pafp what a thrill to see it mend * joiner


mister walker away
Nov 8, 2023

The grey pavement and tall residences fall out of view the further he's trudged. He keeps his head on a swivel, worried, eyes steering around the forest, well trained and watchful for any threat. He's a dingy cloud of fur ghosting by the edges of the territory, grime caked into the tangled long fur. It likely only takes one look to see he's a rogue. His life is evidenced by the scars left in it's wake, a long line drawn across the bridge of his nose and scattered across him. Bear's body is tense with caution, however broadly he strides his body is drawn in tightly - defensive. It's ingrained in him, crow food and alleyways the few constants in his world.

The scarred body has a shake to it, fleas clinging to him. Bear has come of his own volition, seeking out his family. it's nothing he's done in the past - in the past it's seemingly been the other way around. What he knows he rests heavily on him, drags at him, the more his mind lingers on his mother the more painful the journey becomes. Bear shakes his head as if to shake the thought out of his head. The distance he's exacerbated between him and her, again, of his own volition, and the way he had heard through about the death through the grape vine, has guilt hounding at his heels.
coward he is such a coward, couldn't even bring himself to see her before she died. He needs to find Dog, he needs to- he doesn't even know, can't determine it, after all wasn't it Bear who grew distant in the first place?

The forestry surrounding him, the oddly clear air, it's intensely
new, so dissimilar to the alleyways, the cramped quarters of wherever they had determined wouldn't get them rained on. He's malnourished, the ragged state of his pelt indicating the starvation, as he stands by the border he's unable to suppress the tremble, exhaustion and grief pressing down on him. He knows better than to drew attention to himself in territory so foreign to him, but he knows he needs the refuge. he takes a deep breath, ignoring the way his breath hitches and passes the border line, impatience willing him across, he can't stand there all day. "Hey!" He bites into the cool air, succumbing to the weariness in his bones by lowing himself slightly.

/ please wait for @Dogbite to post :) set after the return to camp, prior to journey return.
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They were on their way back in from patrolling but halted as an unexpected call pierced the air. His tattered ears pricked up, one flicking slightly in response to the urgency in the voice. It wasn't a call he recognized immediately, but something in the tone made him uneasy. The tabby turned on their paws, a sense of foreboding settling in the pit of their stomach.

As he padded toward the source of the call, the WindClan warrior couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The scent of a stranger, a rogue, hung in the air like an unwelcome visitor. Dogbite's good eye narrowed in suspicion, and his muscles tensed as he approached the border. His instincts kicked in, years of survival urging caution. It better not be one of those foxheart's trespassing. Not long ago, they'd fought and killed their way back into camp. Dogbite having lost his morale in the desperate battle while protecting his apprentice, was no laughing matter.

Emerging from the undergrowth, a scruffy and scar-ridden figure came into view. The malnourished cat's appearance spoke of a life Dogbite was all too familiar with—the harsh existence of a rogue, marked by scars and hardship. Recognition flickered in Dogbite's eye as he studied the stranger, and a name surfaced from the depths of his memories. Bear. A cool sensation puffed his fur twice its normal size. Slowly, he crept closer, one eye getting a better look as he tried to dissuade their disbelief.

The realization hit like a ton of rocks, a turbulent mix of emotions swirling within them. It had been many moons since they last saw his brother, and now here he was, standing at the border. Dogbite's initial surprise morphed into concern as he observed the fatigue etched on Bear's worn features. Bones protruding roughly and form as sorry if not worse than Dogbite's war-torn pelt. Looks like we've both lived a hard life. Empathy, hearty, and achy bloomed within, but he refused to step any closer. He kept a firm distance, just as his brother had all those moons ago after they had lost their eye.

Dogbite hesitated for a moment, his mind grappling with a flood of memories and emotions. Then, with a determined expression, he met the cinnamon tabby's gaze with a mixture of wariness, shock, and grief. "Bear." He breathed the name aloud with disbelief. Even speaking it into the surrounding atmosphere didn't make it any more real. Dogbite's voice was heavy and laced with an undercurrent of questions. "W-what are you doing here? How-" They shook their shaggy head as he grappled with the strange but exciting situation.

Where have you been all this time? It was the one question he truly wanted to ask, but he would wait a moment longer. Swallowing the ball of emotion down, they finally stepped closer, blue eye alight with sadness. "-did you find me?" They waited for the response of the muddied tomcat with bated breath.

  • ooc ;
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 29 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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He wasn't an idiot, wasn't- wasn't stupid. When there was a scent from elsewhere on the wind Twitchbolt knew it cold only be something bad. He wasn't an idiot. Those rogues would be back, they'd be back for more- for revenge or something. The bunch that'd died, the bunch that'd been unfixable hurt. Surely vengeance was a taste too sweet. Fur a-prickle with nettle sharpness, Twitchbolt bounded through the treetops, and leapt with a hail of pine-needles to stand at Dogbite's side, as he faced off against this- this...

Rather pathetic looking cat. Scarred and beaten and very lonely-seeming, and sparing Dogbite a second glance betrayed to Twitchbolt a strange sadness on their face. The panic on the brown-and-white tom's face didn't dissipate completely, but was clumsily covered up with a look of concern. Wary wide green slid over to the stranger's face.

"Who is this...?" He was smart enough to stay on the border, at least- to not trespass. And maybe he was flying off the handle a little to easily, bristling at scents that came from elsewhere. You couldn't be too careful though, could you?
penned by pin ✧

Tension has him braced to the ground, muscles pulled in tightly. As if he's jumped into the ocean, the shock rattles him from the inside out. Dog. Memories of an old time are overwhelming, of a time when they were more innocent, although, he reflects, was there ever a time they were innocent? Against his better judgement, with a lack of care to his own preservation, his eyes tunnel in on his sibling. "Dog." It's graveled out, voice hardened by age, and scarce use. He has to tear his gaze away, can't look back at them, instead averting his mournful gaze to the mostly clear skies. He swallows hard and tries very, very hard not to he crushed or crumble under the weight of the grief and guilt. Ears push back, he doesn't remember ever cowering so much, but the news he has received, the news he's had to dig for regarding their mother has been what he's desperately been trying to ignore on his venture has him shrinking rather than puffing up. He wants to greet Dog properly, but the hesitation holds him back, any gesture, he assumes won't be welcome, and it's within the first meeting in a very long time he's repeating old mistakes.

With Twitchbolt bounding into view he braces himself further. He's long since learned the hard lesson in regard to strangers, his hair raising at the sudden approach. He maneuvers as if to shield Dog, something familiar, something that was common many, many, many moons ago, prior to Bear resigning himself solely focusing on his own survival: "
Bear." He grunts shortly, eyeing the scruffy tom as if he's the one in Bear's territory. He regards the fearful threat as one of many encounters that he's going to need to drive off. Bear has no good humor to spare, wrung out. As the fall chill has begun to set in the scarcity of food made itself apparent, the toll of hunger and the burden he's carrying are entirely too much, survival squeezes his goodwill out. Although the fright is obvious, his words tell a different story, a tone of warning slathered all over. "Who are you? I'm his brother."

He, redirects his attention to the general vicinity of Dog, unable to rest his eyes on him directly. Something pushes his paws forward, closer to them. "Mother, I came back.." he can't stop the hitch in the words, though spoken as deeply as he can manage, "and heard about Mother." He's been one track minded, asking and, although he would never admit it, begging other rogue cats on the venture to find Dog to disclose anything regarding his brother.

"I just had to ask. The loners around here are, talkative. It wasn't so long ago when you were alone too." He shares, as if he needs to earn Dog's goodwill. The look he casts around the unfamiliar area is pointed. "I never thought you were the social kind." no, that was Dog's forte, although not saying much, it's apparent by the presence of the clan. Bear has been the one turning tail and running as far as he knows. Bear inhales deeply, tamping down the wild emotions that grip him tight and thrash him relentlessly. "I needed to see you. I know it's been, a long time. I needed to make sure that you're okay." The apology for leaving the family is stuck behind his teeth and he's ill-qualified to deliver it. He's seen too much death to be reassured of Dog's liveliness, even upon discovering his affiliation with the clan.

  • Sad
Reactions: DOGBITE
Shock seemed to dwindle as they took in the true realness of the moment. Dogbite felt the reverberations of his old name, a title tethered to memories of a bygone time, echo in the air. A familiar figure, worn and battered, stood before him, bringing a wave of emotion that clawed its way up from the depths of his being. Twitchbolt's inquiry hung in the air, and he couldn't let the past remain buried. "It's Dogbite now." They corrected an assertion of the identity he had carved for himself. I've finally moved on and now you're here. Bowing their head, the warrior felt mountains of conflict and lost time clawing its way up their throat with a vengeance.

Why did you leave us? Why? Had it not been for the chocolate tom, Dogbite surely would've bitten through his cheek. Sensing their clanmate's tense scent made them wave their tail. Hoping to indicate this was a peaceful situation. Bear's defensive stance and rumbling tone provoked their defensive instincts. "Don't be like that." He warned, face glinting with a steely resolve.

There was a silent dance of tension, but Dogbite sidestepped the larger tom's interference. "That's my friend Twitchbolt, and he's one of Skyclan's lead warriors." The message conveyed, they yielded, nodding to signal that the interruption was over. It sounds like gossip is still alive and well in the alleys. While listening, his look captured the pain reflected in Bear's own eyes. Don't. Tears sprung into the corner of Dogbite's eye. Velma's mention rocked him, and he sighed, conceding the painful truth. "Yes... I'm sorry you found out about her death that way." The weight of emotion threatened to drown him.

Holding up the incoming waterfall, he tilted his head back and laughed half-heartedly. "See me? Not the social kind?" Their tone now held an odd mix of vulnerability and defiance. Head tilting forward, lids cast further down and his pupil a mere sliver. Clearing their parched throat, they ground out. "Now is the time you decide to find me?" Hurt welled up, fresh and vivid, and Dogbite tried to quell it. Akin to a raindrop splattering once it touched, the earth hurt fresh and vibrant, spilled over the tired Skyclanner's cheeks. Stop it. Stop it. He hated it when the vibrations of anxiety were already prickling at their skin like ants.

Not in front of everyone like thi- "Where were you when I needed you whe-when she..." The raw emotion in his voice, a cascade of tears and accusations, and he lurched forward, seeking solace in the familiar fluff of his brother's pelt. To any outside observer, this was probably a very bizarre and uncharacteristic display. Especially for the more reserved ex-loner currently ignoring the outside world around them.

Family. In the attempted embrace, Dogbite's facade crumbled apart. Relief and mourning intertwined as he nuzzled into Bear's shoulder, releasing a torrent of emotions he had held back for too long. One they had cried and begged for nightly as a lonesome kit. Pushing weakly against Bear's chest, he steadied himself, taking a deep breath. "I've missed you... Idiot." They huffed, a mix of anger and exhaustion etched on his face. Showing this much affection was Ludacris to the one-eyed tabby, but just this once - they'd make an exception. After starving, nearly dying, and fighting for his life, the warrior would take any good out of a situation when possible.

  • ooc ;
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 29 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:
  • Crying
Reactions: BEAR
It isn't often that a reunion occurs upon SkyClan's borders, but Slate just so happens to be present for many of them. The Maine Coon feels awkward, standing confused along with Twitchbolt. At least Dogbite is handling the situation; while they do so, Slate peers forth at the strange cat, his peculiar scarring and fur pattern prodding buried memories. It isn't until a few moments later that Slate makes a realization and grunts, "You're from the streets." He doesn't bother elaborating further; Slate isn't necessarily thrilled to see this familiar face, either way. They had probably bumped into one another a few times if anything, exchanging grunts and grumbles, before going about their business. Bear should be thankful that he hadn't landed himself on Slate's shitlist.

Amber eyes glance between the two siblings before he eventually murmurs to Dogbite, "... Should we continue on without you, then?" Not once does Slate consider the possibility of Dogbite's brother wanting to stay. The situation nearly parallels the circumstances of his own joining — Slate had stumbled upon SkyClan territory in the dead of leafbare, headfirst into his long-lost sibling. The rest was history. However, he did not assume that all cats who stood upon the clan's borders wanted to give up their ways of life and join a collective. It sounded like this "Bear" and Dogbite simply needed to talk for a while. The latter was a warrior that the other high ranks seemed to trust, so Slate supposed it would be fine to leave the two alone on the border... He would not deny the hint of hesitation that lingered in his gut, though.

    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

Dogbite. It's odd to put a different name to the face he has known so long as Dog. "That's your name now?" is rumbled. Bear doesn't understand the significance, clan life so distant from what he's always known, a whole different existence. Dog - Dogbite seems so assured amongst, what is to Bear, strangers, it's at once, extremely prideful to see him so strong, but equally off-putting.

Dogbite's insistence on defending the new arrival has his ears drawing closer to his head, his eyes attached are Twitchbolt warily regardless. The title doesn't mean much to him, but he decides it must mean something if Dogbite's so certain, even when Dogbite moves out from behind him his eyes remain glued, fluttering to the other's paws as if he's about to swipe.

He's ready to leap at the chance to defend himself, puffs up under the narrowed gaze, "
It's.. I knew you would always be better off with just her. It was too many mouths to feed." The lack of another mouth to feed, had at the time sounded more than enough reason to depart, but had ultimately probably left all of them hungrier and endangered. His voluntary life of mostly solitude give for a few brief encounters has him jumping and never not braced for attack. The apology doesn't come.

Heavy, frazzled fur flattening, He cringes away at Dogbite's question, has no answer. Where was he? Moons ago. Residing in an alley that is equal parts terrifyingly unsafe and baring little shelter. He imagines something similar for his family. He doesn't know what to say and he can't rumble out anything. Guilt harbored within him stills him from moving away, anchoring his paws to the floor, softer than any grey or black ground where he has always resided. He dips his head lightly, something odd about the cleanliness of Dogbite's fur, the new scents lingering that has him recognizing how much time has passed.

Distracted by the oddly familiar and unfamiliar contact, he shoots back a few paces when he recognizes a face, his spine arches instinctively. It's an overreaction, and certainly the tom has never been one he's had to physically fend off, another new face has him unsafe. His spine straightens when Slate speaks. "You're from the streets too." He can't forget faces easily, the non violent encounters are ones he reflects upon often. He has no plans, has paid all his focus to finding Dogbite, and is hesitant on what his next move is. "So. You're here now?" He asks Slate. The former rogues present have him unsettled, ears pressing back, watchful eyes shifting between Twitchbolt and Slate.

Bear pauses in consideration, he knows he's not leaving his family after he's found him. With the audience unsaid words are tucked behind his teeth what he can grouse out is: "If I have a say I don't want to leave." He leaves the you unspoken. Something in his chest aches at the sight of his Dogbite, can't stop thinking of the kitten he used to be.


Applefrost hadn't known very much of Dogbite's past when SkyClan opened its borders to him. Much of their conversations resided in the current or future-thinking, where he already was and will be a warrior among SkyClans ranks. But much like how the
scarred tom did not share much on his days before they formally met, neither had she.

What was there to say that couldn't be guessed at, after all? Her resemblance toward her siblings were undoubted, they shared tongues before settling down to rest and her friends were anyone who would join her conversation. Disregarding the burned bridges with Nightfish, she lived a simple life as a warrior and she, of course, assumed the same for him.

"Dogbite, I found a-" Her distracted wandering had led her astray from the patrol and she picked up on the rogue-scent far later than those already gathered. Applefrost tilted her head at her friends embrace toward this stranger. Were all rogues friends with one another, she thought? That's kind of how it worked when she was still a Daylight Warrior.

"I can take Littlepaw while we finish up, if you need." She looked over Bear with a quizzical stare, unsure of what to make of him.
Surprise lit up the warrior's face as the comfort of old scents suddenly ripped away. Sitting upright and whipping their head he was face to face with the familiar frame of Slate staring back quizzically. Oh, yeah... The patrol. Awkwardly, he shook his head in a 'no' with the intent of only being a few moments longer. Yet, the startled actions of the cinnamon tabby cut the nod short. Blinking, he looked back to Bear's arched back and nervous expression. Did I look this bad when I joined? From what he could recall, the answer was a no and a yes. He'd been equally filthy and hesitant, but not nearly as starved and jumpy.

Their earlier sympathies returned as his blue eye continued to radiate out emotions for him. Just as he was prepared to answer, Slate-Bear's gravelly tone enveloped him with one phrase. I don't want to leave. Their heart leaped in their throat like a fish out of water. Hope, fiery and suffocating, raked its way up the back of their mind without a minute to spare. Quickly, he addressed the other with newfound fervor. "If it were up to me, it would be yes a million times, yes, but... What you're asking for..." His voice died away and the ground was now the most fascinating thing on earth.

Just grow up and be forward. "Skyclan isn't like a two-leg den." He looped back to the yellow gaze of the Lead Warrior. Unfortunately, the black tom rarely budged unless Orangeblossom or Blazestar were within earshot. Swallowing hard, he took a chance on his experiences and leveled a cool stare at Bear. "You can't up and go as you please. Outsiders have to earn their place by partaking in Warrior training and comprehending Skyclan's customs. It's hard work, trust, dedication, learning, and tough choices." Their jaw ached unfamiliarly as his chest fluctuated with mountains of varying feelings.

Catching his breath, he aimed to find even a flash of understanding in their sibling's eyes. "We were recently under attack by masses of rogues. Your timing is... Horrible." He grimaced at the phrasing utilized, but he couldn't think of a more appropriate way to make it clear. Skyclan was no two-leg toy to be batted with and an even harder bridge to cross than ever before. Their brows furrowed as they prayed the intent was clear.

You have to make a good impression. His next raspy input is much firmer and more direct than previous. "A good start would be to drop the aggressive act. Here, that only gets you chased off." Sucking in a breath, he breached the wall of hesitation and mentally pushed onward. "Slate and Twitchbolt-" Their tattered ear flickered in said direction of the others. "-call the shots and our leader, Blazestar, will also have to approve." Their nose twitched from nerves as he rumbled on. "If you wholeheartedly intend to prove yourself an asset, then I am willing to vouch for you." It had been moons since they'd last met and his unsteady words made that clear. I'm taking a chance on you.

Dogbite had no clue what kind of cat the other had become, but the longing in their chest sang a different tune. Hopefully, trust and himself alone were enough to prove Bear was more than worth it. Even if it was familial biases, he couldn't rationalize leaving his brother to suffer alone. Not like this. The straightforward tone of Applefrost had his back burning with humility. Turning to the side, he peered at the she-cat with a steady face as they meowed. "If you wouldn't mind." A genuine thank you glinted in their blue depths before said eye landed on what Slate had to say. They held their breath in anticipation of the stern cat's verdict.

  • ooc ;
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 29 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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He has to bite his tongue, forcing himself to suppress the incredulity at the younger sibling giving him instructions. Something about it rubs him the wrong way, doesn't seem right. Clearly, things are different, and have been different for a long time, he doesn't allow himself to linger on how he's missed everything about their life.

Dogbite's expression on wanting Bear to stay, has him making a decision. He's going to stay regardless, a decision he's certain of. All he has now, all he's ever had is the family. If it were up to me.. The shaggy tom finds Dogbite wanting him to stay an oddly terrifying prospect, but staying is the only viable action for him. Something softens, and the always present sadness melts back into his blue gaze.

Concept of working together, he doesn't think it's for him, doesn't think he can be alongside anyone let alone a group. He's not sure if he believes the words but they pass his lips nonetheless. "I understand." Bad timing? He's glad he there hasn't been any attempts to swipe at his filthy body, but he's still not ruling it out.

Suspicion lingers, it's harbored in his bones. He never be able to shake it, he thinks. Bear tries to force himself to relax, to settle into his skin, but can't seem to untense. As if to remedy this, he lowers his body slightly, scoffing down his pride at the action. Deciding biting something in reply is likely going to get him kicked back towards the streets and dingy alleyways that have always been home, with great effort he resigns himself to listening. Living with others seems to have never worked out for him the the past, due to his own actions.

Holding his low expectations close to his chest, he crooks his head towards Twitchbolt and Slate in acknowledgement of the youngers words. "I can prove myself, I think we've both taken care of ourselves." They have survived. The words bruise his ego somewhat, but they're still grumbled out, unlike the: Thank you. I want to stay, but I can't make any promises. Not that I've ever kept any, sticks in his mouth. All he wants to say goes unsaid.

Bear removes his eyes where he's refusing to look at Dogbite directly, shaggy head turning, he and attaches his flitting eyes to the other clan cat, with those gathered he shares the same wary caution towards her, her regard towards the siblings has him narrowing his eyes slightly at curiosity. She seems to be doing Dogbite a favor regardless. It's strange, how Dogbite has fit himself in here. He can't stop the vicious pinch of discomfort, with the knowledge that he'd never quite be welcome anywhere, of his own volition. His eyes similarly veer in the direction of Slate.

"Hmhm, but here, we take care of each other. Can you do that, comrade?" Fireflypaw hums as he arrives, tail waving behind him in greeting as blind, milky eyes peer towards the brothers. Others are arriving as well, and Slate and Twitchbolt haven't introduced themselves yet- let laone the others. Fireflypaw takes the initiative to dip his head in greeting, serene air about him as he examines the scent on the tom.

"My name is Fireflypaw, I am the medicine cat apprentice of this Clan. My mentor, Dawnglare, is our medicine cat. You said your name was bear, yes? It's a pleasure to meet you." The seal point meows in a friendly tone, tilting his head owlishly at the brothers. It was very odd to know Dogbite had a brother-he hadn't heard anything like that about him. Perhaps he needed to ask more questions about his clanmates to truly understand them better. "Mother blesses your journey here, it seems. She sings praises. What shall we do about your joining, I wonder?" He hums low, turning his sightless gaze to the two lead warriors near him for an answer.​