private WHAT ABOUT ME? &. shrike

they don't know what they're doing. shrike has proven to be difficult from the moment they got here and that's fine by them. they don't care. they don't even like the cat, let alone want to know them but... there is a certain level of uncertainty that makes them want to know them. who is this cat, and why does their father pretend to love them more? or maybe he's not pretending and he simply does. why weren't they good enough, but this gaggle of littermates was? was it their mother? did he love their mom more than chilledstar's? or was it just chilledstar and serpentspine that weren't good enough for him? too much like their mother, and not enough like him. they don't know. and they truly don't know why the hell they care so much about it.

their paws force them to pace back and forth as they think. there is just way too much in their brain for them to settle which was a hell of a turn around for them currently, given how hard it is for them to connect with any number of emotions right now. they're trying to calm down because somewhere in their mind that can hear her. they can hear their mother telling them that family was important. they had to try at least and after that... if it didn't work out, then it didn't work out. they don't want it to work out.

"you came here for ripplestream. you must be close, then. he talked a lot about you and your littermates. as if I would somehow..."

they lashed their tail to cut themself off.

"why are you really here? come to meet daddy dearest's biggest disappointment? I do wonder what he told you about me. you, specifically. ripplestream is way too kind. you seem like you'd tell the blunt and honest truth. a trait from your mom, perhaps, because it sure as fuck ain't from jagged."

he was a liar through and through in chilled's eyes. nothing would change that. not a damned thing.

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    46 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Tw: accidental misgendering, Shrike still does not know about Chilledstar using they/them pronouns

Anything that Shrike held with pride had been trekked through the marshland even before they had crossed the border. Their lineage to Jagged seemed like a smear, an error that needed to be etched out by ShadowClans oh so revered leader. They were uncertain if that was because of their father or because of the fact this meant they were tired by blood to Chilledstar. Perhaps it was both, as much as they would rather leave this clan and its denizens to rot for some reason Ripple- Ripplestream as he seems to be called these days, seemed to like it enough here to stay.

Maybe it wasn't the clan, maybe it was Chilledstar that Ripplestream wanted to stay for. What was so special about her anyways? There's no way it was because of that stupid little star attached to her name. Despite their seething, their mother had named them because of their love over their kin. Batting away at their own father as a kit, while they were barely able to open their eyes because they wanted no one else to touch their beloved littermates. Things have eased since those days but that fierce love for their kin unfortunately seeped into their feelings towards their half-siblings, while they would love nothing more to claw at Chilledstar sometimes in the brief time they have known her there was still that level of care. It was disgusting, they wanted it gone. They saw it as a blessing when the being of their torment had decided to rear her head towards them, their own tail lashes as Chilledstar spoke, in a mockery of a mirror.

They stood straight, puffing out their chest, just like how they remembered their father doing. The mention of Ripplestream- Ripple, the mention of Ripple caused the hounds that bayed at them to fight. Ultimately, sentimentality won here. “He did?” They blink in surprise, okay, they weren’t forgotten about while he was away. This was a good start. “We are close! Thick as thieves, they’re very kind. I always call him my voice of reason but I’m sure you’ve gathered that.” This was probably the most they’ve spoken to the estranged half-sibling, that realisation was not lost on them as they rolled their shoulders.

The air was still palpable with tension, Chilledstar cutting herself off reminded them of that. It was kind of incredible how easy it was to tangle Shrike’s nerves, severing the little self control they carried. Chilledstar unknowingly made it seem like an art form, the mention of jagged is all it takes. “Shut up about him, you’re not some failure of a prodigal daughter that you make yourself out to be” the ShadowClan leader was right about one thing, Shrike liked to be blunt and honest. A crack in their jaw from clenching it too hard brings back some kind of clarity, they’re still in Chilledstar’s clan, her word is law here. “I came here for Ripple, I didn’t think that this mystery daughter of our fathers was even real until I saw you for myself” they sniff, trying to act like their blood wasn’t boiling. A wavering very translucent aura of composure.

“Why do you even think of yourself so lowly? He spoke about you, sure, if you were ‘daddy dearests disappointment’ would he even talk about you? Much less to the point where Ripple would come looking for you?” They couldn’t believe it, if they had found out their father spoke about them so much to the point where estranged half-siblings would go out of their way to look for them they’d feel honoured.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 27 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

chilledstar at first has no reaction to shrike saying that them and ripplestream are close. good for them, they guess? they don't care. it's not like they have littermates. the closest thing they have is serpentspine, and they raised him. protected him. loved him with every single bone in their body. they'd defend him until the day their pathetic life is over. family is family. but... it keeps going. shrike seems to not like that they speak so ill of their shared kin and then it all comes crumbling down. that cold facade that makes their name make sense all falls. their eyes shrink back, as they listen to them speak. over and over. daughter. daughter. daughter. daughter.

"sh...shut up. shut up! shut up shut up shut up!"

they hiss out, claws instinctively coming out to dig into the ground. their teeth are on full display and they can't stop shaking. how laughable! how fucking funny! he spoke of them in good light to their supposed siblings, but called them a disappointment to their face!? what was it!? what the hell was it!?

"don't fucking call me that! I am not his daughter! I am barely his child! you are so damned ignorant! if you thought for one second that he actually fucking loved me, then why have we never met, huh? he never even told me about you! he left me and went to you. over and over and over!"

they snarl, eyes narrowed as tears cloud their gaze. they're usually so much more held together. so what happened? what tipped them off? they don't know. but there's no going back.

"I have felt his claws in my skin more than I ever felt his damn love! the last time he saw me, you know what his parting gift was?! death! he killed me! watched blood pour from my throat, and ran off like a coward! he probably thinks me dead right now, and he never even came back to check! he doesn't fucking love me! he isn't proud of me! he couldn't even respect that I was not a molly! did he with you, huh? did he respect that you are neither molly or tom cat!? jagged is not a good cat and you damn well know it, otherwise you wouldn't be fighting so hard for me to pretend to think so!"

they growl. what the fuck is he telling them, anyways? he doesn't love them. he said it. they can still hear him telling them they're not good enough. they never would be. why did they still want to be? why did they want their father to just see them once? its not fair. it's not fair!

"glad he doesn't just lie to me."

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    46 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Something in Shrike gains a kick from provoking some kind of reaction from Chilledstar. Though, there is a weird pit in their stomach that forms as a result of it. It’s not as primal as fear, fear would be too clean for them. Seeing her shake like that, from something they said, that was what was causing that weird plummet. They weren’t that ignorant, the loner could identify that this was guild but they couldn’t comprehend why they’d feel guilty over this. It’s not their fault that this sibling couldn’t handle what happens when they’re provoked.

Their hackles rise as their ears pin themselves back at the sight, the slight to their pride cut deeper than any wound that the leader could dream to make. Ignorant? They couldn’t bite back the scoff in response to that, not dignifying it with any words. The implications of Chilledstar’s statement caused their tail to thrash, did that mean that whenever Jagged wasn’t around them he was going to see their half-siblings? Their siblings, themself, not being their fathers first choice in this situation felt like they had been thrown into a ditch half-dead, waiting for some kind of killing strike to put them out of their misery like the rabid animal that they felt like right now. The knowledge that he never told her about them was slowly being processed, serving as the blade that was going to finally put them out of their misery. Denial was stronger though, she had to be lying, she had to be. This was just because Shrike had struck a nerve, an eye for an eye, there was no truth in these words.

“Hah! So now you're lying? How can he kill you if you’re standing right here!” They snarl, borderline growling at Chilledstar. Their statement could almost be comedic in the absurdity of them not understanding the clan’s culture and about the powers of StarClan. This situation lacked comedy though, for Shrike at least it was rapidly reaching a fever pitch. Their own claws digging into the ground, seeking a sensory distraction to distract them from the desire to launch at h-

They weren’t a molly? There’s a tremor in their paw, at the revelation of their words. Claws digging further into the earth. Instead of Chilledstar’s words in their ears all they could hear was Jagged’s. Daughter, she, her, sister- no matter how many times they would interject that they were neither it seemed to fall on deaf ears. Shrike had told themself that they just haven't earned it yet, they knew their place in the family and they weren’t at a point where they could change his mind yet. They just needed time, if they kept acting, kept pushing, they were going to earn it. To think they had someone to commiserate in this misery with. Even worse, to think it was with Chilledstar of all cats, how cruel life seemed.

“No. He doesn’t respect that I’m neither a molly nor a tomcat. I haven’t earned his respect yet- It’ll come in time.” It was a quiet admission, yet it rang like a bell in a quiet room. They blinked, breaking their stare at their half-sibling. Since when did they become so blurry? They blink again, tears spilling freely from their eyes. “He doesn’t lie, why would he lie to me?” The question is shaky, their resolve to uphold their fury dims slightly and they hate themself for it.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 27 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

they snort. they're not a liar. not after seeing their father lie to them so often. but if they had been, for whatever reason if they had to lie, it would never be about dying. it would never be about feeling themself slip away from their body, watching it lay idly and bleed and feel the pain in tenfold before it all stops for a moment. that's the only good thing about death, they think. the pain stops. they don't feel it. they don't exactly feel good but they don't feel bad either and that's... that's enough. they squeeze their eyes shut, trying to ground themself but they can't. not really. not when somehow the denial of their death makes them feel it all over again his claws pushing into them as they slowly lose their breath. they feel like they can't breathe but they continue anyways.

"i'm not a liar. you don't know it, but leaders of the clans are blessed, or maybe cursed, by starclan. we are given nine lives to live over and over. to die and to sacrifice is what it means to be a leader. over and over again. I've died many times. call me what you want. hate me all you want. but do not ever call me a liar. I would never lie about something so... callous. so horrible. so..."

painful. they don't finish their sentence. they lift their paw to gently pull at the fur between their paws and they let their class relax back into them. whatever anger they have is gone. it's never been at their half siblings in the first place and though they'd be angry later and spit angrily at the fact that they even exist– they don't mean to. it's misplaced. they're just so angry at jagged that it blinds them to reality.

"it will not come. he may love you now, but he does not respect you enough to respect your pronouns and for that I am sorry. doesn't matter how much anger I have in my heart... I don't think you should be misgendered."

gender is tricky enough without a constant reminder of who you weren't. they used to just let cats misgender them all the time. they've gotten better at sticking up for themself.

"he is a liar. it's what he does. I don't know how my mother loved him. I don't know how yours did. or maybe she didn't. I don't know her and I cannot speak for her. but my mother... loved him. and he left. he left, sired you, and then came back to my mother only to leave again. I don't care how you see it. or see him. I will always hate him. defend him all you want but every single time you do, I will remind you of his wrongs. of his lies."

they scrunch their muzzle.

"my mother always told me family was important and to try. so I'm trying. not for you. for her. do with that what you will. I'm done. I need to go hunting. come with. or don't. I really dont care right now."

they cannot stay here and talk anymore. they cannot face the music. they're shutting down and off. it was the easier solution. it was the only solution.

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    46 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

While there was conviction that this must be some weird joke that ShadowClan cats must have they truly couldn’t figure out an argument for why Chilledstar would joke about having multiple lives. It sounded like some kit game and while they didn’t like them, Shrike wasn’t convinced that they would participate in a prank like this. If that was the case then.. Then. “Why would he kill you? What did he do?” Perhaps at the start of this conversation they would have asked their half sibling what did you do. A subtle shift had occurred within Shrike, miniscule enough that even they couldn’t identify it.

That stubborn guilt just wouldn’t leave, sinking in their gut and making them wish that they were actually sick or something. That could be resolved easier, they didn’t know how to deal with this. In this moment there is no anger, not at Chilledstar anyways. A tired anger towards Jagged builds, bubbling at the fact that unfortunately their siblings' words were resolute. They couldn’t defend the fact that he didn’t respect them, they had thought that they accepted this fact moons ago, instead the wound had merely scabbed. They were just too used to the pain it inflicted to properly acknowledge that it hadn’t healed, at the end of the day they were still desperate for that respect, it would take more than one heated argument to change something so fundamental.

Shrike felt hollowed out, not used to being so angry and then burning out so quickly. In its place was a forgotten sorrow, Chilledstar’s apology in place of one that they knew they would never receive from the source of the issue brought it to light. They blink again, unable to keep their tears at bay, a keening wail causes their ear to flick in irritation. It took a little too long for them to realise that sound was coming from them. Once they did they clamped their jaw shut, fangs gnawing on anything they could find purchase on to distract them.

“You shouldn’t be misgendered either- sorry that I’ve been doing that this whole time” they mutter with a sniff once they trusted themself to sound normal. Tensing and untensing their paws as they shuffled, feeling awkward now that they burnt themself out. Hearing briefly about Chilledstar’s mother gave them pause, they were pretty certain their mother loved him. She didn’t talk about him much, he must have been loved to be allowed to come see them whenever he was around. Uncertain of if they should talk about their own mother they opt to remain silent in regards to that part of the topic.

“I’ll probably yell at you again later, you’ll probably yell at me too. But, thanks for letting us stay. I’m… trying too, not for you but family is family I suppose.” It maybe could be for them in the future, in the future it may not be considered trying either. Maybe they could love them like they loved their littermates but that day was not today. “I’d like to hunt with you, maybe you could show me what you clan cats are supposed to do when you do it ” they were itching to find something to occupy their paws, to focus on something other than this grief over a life that they would never live. This weird concoction of guilt and grief was uncomfortable, they'd rather forget about it but oddly enough didn't to leave Chilledstar entirely in the dust in it's wake.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 27 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

if they're being honest they don't think they have it in them to yell anymore. maybe not ever, as far as shrike is concerned. they said what they needed to say. they told them exactly what they needed to hear about their father and how much they hated him. they did not like to repeat themself, and they're not gonna start now. so, they could yell all they want. they're not sure what the response will be to it. they don't want to know. they want to hunt. they want to hunt and forget about everything just for a moment. to not think about that crushing wait of leadership. to think of their death at the paws of their own kin. to think about the fact that they were here now, and... they don't wanna think.

"right. it's getting late enough. this way."

they allow their sibling to follow them. maybe some day they'd be happy about having more family. family means a lot to them, it truly does. but... it feels wrong. not because of ripplestream, shrike, and rook. but because they were denied it for so long. denied the chance to be a good older sibling to them. it's not fair, or something like that. but life has rarely been fair and kind to them and they know it better than most. it likely never would be.

"shadowclanners hunt different from other clans. there are four others. thunderclan. windclan. riverclan. and skyclan. like our name suggests, we use the cover of night and make friends with the darkness to hunt. our prey never sees us coming and most predators never see our escape. if we are lucky."

their tail flicks as they walk, sniffing the air with a huff.

"up until recently, we have not been well fed. and even that's not lasting. so hunt when you can, and never hunt across the border. thank every piece of prey for giving you its life. truly when leaffall rolls around, you'll understand more. I wish to see how you've been taught."

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    46 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

There’s a hum of thought given as they walk alongside their sibling, they shake their hind leg as they walk intermittently to try and physically get rid of that tremor that they still seemed to carry. It was a small cycle of committing that act, falling behind for a few steps, then trotting to keep pace. Shrike was certain that once they started actually doing something that unease would leave and the shake their paws carried would subside. They had to hope that was the case anyways, they couldn’t deal with the alternative.

“So that means that ThunderClan only hunts when it’s storming?” they attempt to joke, a weak grin shown before they shake their head. It felt awkward, misplaced given what had transpired mere minutes ago between the two. This was them trying though, they hoped that much was evident. Horror dawned on them that Chilledstar might actually think them for a mouse-brain that actually believed that was the case. They had made their grave though and they were determined to lie in it, never one to walk back on something they’ve said before.

The explanation made sense, poor joke aside anyways. They try to recall what their mother had taught them, what Jagged had shown them when he was around. They vaguely recall when younger they would be dragged around at night with their father, they didn’t really connect the dots about why that would be until now about that. “How come you don’t get fed well?” It wasn’t like Shrike could talk, there was no judgment in their words, more so trying to solve a puzzle that they didn’t see all of the pieces for just yet.

They blink at the request to be shown how they hunt, they never really thought about it. Despite how much Jagged tried to drill thought into their actions, that was the one thing they kept rolling off of them from him. “Mm, only if you show me how you shadowclanners do it afterwards” with that they sniff the air to try and catch the scent of something nearby.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 27 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

chilledstar stops dead in their tracks. they look over at shrike, brows furrowing. did... did they just tell a joke? a pun? they swallowed thickly, trying to hold back but then can't help the snorting laugh that comes from them, making them lift their paw as a few cackles slipped past their lips before their ears perked up and they cleared their throat shaking their head. damn it. they're supposed to hate shrike not laugh at their stupid puns! damn them for being funny!

"... don't do that."

they clear their throat, shaking their head.

"pay attention."

they twitch their nose before humming.

"our territory does not offer up a lot of prey. rats are probably the most plentiful, aside from frogs, but rats are not an easy catch. they're dangerous and carry absolutely nasty bites. pitchstar lost a life to those things. sweetpaw... sweetpaw died because of them. they're dangerous so we only hunt them when we absolutely have to. and we often have to."

they twitch their tail back and forth before nodding. they didn't mind showing off. as the moon began to rise, they took in a deep breath and let it out. easy. it's not like they're trying to impress them.. right? they're not trying to be a good older sibling. they're just... showing them the correct shadowclan way to hunt.


they mutter quietly, lowering into a hunters crouch. they stick to the shadows as they move, light on their paws as quiet as they step. they squint, before lifting their nose and with a quick step they dash forward and pounce. a quick snap of the neck and a silent prayer to the stars, they stand up with the dangling mouse in their jaws.

"your turn."

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    46 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Shrikes ears perked up at the sound of Chilledstar's laughter, they thought that the joke was pretty lame. To hear someone laugh at it, much less it be their half sibling they're supposed to want to cuff. They're supposed to hate them, so the fact that they get a boost of pride from their laughter- their approval unnerves them. They tell themself that it annoys them yet they can't seem to commit to that narrative.

“Oh.” is all they can say at first as they begin to process the information that the ShadowClan leader told them. They take into consideration that rats and frogs are the most plentiful, this makes sense to them. They note that there was another star before them, Pitchstar. They still don't completely understand the concept of this whole lives thing but they could grasp the weight that sentence carried.

“I'm sorry that you've lost so many to them.” It's a rare moment of sincerity, the closest thing to a soft tenderness that their half sibling will see for a while. They let it lie there, instead of trying to divert the topic. Opting to wait for their sibling to lead the charge. To show the proper way to hunt, or at least what this clan's definition of that is.

They sit quietly, watching with enraptured attention. Afraid to blink in case they miss the most miniscule of actions, watching how their paws move and the positioning of their crouch. They could admit that there was skill in Chilledstar's technique, squabbles can be set aside to admire them. At least in this context. “Impressive, I see what you mean by hunting using the cover of night.”

They nod at Chilledstar's request, or was it a demand? they couldn't tell. They lift their nose as they walk, until they catch the scent of a mouse, were they supposed to call it out too? Shrike decides against it. There is an echo of a shadowclanners method in their movements, they walk with the lightness of one. Though there is an impatient speed to it that is uniquely Shrikes, their crouch lacks the proper structure. As they crouch their posture is too low, not low enough to cause an obstacle in their leap but it was unorthodox.

They wait a beat, then another, despite their impatience with their walk they wait for almost a second too long. The burst is violent and quick, as they wait for the mouse to practically walk on top of them. It's akin to when a crocodile leaps from the water to capture something unsuspecting approaching for a drink. They shoot forward and snap the mouse by its legs, dropping the mouse to the ground before snapping it's neck with unsheathed claws.

Overall, it's unabashedly brutish and they seem to acknowledge that too, straightening up immediately after, to them hunting was just a chore to get over. They turn to say something to Chilledstar before remembering they haven't given thanks or what not. They weren't really sure how to thank prey? so they lightly tap it as thanks. “It's got a mixed success rate but it's kept me fed” they admit with a shrug, a small grin slipping by. Tail swishing as they watch their sibling with expectancy for a critique of some description.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 27 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.