what are we gonna do now + asphodelpaw


it's hard to make the good things last ✦
Jan 29, 2024
i'm in the in between, honey

The apprentice den in the late hours of the evening was always quiet. Young bodies tired from rigorous training and learning were all piled together lulled to sleep by each other's quiet snoring. This was status quo since before clans called these young cats apprentices. Until Turtlepaw moved into the den. Most nights, Turtlepaw falls asleep as soon as her head hits the nest, but there are odd nights. Nights where sleep can't find Turtlepaw and her feet seem to want to move forever.

Tonight was one of those nights. Her training today had been very... quiet. Snakeblink had Turtlepaw just practicing hunting crouches. It had drove her near madness just crouching there! No pouncing, no tracking - just bunching her muscles over and over in that stupid crouch. Awful. She wasn't a very negative cat, but hunting rubbed her the wrong way.

Her green eyes peered into the darkness of the apprentices' den. Shame seemed to be burning under her pelt more and more recently. Adolescence was ripping her kittenhood ignorance away day by day. Turtlepaw slowly crept between slumbering denmates, careful not to step on any tails. In a tiny whisper, almost a pleading tone, Turtlepaw tried to alert Asphodelpaw. "Are you awake? I can't sleep." She felt like a kit waking her mother, and Asphodelpaw was the closest thing she could get to in this moment. Any other apprentice, in her opinion, would just kick her from the den to wander the night until sunrise.

  • speech color

  • TURTLEPAW she/her/hers, apprentice of riverclan, 5 moons (ages every 1st)
    stocky silver charcoal tabby. tail is a stub. energetic, naive, dim
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / roughhousing and wrestling encouraged / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by muddly@/muddly on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

*+:。.。 //WAUGH i'm sorry this took forever!!

He wanted nothing more than to kick her out of the apprentices' den to wander the night until sunrise. However, he refrained from snapping those very words - he even congratulated himself on holding back a reluctant sigh. You see, socializing was never Asphodelpaw's strong suit. So far, the young man has managed to make more enemies than friends since the moment he built his nest within this very den. Now, as he neared closer and closer to warriorhood, he felt discomfort at the thought of leaving the den one day without rectifying that. So, he bit his tongue. Lifting his head from his paws, he flashed Turtlepaw a tight smile and meowed, "Ah...yes, that...must suck" to show some form of empathy.

Not being able to sleep was practically a talent of his. Usually he laid in his nest and thought all through the night about patrols, scents, things he could've done better that day and reminders of his goals for tomorrow. Usually, slept danced away from his distracted thoughts, leaving him with plenty of time to sort through them but admittedly very little chance to actually rest. Not a problem, he's long since learned how to muffle his yawns and glare through heavy lids. In a way, he preferred it like this, though. The night was peaceful. No one to bother him, no one to chide him, no one to insult. Just him and...well, now Turtlepaw.

He studies to younger before him, all wide eyes and slouched shoulders. For her, being up when no one else was must...well, it must really suck. He frowns, then properly scoots over so she has more room to sit rather than having to tip-toe around everyone. "Luckily for you, I don't really sleep much. Anything ah...bother you?"

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently