private WHAT DOES IT FEEL LIKE // lionpaw

Skyclaw roams the forest alone, likely muttering something under his breath as he goes. The heat is stifling even for his short fur, but that does not halt the tom in his steps. If anything he moves quicker, slinking through the undergrowth to remain in the cover of the shade.

He opens his mouth to scent the air, an ear twitching back when he realizes that his aimless wandering has led him near the SkyClan border. He sucks on a his teeth, his nose wrinkling up and initially, he moves to walk away. Every time he manages his way over here, he finds trouble. Be it Blazestar, Fireflypaw, or the prey event. Skyclaw may not be the smartest, but he sure as hell isn't stupid.

He turns to look away when a mouse rushes past his dark paws. Claws flex, and though he is not quick enough to catch the prey as it dashes past him, he does note that it was running from something. Someone. Skyclaw leans his weight into a nearby bush, obscuring himself with the leaves and branches of the undergrowth whilst he waits for the perpertrator. The tom watches as a cat, smaller than he with wide, but disappointed eyes, slows into a trot and then stop mere foxlengths from him. A SkyClanner. The warrior glances to the side, noting how the young apprentice's paws are well over the border. He can't help the growl in his chest.

He launches - first his paws clash against the ground in furious thrums and then he pounces, clashing with the young cat and pinning him beneath heavy paws. He looks down at the either newly minted apprentice - or a cat wanting to get back at them for what happened during the last moon.

Skyclaw does not waver. He raises a paw, claws arched against the filtered sunlight, and arcs it down towards the apprentice's face.

@LIONPAW @CROWSIGHT (for after ♡) ​
〕It had been a mistake.

What was intended to be a simple tracking of prey near SkyClan's border had quickly taken a very wrong turn. Lionpaw, still a novice hunter, had let themselves lose track of where they were in their territory... the change of scent evaded their mind completely as they had now completely focused on the familiar aroma of rodent. Lionpaw had to be a good hunter, then eventually a good fighter and climber. That was what the clan would want, what Bobbie would want. He would feel like a fool if he—Blazestar's son—still couldn't even catch a lousy mouse a moon into his apprenticeship.

Before they had even noticed their several lengths beyond the border, a flurry of fur and claws had tackled him onto the floor. "Ah—!" Lionpaw squeaked, squirming underneath his assailant's grip but failing to break free as they were larger and stronger.

Within moments, a dagger rips clean across his face, barely dodging his eyeball and instead tearing downward across his muzzle and onto his left cheek. The pain of a scratch was fresh and new to the naive apprentice, though his attention was gripped by the cat before him. A ThunderClanner! He was on ThunderClan territory. He had crossed the border. He had broken the Warrior Code. Thump, thump, thump goes his little heart. At this moment, he is but a mere rabbit cowering under the claws of a lion. A real lion, unlike him. Their features were ablaze with fury, wearing a fierce devotion to their clan. Stealing a glimpse of the warrior's features, something strangely familiar itches the back of his brain — perhaps it is the fact that chocolate striping scatters his cheek like an opposite to his own.

Scarlet beads along the lightning bolt of a scratch, the air making it sting and swell with pain. Blood begins to trickle down now; Lionpaw can feel the sensation lightly tickle the bridge of his nose as he stares up meekly at his opponent. "I—" Thump thump thump thump thump- "I-I'm sorry..." The chocolate torbie point stammers out pathetically. This won't happen again. Please don't kill me.

  • ooc.
  • LIONPAW —— apprentice of skyclan , mentored by crowsight ✦ penned by beatles
    trans male / he/they pronouns / 6 moons & ages every 9th
    single / bisexual & monogamous
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— easy combat difficulty / won't start fights, won't kill

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 78922242_RoBq9inRj8ibOv1.png

    a longhaired chocolate torbie point with blue eyes. a silky, cream-colored pelt is adorned with chocolate points. his points are splashed with ginger spots. tabby patterns also stripe around their dark limbs and face.
His paw feels slick with blood from just one swipe. His mark isn't to kill - while it would've been too easy, a part of him holds back. He does not see the similarities in the younger tom. He does not match his patchwork to the apprentice's nor does he let the dots connect. At best, he figures that StarClan themselves hold his anger and frustration back with a taut string. And though he's ready to swipe again, even with the sniffles and sobs from Lionpaw, his claws do not obey him.

He's crying. Skyclaw figures if he were that young, with a mess up this bad... he'd be crying too. He scrunches his nose, baring his teeth. The warrior mutters something along the lines of, "You're not worth my time, you little... mouse." Is it cruel to call him the very thing he failed to catch? Skyclaw looks over into the pine forest, certain the tom's mentor will be by to collect him soon enough. And frankly speaking, while he knows he can handle a newly minted apprentice well enough, he does not want to deal with the unpredictability of a SkyClan warrior. Sure, the worst they can do is talk his ears off - but he likes his ears.

"Get up," he hisses, the growl behind it reverberating in his chest. "The border is there for a reason, 'paw. Learn the scent and learn it well because I will not be merciful next time." If SkyClan cannot train their apprentices, then it would be within his rights to do away with them. His tail lashes, and his shoulders roll back to straighten his posture, "Go."