The afternoon was winding down, and most of the patrols had returned. Soon, the last of the sun's rays would heat the earth before descending below the frozen horizon. For now, RiverClan was peaceful, sharing tongues with one another over whatever prey had been found. Thankfully, the river was not completely iced over yet, which meant there was still plenty of fish to be found by those skilled enough to catch it. Nettlepaw was not among those, however, and the realization is sour upon his tongue. There's some sort of game going on, Two Truths, One Lie, or something. He's heard of it before, but this was the first time he's really paid attention to it. Now, after sheer luck, Nettlepaw has successfully guessed one of the warrior's lies. It was supposed to be his turn, and the apprentice flicks his tail thoughtfully.

"Uhh." An ear twitches, unsure. The game was simple enough, he just had to think up two truths, and one lie. Whoever guessed the lie correctly would be next in line. The game is supposed to be for bonding, and for getting to know others in the clan. Still, despite it's simplicity, Nettlepaw finds himself struggling a moment. "Okay, three things about me... I earned my first scar- " He flicks his notched ear, still glistening in cobwebs, " -from an owl attack. Annnd, the first bird I ever caught was a cardinal." There, that was the lie. The first bird Nettlepaw had ever caught was recent, and it had been a robin. Both were red-feathered, but still very different. They even smelled different, which was an important distinction for a blind cat like Nettlepaw. "And finally, I once ambushed a full grown warrior and dragged her into the river." The boy smirks, recalling Feathergaze's reaction. "Alright, which is the lie?"

(thread for clan bonding and to get to know other characters better ic)
⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

Fish was still... something. It had a particularly unique taste that he had been willing to risk trying but it was not quite the same as the hearty meats of voles and mice his mother had let him try. Currently, he sat looming over a minnow, taking between his claws to admire the way they refracted light before ultimately breaking them off on accident. It was so fragile.. and so hard to eat around- the texture was a nightmare but it was food he couldn't afford to say no to. RiverClan loved fish.. and he was sure he'd get used to it eventually.

Picking his head up as Nettlepaw began the next round of truths and lies, Valepaw wasn't sure he understood the point of his intentional game of deceit. Was it a test of knowledge? Or practice for manipulation against other clans? It seemed more likely to be a genuine attempt to call out how well you knew the cats you shared a den with but... He really only knew Bitepaw that well. The fortunate thing, was that he'd actually been there when this creamy tom had dropped off that bird! He opened his mouth to deposit that he did, in fact, know the lie, but closed it quickly as a moral complication overcame him. This was a game.. the goal was to win.. but was it rude to call Nettlepaw a liar about the prey he caught? He was blind! He probably didn't even know what kind of bird it was at all anyways... And it being his first...?

Overcome with worry about being inconsiderate of the other's deficit, the chocolate swirled apprentice leaned down to take a bite of his meal instead, noticeably clenching his jaw to get past the gritty texture of fishy flesh. "Eugh..." Turning to the cat seated next to him, Valepaw offered a small frown before offering a hushed complaint, "How do you avoid the bones?" Seems he'd rather avoid answering the game this round.​

Lilacbird listened intently to nettlepaw, her attention drawn to the blind apprentice as he successfully guessed the warriors lie. Yet again, she chose not to eat today. There were others that needed to eat more. And she barely was able to put anything into the prey pile today. Oh how her luck was the worst.

The setting suns rays beat against a pale grey pelt, uncomfortably shuffling. She preferred the cold, and with a pelt like hers it only made sense. Shed take a small gulp. She was too observant for this game, she knew answers but didn't want to say them. She didn't want the focus, but aas Valepaw didn't answer and chose to focus on her fish, she piped up just a bit. "It's... hard to avoid the b-b-bones.. I g-gotta pull them out of my teeth sometimes..." she said, her voice always so quiet.

"I... th-think I remember... you b-bringing in a robin," she said softly, and on confirmation, she gave another swallow, gaze sticking to her paws as not to look up and catch the glanced towards her to speak.

"I was born as a rogue..." The lie. God she sucked at lying. Though her body didn't even twitch at it, she felt weird to lie. This game was strange. "I was saved in th-the war by a friend," a truth, yet he didn't deserve the death that came from it. And all she could do was freeze up then run. "the only thing I'm g-good at is fishing." That was right, that was what she believed at least. God this game was hard.

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die with memories , not dreams .
He wasn’t sure how he got roped into this, but sitting amongst the others eating fish was an entirely new experience, and one he didn’t mind as much as other things. RiverClan was confusing, and he suspected the others would agree with him. Sometimes he wondered if he was sleeping, but that never lasted long, not with his overactive brain refusing to turn off as it churned question after question, answering his questions only to have ten more in its place. It was tiring, but a good enough distraction from the weirdness that RiverClan was.

Valepaw seemed to avoid the game entirely, speaking up about avoiding fish bones, something Dawnstorm still had trouble with, nearly swallowing the thinner bones, resulting in the other hacking up a lung until he dislodged it from his teeth. “Pick them out. Then eat.” He supplied unhelpfully from where he lay, hearing their hushed conversation with a crinkled gaze.

What was he doing? Playing a game. Dawncloud frowned, staring at Lilacbird. “You’re terrible.” He admitted, gaze unwavering. Her lying. It was terrible. “You do not strike me as a rogue.” He supplied, leaning forward with a slow quiver of his whiskers, only to lean back with a hum.

Oh. It was his turn, wasn’t it? Dawnstorm frowned, contemplating his answer. Two truths and a lie, was it? His claws tapped idly against the ground, dual-toned tail resting against his flank in thought. “I am from the Ripple Colony.” He began. A truth. An easy one, he’d admit, but Dawnstorm found it difficult to see the truths in anything he’d accomplished. “I was Kaede before I became Dawnstorm.” Another truth. Simple. Was he doing this right? “My mother named me.” A lie. His voice remained monotone throughout, barely rising to express anything, but faux annoyance.
thought speech
Otterpaw was rather good at lying. He had learned how at a very young age and though it didn't normally get him out of trouble it would certainly help lessen the chances and severity. His last, real successful lie had been that scuffle with Edenpaw, though. Poor little kittypet trapped beneath his claws, and some of his denmates had been coerced into agreeing with his story and supporting his defense from such an invader.

That felt like forever ago now. He hadn't seen Edenpaw even on a patrol. He hoped their little visit made them realize the forest wasn't meant for kittypets, that only true warriors would survive.

The chimera looked to Dawnstorm as he told his 3 suspected truths and lies and tilted his head. Otterpaw hadn't been named by his milk-mother. He had been named by his father, Pikesplash of course. Not that it would have been the reason Otterpaw chose that as a lie, but the other two Dawnstorm gave were painfully obvious as true. And he said Lilacbird was bad at this game?

"I guess your mother didn't name you." What could he offer that would make this game hard? He wasn't very secretive about most things... But he had the advantage that not all these cats were in the Clan as long as he was. They couldn't know everything from the start of his life.

"Coyotecreek isn't my first mentor, it was supposed to be Cicadastar." The first truth and a lie. A twist, hopefully that stirred things around. "I was taken care of by two queens in the nursery. And I never lose in a fight."