WHAT DOESN’T KILL YOU ♡ falconheart

How had things taken such a terrible turn? Palefire couldn’t fathom how they’d gotten to this point. Howlingstar was dead. She was really gone, and this time, she wasn’t coming back. Her murderer now sat where she rightfully should be, her own grandson, someone that they had all trusted. Someone she had trusted, more intimately than anyone. Skyclaw had betrayed them all, and he’d broken her heart. She wanted to scream, to cry, to tear him to pieces. But they had all been condemned to do nothing for now, and in many ways, it was a worse punishment than death.

It had only been two nights since the mutiny, and she was still finding sleep to be impossible. The moon was high in the sky when she finally gave up, quietly sneaking from the warriors den into the empty camp clearing. Well, mostly empty. A few of Skyclaw’s watchdogs lurked in the shadows, always keeping an eye out for possible deserters or rebels. She was neither, tonight; but she was not alone in her insomnia, it seemed.

Falconheart also sat nearby, far enough out of earshot of the spies for Palefire to feel comfortable approaching him. She wordlessly sat down beside him, her tail sweeping across the ground to settle around her paws. For the longest time, she allowed the silence to stretch out between them, her gaze firmly locked on the stars above them. They were similar in so many ways; not only in the losses they had suffered throughout their lives, but in the way that they had both lost one of their closest friends in Skyclaw’s treachery. She’d never gone out of her way to speak to the tabby warrior before, but now, without turning away from the sky, she softly asked “are you okay?”

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    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 17 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes
    single, padding after skyclaw / npc x npc / sister to bluestride
    mentoring meadowpaw & ivorypaw / mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / all opinions ic
    underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.
𓍊𓋼 Which of the stars overhead is his father? Which is Howlingstar? Are either of them looking down on ThunderClan’s camp right now, mournful frowns on their faces? He can’t get the image of either of them out of his head, blood flashing behind his eyes any time he closes them. In another reality, none of it would have happened, and maybe he and Skyclaw could have rebuilt the friendship that had shattered under stress. But that isn’t the reality that he’s trapped in, so Falconheart does the one thing he’s best at—he runs from it. His paws have carried him to sit amidst Skyclaw’s wolves, far enough away that none of them can hear the words that he mutters under his breath, over and over. Something like a prayer, the words slipping into one another in a steady rhythm. He’s begging—begging for Flycatcher to watch over his mate, for Howlingstar to keep her successor safe. Whatever she’s planning, it could paint an even larger target on her back, and he can’t watch his mother die.

When Palefire sits beside him, he allows silence to blanket them both. He has little in common with her, but she’s chosen his company for whatever reason. He won’t question it. When she speaks up to ask whether he’s okay, he responds with a swift shake of his head. Truthfully, he’s far from okay. He feels as though he’s lost everything—his only friends, his clan, and his family all in one deadly crash of a body to the ground. "Um… no. Not really." Are any of us okay?

Desperate to fill the heavy silence, he turns to the single topic he can think of that they both share. The worst topic in the world. The thing that lies broken, the shattered ice that’s made itself into a bloody splinter in his pawpad. His voice lifts in a hollow sigh, and his words come out strained. "I used to think he and Duskbird were my best friends. Growing up together, you know… Howlingstar and Little Wolf were like my family, too. All this, what he’s done… I thought he was just upset. I didn’t think-." he clamps his jaw shut and lets his voice drop. His fluffy tail lashes once, twice, before settling at his side again, like an irritated adder with a mind of its own. Finally, he tears his bicolored gaze from the stars and tips his head to look the she-cat in the eye. "How about you?" He asks, passing her the floor to talk about how she’s doinf. For all that he’d once loved Skyclaw (and for all that the thought makes him want to curl up and die of embarrassment, of rage), Palefire had loved him more. Hadn’t she? They’d been stuck like glue for the longest time.

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  • FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedpaw, bugpaw, sunpaw, squirrelpaw, sparrowpaw
    mentoring bugpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore