what a world! | intro, running kit



જ➶ He doesn't really remember what happened to his mom. One day she was there and the next his father said she had an accident. The child couldn't really process why his dad looked so sad about it cause accidents could be fixed right? So his dad carried him all over the place with the big dens, putting him on porches and doorsteps. But he always came back when no twoleg claimed him. But not this time it seems. His father left him on the edge of the forest and told him to run around given that he loves to run and with that one permission the young scrap of fur tore off into the forest. There isn't any real thought in his mind that this is the last time he will see his father. He just thinks this is a game and he flies around the trees, scrabbling against leaf litter as he zips around corners. His tiny legs make him feel like he is moving so quickly but in reality he is bumbling and falling around. Bouncing to a stop he pants quietly with tongue out as he looks around before he scrambles underneath a root of a tree. He squirms there before popping out the other side and then with a gasp he spots a hole in a tree trunk. With small limbs churning he scraps at the trunk of the tree, kicking and wiggling to try to get to the hole.

It takes way more effort than he thinks but with enough he squirms in there and stands proudly at the entrance. "King of hole!" He squeaks with joy, looking around at his small kingdom. With a pleased hum he wiggles his hind quarters and prepares to jump down from his perch. He must patrol to protect his kingdom from bad things.
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heading a patrol, nightbird moved quietly through the undergrowth. they still had a ways to go until reaching the border, the growth dense and thunderclan scent strong. something was muddled in with it, however. much to her relief, it was indeed feline. she would rather chase out a hundred loners than any more of those damned pigs.

her head began a swivel to alert the rest of the patrol, when suddenly a small voice shouted out. a sharp turn to follow the voice and the lead warrior spotted a child, a young one from the looks of it. her brows knit, tail twitching as he aimed to jump from the hollow of a tree. "hello?" she called out, poking her head through the brush to get a better view. "not one of ours, right?" the molly questioned, glancing between the patrol and the intruder with uncertainty. she didn't make a habit of hanging around the nursery, for all she knew someone had stumbled too far out of camp leaving some queen a bumbling mess.


It was best for Berryheart and his apprentice to follow with warriors, for the moment. With the boars crowding the territory, their slow movements trackable but preferable to avoid, it was best they stuck with protection even if the two of them had the claws and talents to defend themselves. Freckles would need to learn to gather herbs as well as use them... would need to differentiate the useless plants from the useful ones. When there was so much similarity between the two types, he could imagine it was a daunting task.

Hearing Inky, head of the patrol, ask a question, Berryheart craned his neck to get a better look at what she had stopped before. Tiny, stashed in the hollow of a tree like a tan-patched blackbird- a kitten. And not one of theirs, as Inky had astutely observed.

He motioned for his own apprentice to stop beside him with a flick of a lean, dappled tail, dull eyes lingering upon the child. Seemed energetic still, at least... therefore, he was hopefully uninjured. Askew eyes lingered with the beginning kindles of concern. A kit out here alone could only mean ill, truly. He hoped the answer to what had happened to his parents was not lying upon the Thunderpath, or at the goring tusks of their group of intruders.

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Why couldn't patrols be normal anymore? Lightpaw couldn't believe he missed the dullness of average daily life. With the boars skulking about, daily missions into the forest felt tense and unusual. Plus, on this one in particular, they even had Berryheart and newly-assigned Lichenpaw
tagging along.

He figured that would be it, the extent of the oddness, but he was quickly proven wrong when Nightbird was suddenly on high alert. With unease squirming in his chest he paused, watching the dark warrior briefly search. When the relief relaxed her muscles, as did his. Far more casually now, the golden tom approached.

Not one of ours, right? "Uh, no?" He gave his mentor a weird look, quickly switching back to the kit that was now before them. He smelled like Twolegplace. "Rather far from home, aren'tcha, kid?" At least he was lucky something hadn't snatched him up thus far.

Lightpaw lifted his nose to the air to scent. He couldn't smell anything else, not even faint. A confused green gaze flicked back over to the kit. "Are you... lost? Where are your parents?" Mother? Father? Uncle? Anything?

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
જ➶ The sudden snap gasp from the child is quite audible as he hears and then sees the strange feline before him. His eyes light up and immediately they have become part of his game. "Bad things!" He squeals as he jitters his whole front body. He grins broadly at the cats as more and more show themselves to him. The game is gonna be even more fun now with others. With what seems like a battlecry the kit launches himself from the tree hollow. "WAHHHHHHHH!" And immediately takes a tumble. But he bounces back up and starts to hop around the other cats as quickly as he can. Aiming a small headbutt @LIGHTPAW . hind legs begore he moves toward Berryheart then. "My hole! Protect!" He smiles in glee as he suddenly switches targets and starts to flail around Nightbird. So many opponents, so much fighting but he is enthralled at the whole game. At least he thinks it is a game as he launches him to try to grapple with @nightbird front paws.

The question asked to him seems to have flown right over his head, tiny teeth trying to nibble but not hurt as he squirms in the dirt and leaf litter. This is so much fun. So much fun! He hopes they stay and continue to play with him for the rest of the day or at least till his father comes back.
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The rest of the patrol had pulled away from Flycatcher so he was immediately aware of the little surprise they had stumbled across. He urges his apprentices forward with gentle encouragement, quickly nearing the rest of the patrol. When he hears chatter up ahead, Flycatcher quickens his pace, stepping out of a bush to see Berryheart, Nightbird, and their apprentices standing over a tiny kit. Flycatcher raises a brow at his clanmates, before turning his attention back to the kit. He watches as the young kit playfully tries to grapple with Nightbird's paw, seemingly unaware or unbothered by the situation he found himself in. "Any sign of his parents?" Flycatcher asked quietly.

it was confirmed to not be a thunderclan kit by none other than her apprentice who did not miss the chance to cast her a look. she brushed it off with a sweep of her tail. it wasn't her fault that there was a new queen around every corner, that strangers thought of thunderclan as a dumping ground for unwanted children. it could have been entirely possible that one snuck by her.

the kit was hollering once again, a barrage of short phrases and uninhibited battle cries. nightbird just watched, confused by the whole display. it was darting around then, she followed his movements with her head. when he aimed a pale head to her apprentice's legs, she couldn't withhold a snort of amusement. the streak of fur doesn't hang around long enough to see any damage inflicted, skittering towards berryheart next.

another shout, and a direction change occurs. the lead warrior finds herself as his new target. her paws are batted playfully, it nearly startled her as she inched back slightly, body frozen as she tried to contemplate an escape. he rolls before her, kitten teeth grazing her feet. "none so far," she grumbled back to flycatcher's question. tail twitching behind her, the molly lifts a front paw, aiming to place it down on the kitten to get him to still. it was gentle enough, if successful he would not be hurt. she was worried any amount of pressure would have frail bones snapping.
Duskpaw hesitates in his approach of the hole. The makeshift warrior seems occupied with his mentor and her other apprentice, so surely it wouldn't go badly? That was his reasoning behind curiosity, anyway. It turns out there really wasn't all that much to be curious of. As far as he could tell, there was nothing wildly intriguing about this particular hole. No special treasure or food worth protecting. No sign of home. He blinks, and blinks again, and turns to the rest of the patrol with clear hesitation. "Are we...keeping it? Him. Them." As odd as kittens were, maybe it was rude to call one an it. He glances at Coal as if the little one might be offended by that somehow, but his bet is on him still being occupied by his mentor.

"It's too dangerous out here to not. Isn't it?" As much as he was suddenly jealous of this kitten having snagged his mentor's attention and laughter, and as much as he worried about how annoying this kind of stuff might be around camp, it wasn't all that long ago that he was a little kitten too. He couldn't imagine what it'd be like to be so alone.

  • ooc:
  • ──── duskpaw. apprentice of thunderclan. he / they.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of his father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of their tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"
જ➶ He is about to be victorious. He knows he will be! But then a paw come and presses down on him. Oh no! The young kitten almost laughs but tries to keep a straight face at being forced to be still. Truthfully he wants to flail about and claim his victory but the bad things have won. The battle is over and he has been defeated. His cheeks puff out as he squirms a bit, small paws pressing against the ground before he sees the other. His eyes widen and he then grins brightly at Duskpaw, tail flicking back and forth. "Fun! Friend?" He seems to be asking as he squirms underneath the paw, twisting himself upside down to try to clasp onto Nightbird's paw gently. "Friends?" He'd like to have friends given the circumstances. Still he is fond of playing his game again but at the moment he has become aware that they are talking about something and his little tail flops as ears shoot up.

"Cooooallll! Cooooooalll! Me!" Dad said be nice and always introduce names. His name is Cooallllah or something like it and he smiles proudly.

- anyone can take him back to camp!

Nightbird confirmed that neither of the kit's parents had been found, and Flycatcher nodded somberly. If there were no signs of the parents it was possible they had either been abandoned or something had befallen them. Duskpaw asks if they are going to bring the kit back to camp and Flycatcher pauses. He glances at Nightbird a moment before nodding. "Yes, we'll bring him back to camp," Flycatcher mews. "Howlingstar would not leave a defenceless kit out here by himself and neither will I."

Flycatcher lowers his head to young kit. "Hi, Coal," He mewed softly, speaking in a gentle voice he used to use with his own children. "Do you want to come back with us to our camp? It'll be safer for you there and we can get you some food and warmer shelter. Would you like that?"
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Lightpaw didn't really know how to handle kits. They were weird, and sometimes loud or whiny, but he didn't dislike them. It was easy to mess around with them and play dumb games, even if it was more fun playing with other apprentices. This one in particular was exceptionally loud.

The golden tom started when the little scrap tumbled from his spot, a paw reaching out, but he popped right back up faster than he could actually do anything to help. He was repaid in the form of a rather harsh headbutt to his leg. While not painful he took a step back, a recoil of surprise. Nightbird snorted, and he shot her a crinkled look, straightening up.

Maybe his parents were actually squirrels, he mused to himself as he watched him dart every which way. Lightpaw made a point to snort back at his mentor when she became the source of violence instead.

Duskpaw spoke up then, green eyes shifting over to him. "Keeping him?" he echoed. "I don't know about all that, but it's not like we can just leave him out here. I just wanna know what dumbass let their kit get this far," he added in a mumble as Flycatcher spoke up.

Lightpaw sometimes forgot that Flycatcher was a father, watching him adopt a soft tone of voice as he addressed the newly dubbed Coal. He scoffed, although more from amusement than anything else. "What, are you just gonna put him back in the hole if he says no?" he asked with a wry grin. It was rhetorical, obviously.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

bringing the stray back to their home, this was becoming an all too common situation. the kit wriggles underfoot, twisting to ask for her apprentice's friendship before turning the same question onto her whilst grasping her paw with tiny feet. it took a lot for her to not recoil instantly. "yeah, sure," nightbird mumbles, gaze flitting around as she waited for someone to come and take him, relieve her of her kitsitting duty.

the deputy leans low to ask if coal would like to come back to camp as lightpaw fires a rhetorical quip. it was true, regardless of the child's answer he would be brought back. they were wasting time sitting here and trying to reason with a kit. "you will love it. lots of friends... and holes." from what she had gathered, those were the two things that interested coal the most. not giving him much more time for an objection, she reached down to grasp his scruff between soft jaws before turning to start towards camp. if he really did not want to be there, he could discuss that with the queens, or howlingstar, or whoever was idle enough to listen.