private whale of a tale (fernpaw)


Getting the chance to train one of his sons is something Mudpelt wouldn't trade for the world. He loves Fernpaw dearly - he's strange, and a bit dim-witted, but he adores him all the same. And even if his training was going along more slowly - much more slowly - than all of his littermates, the proud father was not willing to give up anytime soon. The pair sits at the river's edge during yet another fishing lesson, in a shady spot beneath a willow tree. Like all of the other fishing trips they'd taken, Fernpaw hadn't caught anything yet...but Mudpelt is determined! He's sure his apprentice will get the hang of it sooner or later! "Now remember, when the timing is right and you see that fish in front of you, swipe fast. They'll see your paw coming, you have to catch them off guard," He whispers, amber gaze lifting from the river to peer at the ginger tabby before they refocused on the water's surface.

Fernpaw had to admit a bit of disappointment- though inwardly, of course. He couldn't tell his dad- no, he'd look like he'd given up! So many apprentices, including his siblings, had proven themselves skilled fishers, hunters, fighters; but Fernpaw was left wondering, thinking on the theory, sure that he'd get it one day but no closer to accomplishing it. Intent, he followed Mudpelt's lead eagerly, no outward sign of the worries that were beginning to gnaw at his spirits.

Side-set kit ears angled to the voice of his father, bug-eyes glancing sideways before watching the silvery bodies of the fish circle each other beneath the water's surface. The timing- right. Yeah, it was easy if he thought about it that way. Just act fast, think fast- with a definitive nod, he prepared to heed his father's instructions. Snout crinkling in concentration, Fernpaw's huge gaze watched the fish intensely, daring not move. His muscles stiffened in anticipation, a million thoughts rattling through his brain. Pretty scales, think fast, that's your lunch- as the sun reflected off the scale of a fish as it drifted right in front of him, Fernpaw blinked at the glare before plunging a paw into the depths.

Spindrift sprayed all about, the movement anything but aerodynamic. Not even the slip of a piscine touch had grazed his paw-fur; and there, down the stream, swam away his would-be meal. "Almost!" he exclaimed, sure he had at least been a little bit close.
( penned by pin )
Mudpelt crouches lower, teeth revealed in an eager grin. Even after multiple failures, multiple missed swipes and giant splashes, the young father remains an optimist. Maybe this time, it would click with his son. He'd learned around his age, so it would be any day now for Fernpaw, surely! He watches closely as the pale red paw lashes out at the water, and...! It's not even close. The prey escapes and Fernpaw is left looking up at him, a soaked leg and giant smile is all he has to show for it. Hesitating, brows raise in faux glee as his grin grows wider. "Oh...! So, so close!" He trills through his teeth, unable to crush his son's positivity. He looks so proud - maybe next time?