pafp what a shame that you came here with someone // hunting advice

Mar 25, 2023

stalkingpaw & 09 moons & polygender & any pronouns & riverclan apprentice

At first glance, stalkingpaw's skills seem fairly average, or maybe even slightly worse than average, for an apprentice her age. And she'd have to agree - at least, when it came to the typical riverclan skills, like swimming and fishing. Despite her best efforts, she just wasn't as naturally graceful as the others - at least, not in the water. It's upon the shoreline that she really shines, slim and graceful figure painting a beautiful picture as she darts about with athleticism better suited to a windclanner (not that she'll ever admit to the comparison - the horror!)

Today's task has her heart racing, ears perked and tail abuzz as the patrol moves. A simple hunting patrol, but on land. Stalkingpaw is right at home. green gaze sparkles with enthusiasm she cannot hide as they start to split off, though she choses to stick closer to fernpaw than same. "I bet I'll catch lots of prey," she says voice hardly more than a whisper. Though she's never been the loudest of cats, its clear she's purposefully speaking low - stealth is key, even if she likes to ambush her prey, take in the thrill of a good chase.

The faintest rustle is enough to have her fluidly dropping low, every inch of her lithe figure coiled and taught with tension as she freezes. Ears twitch, whiskers quiver, and then she's off like a shot - skittering right after the lizard that had been foolish enough to run by the two apprentices. She catches up easily enough, paws coming down on either side as she spooks it, hearding it into a better position, before she hooks it into the air, jaws clamping down upon the soft flesh until she feels it still. "See! Lizards are fast, but they're stupid - if you scare them enough they panic, and you can get 'em - just don't grab them by the tail, cause sometimes they'll like, lose it - it's reeeeal gross," she chirps out in a fast-paced manner, grinning where she stands, lizard now laying discarded at her paws.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: please wait for @FERNPAW ; optional mentor ping @rosewater
    tw/cw: —
  • a beautiful white furred apprentice with a black face and stripe down her back, and starlike freckles upon her cheeks. emerald eyes are wide and expressive, by far her most stunning feature. stalkingpaw is an emotional feline, quick to act and react before she really thinks, but you know that whatever she says and does is always honest and well intentioned.

    physically easy && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=crimson]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


Fernpaw had been reluctant to go land hunting- it was not a subject he and his mentor touched on often at all, their focus ever-resting upon fishing and fighting. Still not at graduation-level, the ginger tom was unsure if he wanted anything to distract him from improving at the most vital tasks; but eventually he'd decided it was worth learning some basics, even if he'd barely be able to perform them. Among the throng of apprentices, despite now being several moons senior, Fernpaw kept his senses as sharp as he could wield them even as Stalkingpaw whispered to him. He offered her a bright grin. "I hope you do," he said encouragingly, though the buried sentiment was a little more defeatist than he was letting on.

Fernpaw too froze at the low rustle- but as his eye befell the escaping lizard, Stalkingpaw was already after it, as if she'd kicked off of the riverbank to give herself a boost in the water. Upon seeing her catch it, his smile grew- though there was a tiny pit in his stomach at the sight of it. He tried to stifle the feeling, though- and managed it fairly convincingly. The ginger tom was so seldom seen without a smile that even grins not entirely genuine weren't suspicious.

Still, the idea that their tails could come off in your mouth- Fernpaw was not good at hiding that which made him squeamish, and his face wrinkled in disgust. "Ew! In your mouth?" It sounded disgusting- no wonder he'd never been taught to land hunt!
penned by pin
ShadowClan eats them.

Iciclefang drops her vole at her paws, giving Stalkingpaw a look that is mostly disinterest with a faint undertone of something else. Her whiskers twitch with every movement, even as the rest of her features remain statuesque. “I’ve heard about them eating frogs and lizards and other slimy things. Is that where you learned it, Stalkingpaw?” She flicks her tail against Fernpaw’s flank. “Did Boneripple teach you that?

Truthfully, not all ShadowClanners are as awful as Stalkingpaw and Sablepaw’s mother. She rather likes Sharppaw, though the feather-pelted apprentice seems as unfortunately abled as Fernpaw is. Imagine being so old and being stuck with paw behind your name. Still, she’d never be tempted—as Stalkingpaw is now—to bite lizard tails off and watch the rest of its disgusting body squirm away.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white markings and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin

His relationship to Fernpaw is one that is confused—unfortunately, though, it is only confused on one side. Dovethroat cannot help but think that. He is almost certain that Fernpaw does not hold particular animosity toward him over anything, if in fact Fernpaw ever particularly thought about him at all. The vision of Hyacinthbreath's exile plays in his mind like an unending tape each time he closes his eyes.

However, he has to remember that he is the one with eyes to close, and it's hard to feel that one has the moral high-ground when holding a grudge against someone who had gotten their eye ripped out.

Luckily, as he approaches, there is Iciclefang beside him. And it's very easy to feel a moral high-ground in relation to her, he thinks.

And he has no relationship to speak of with Stalkingpaw—what could go wrong? He is unusually easygoing as he cranes his neck over to look. "...Wh-What does that... e-even taste l-like?" Dovethroat asks, hesitant.


stalkingpaw & 09 moons & polygender & any pronouns & riverclan apprentice

Fernpaw looks disgusted, just as she intended, and she grins - a sharp, mischievous thing. "Yup!" The warriors who join them however are much less cheerful, and stalkingpaws fur stands on end. Iciclefang is lucky she is a warrior, because the girl has to bite her tongue to keep from snapping back at how judgmental she sounds - quite literally, as she tastes blood as it pools. Holding her tongue doesn't make her anger any less obvious though, pelt bristling, hackles raised, emerald eyes narrowed into slits, and claws gouging the earth as she simply tries to breath through it.

"Lizards aren't slimy - and no, she didn't, my mentor decided I should learn in case starclan forbid the river freeze's over again or dries up," her remarks are pointed - have they not all been worried about such a scenario occurring? They've all noticed it, the way it grows shallower, sluggish, the way carrion washes up more frequently. Cicadastar had even went and met with the strange ripple colony for that exact reason. Dovethroat's question is a welcome distraction, a cat she hasn't interacted much with but who at least isn't spitting vitriol and venom her way. Head tips to the side, a thoughtful look upon her face "Dunno honestly, I usually go for fish or mice. But food is food,"

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a beautiful white furred apprentice with a black face and stripe down her back, and starlike freckles upon her cheeks. emerald eyes are wide and expressive, by far her most stunning feature. stalkingpaw is an emotional feline, quick to act and react before she really thinks, but you know that whatever she says and does is always honest and well intentioned.

    physically easy && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=crimson]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


Dipperpaw did not hold much of an opinion about Boneripple - not like some of her other clanmates did. But she had heard whisperings an she had drawn her own conclusions from them. Boneripple was not liked by many, even in her former clan she had not been well-liked it seemed. If Stalkingpaw is anything like her then Boneripple must be insufferable she thinks. Stalkingpaw is prattling off in that annoying way she does, acting like she knows everything. Lizards seemed like not good prey to Dipperpaw but she does not say so. She comes to stand next to Fernpaw, wishing that he wouldn't encourage Stalkingpaw's behavior but she keeps her lips sealed.

Her gaze shifts to the calico warrior as she explains that ShadowClan eats them. Her distaste for the lizards and for Stalkingpaw only grows with that new information. ShadowClan were known for their disgusting eating and grooming habits, if they ate lizards then it was guaranteed to be disgusting she is sure. "There is other land prey" she points out when the black and white apprentice brings up the river freezing over or drying up. Her tone is carefully neutral and as she speaks she shrugs her shoulders. She would much rather eat squirrels and mice and she thinks she would only ever eat something as disgusting as a lizard or frog if she was on deaths door.
As Stalkingpaw gave her advice on hunting lizards, Mosspaw nodded in consideration if it. It was sound logic. She would have to try the technique out herself, should she get the chance.

The rest of the patrol were more focused on the what of the catch rather than the how. Fernpaw and Dovethroat both expressing disgust at the sight of the lizard hanging from their jaws. Their disapproval meant little to her though.

Iciclefang's opinion, on the other hand, meant everything. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, she failed to pick up on the implications behind the lead warrior's words. She did nod in tacit agreement when she called the lizard slimy though.

"It is definitely gross." Mosspaw said plainly, leaving no room for argument. Though, after a moment, she added, "Your mentor is right though Stalkingpaw, it is good to have that knowledge just in case. As you said food is food." There was no sense letting good prey go to waste. If she had the option, she would never choose lizard over anything else, but she wouldn't think of turning down perfectly good food. That would be a disrespect to those who had worked so hard to catch it.​
Stalkingpaw’s barbed response only causes Iciclefang’s mouth to twitch in condescending amusement. “Your mentor loves the taste of swamp food, it seems.” She sniffs dismissively. “When the riverlands turn to marsh, I’ll come to you for advice, I suppose… but in the meantime.” She twitches a dark ear and turns to Dipperpaw, who offers the opinion she shares. “…I’ll stick to more palatable things I don’t have to dig through mud for.

The tortoiseshell ignores Dovethroat’s inquiry, and she only tosses her head at Mosspaw’s assertion. “Well, you’ve caught the thing. Might as well make a proper ShadowClan feast of it.” She turns her paws away. “I’ll be fishing, though.” She picks the vole up again, letting its warmth fill her jaws, before she turns back the way she’d come.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white markings and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin