. Vaguely, she is aware of a presence suddenly beside her. Pumpkinkit. "Oh now look what you've done, Pumpkinkit is crying too!" truth be told, she's not sure why Pumpkinkit was also shedding tears but she was never quite sure why they did anything. She wanted to make Blazingkit feel bad about what he had done though so it was the most perfect and the most convenient reason she could think of.

And then, suddenly, something absolutely terrible happens, Blazingkit sticks the beetle in his mouth and eats it effectively destroying it forever and making sure it could not ever come back to life. "WHA-" she cries out shocked, more tears already springing to her eyes. "HOW COULD YOU BLAZINGKIT?! HOW COULD YOU?!" and with those words having been spoken she pelts away as fast as she can back to the nursery so that she may bury her head in Roseblaze's fur and cry her sorrows out to her mother.

Cricketchase, who had been preparing to step in, approaches and, with his tail starts to begin to steer Pumpkinkit in the direction of the nursery as well. "All right Pumpkinkit lets get you back too" he says, suddenly deciding that playtime was over now that both of the kits had devolved into the equivalent of wet moss. As he leads his other child away he sends a glance back to the other cats and mouths the words "Sorry about that", leaving Howlfire to take care of her son however she so wished. He does not expect retribution though, death was a hard lesson, but it was one that Springkit had needed to learn and he does not fault Blazingkit for what seemed like an accident.


From her one simple question all hell seems to break loose. Blazingkit tries to claim that there had been some accident where he had chased Springkit and she had fell hence the tears. However, Springkit was adamant that was not the case. Amongst the arguing, Pumpkinkit wandered over and began crying too. Howlfire was about to say something when Blazingkit gobbles up what remained of the beetle and tries to pretend as though there had been none in the first place. "Blazingkit!" Howlfire calls, giving her son a warning look. She would have said more if not for Springkit running back inside, prompting Cricketchase to usher Pumpkinkit back inside as well, apologising for what had happened.

Howlfire gives the warrior a look as if to say it was fine, watching him go before looking at her son. "That wasn't very nice of you."
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER — His head began to spin especially at the arrival of Pumpkinkit and how it began to cry alongside Springkit who then proceeded to put the blame on him, he can't help but feel his pelt bristling on every direction possible and the guilt turning into burning anger. He hadn't done anything to Pumpkinkit! Regardless, it was all so overwhelming and the fact he had ate a bug made his tummy start doing upset flips but his act of eating the little beetle is enough to get Springkit out of his fur. That itself is a victory in his eyes but its shortlived when he hears the scolding voice of his mother and she gives him a warning look before he felt his own bottom lip starting to quiver but not from sadness but from frustration. His own salty tears beginning to form as his tiny needle-like claws stab into the earth "Yeah well... It wasn't nice of Springkit to blame me for Pumpkinkit!" He says with a sniffle and immediately lifts a paw up to wipe away the start of tears but a few manage to roll down his face anyways, his snout wrinkling as he sniffles once more "I didn't even do anything to them!"

More angry tears roll down the kitten fluff of his cheeks and feels his chest ache when his mother tells him that hadn't been very nice of him, his form slouching as his head ducks away from her gaze unable to look at either at her or Blazestar "How was I supposed to know t-that was her s-stupid beetle?" He blinks the tears that threatened to blur his vision as he declares in a harsh mumble with feathered ears pressed against his skull "I hate Springkit..." He couldn't comprehend how harsh that word is but all he knows is that the bicolored molly made him feel awful she had succeeded in that aspect but made him so mad. There's only a small sliver of him feeling guilty for killing her beetle but how could he had known? It was much too late even if his actions had been rash, he feels sick to his stomach only to find himself crying even more.

"It's not fair," Another sniffle and a hiccup of his own except unlike Springkit there is no snot threatening to leave his nose but instead he curls his tail over himself. His tummy hurt.

  • Untitled248_20231022220251.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    3 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfkit and hawkkit
    easy to befriend; will throw a tantrum if you call him filthy
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed