private What I want ☾ Brackenpaw


heaven says " now spell ɿɘwꙅᴎɒ "
Jan 17, 2024
*+:。.。 Frightkit's emotions were trapped in the worst kind of dust devil. One moment and her veins were pulsing with thick, chalky venom, making her chest burn with every pump of her exhausted heart until she felt the urge to scream all over again! The next, a bitterness filled her mouth like she'd bitten down on a mouthful of ash, every breathe coming out in a wheeze that felt could only be alleviated if she clawed at her chest and let the blood pool out of her eyes. If it wasn't obvious yet - these feelings were awful, and she longed desperately for it to stop. But any hope that Cottonpaw might have a cure was met with the persistent thought that I just want Spotpaw back..

She wanted her friend to come home. She wanted him to keep his promise. He was supposed to be here, to wait for her, to not -

Squeezing her eyes shut but being met with more of the same ache and burn and choke, the girl gave up on finding solace in the abyss. Instead, she sits up and pads towards the nursery entrance. Stars glimmered overhead, an inverse reminder of her missing friend's pelt. She quickly dropped her gaze as the bubbling urge to scream at the sky threatened to overtake her again. Throwing a tantrum had exhausted too much out of her, she'd save that energy for later. For when she was allowed - or denied - to looked for Spotpaw.

In the meantime, she's thrust back into the whirlwind left behind by Spotpaw's broken promise. Sweeping her gaze over Windclan's clearing, she watches her clanmates and former den mates snooze away the night. Envy crackles beneath her paws, disgust fills her nose with a prickling scent.

"Brackenpaw " Frightkit's tone is as cold as the Moonglow of her eyes. Picking her way through the sleeping bodies, she came upon her former denmate. Her spotty markings were washed away by shadows and starlight, but they weren't hard to pick out form the crowd seeing as apprentices slept at the outskirts of the mass of cats. If Brackenpaw didn't wake by Frightkit's word, then the girl would poke and paw at the older she-cat's shoulder until he did. Once she finally got her former den-mate's attention, Frightkit would reveal her wish-
"Can I sleep with you? "

If Spotpaw wouldn't keep his promise, then she'll find someone who would.

  • " Speech "
    DFAB— She/Her — Unsure
    2 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Windclan Kit
    Sister to Deathkit, Witherkit, Grasskit, Whitekit and Midnightkit

    Physically very easy | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #1b1e21
    injuries: None

Brackenpaw still loathes being an apprentice, time hadn't fixed this yet. She hated being worked to the extent that they were, they had hoped that being as difficult around Bluefrost as she was would mean that she be given a break. To Bluefrost's credit, she hadn't given in or up yet which may have caused some level of respect if they weren't so insistent on causing as much trouble for their mentor as possible.

There was a pleasant side effect now, that was that sleep had begun to find the apprentice easier, the first few nights were hard. They were fighting the ability to adjust to this new chapter of their life and new routine at every corner. Of course, no matter how hard she fought it, that normalcy had begun to settle in.

They used to fight sleeping, staying awake stubbornly or waking up intermittently throughout the night. That just left her to be exhausted during the day hours, which did not earn her any leniency. Now she slept semi peacefully, much to her dismay, they deemed this the end times. Soon they may even look forward to being dragged around all day by their mentor.

As such Frightkit's voice alone was not enough to stir Brackenpaw awake. It took a couple of pokes at her shoulder for them to stir awake, too used to when Bluefrost would jab her awake. Expecting it to be her mentor they scowled “do we really need to be getting up so ear-” their half awake rant was cut off when she realised who actually had poked her awake.

Pinned back ears perked up and the calico brought a paw to rub her eye, making sure that she wasn't seeing things. “Fry..ightkit?” They started off with the kit's nickname then quickly tried to save it, she wasn't sure if they had earned the right to call her that anymore and they didn't particularly want to be snapped at so late in the night for it.

The pair hadn't spoken, the closest they had to a conversation was when Frightkit practically cut her off from speaking with Rowankit. They didn't really understand the anger the kit held but they did find that they missed her antics. Her scowl faded to a neutral expression but their general demeanour softened at her request.

“Sure, of course you can.” They nodded and shuffled around so Frightkit could curl up in their nest as well. They weren't a particularly big cat and neither was the kitten so she was fairly certain that the two of them could share the nest comfortably. If Frightkit joined her then they would try to keep a comfortable distance, unsure how close the kitten wanted her former denmate to her or not.

Brackenpaw was never one to bite her tongue and she certainly wasn't planning on doing so now. “So why did you come here then? Nursery getting too noisy?” They asked with a yawn, fighting to stay awake so they could talk. If Frightkit wanted to anyways, they knew that they wanted to at least.

  • ooc.
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 7 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater

*+:。.。 Brackenpaw stirs, looks up at Frightkit with calico splotched eyes, and accepts Frightkit's demands.
A tension she hadn't realized she was carrying revealed itself only it's death as she felt herself suddenly relax. Frightkit's moonlight hues glow a cold, dewy sheen as Brackenpaw shuffled, leaving a fry-sized space for her to occupy. She plops down immediately, thoughts already swimming with memories of doing the same with Spotpaw before he left her. Twice. A bitter sniffle escapes the child then.
Brackenpaw asks their question, and Frightkit responds harshly, "It's too quiet " Despite the new additions to the nursery, the den still felt two sizes too big. She missed the tell-tell snore from Sheeppaw, the quiet shuffling from Lakepaw, Ferretpaw's occasional dreamy murmurs, and the midnight talks she sometimes had with Spotpaw. Back then, she'd been not a little irritated that the speckled tom bothered her so often at night. Now? Now she wished for that time back.

She looks back at Brackenpaw, searching the feline's face for nothing in particular. "Do you like being an apprentice? " she asks, her tone much less hostile this time. She was still mad at them for leaving her behind, but not enough to forget why she was mad. It was also a lot easier to set that offense aside when Brackenpaw allowed Fry to take this spot with her - rekindle fond memories when nights were full of chatter instead of stupid new-baby whining. She rests her chin on her paws, continuing to watch Brackenpaw closely as she waits for their answer.

  • " Speech "
    DFAB— She/Her — Unsure
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Windclan Kit
    Sister to Deathkit, Witherkit, Grasskit, Whitekit and Midnightkit

    Physically very easy | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #1b1e21
    injuries: None

The bitter sniffle causes them to tilt their head, ears too large for a young cat of her size pin back slightly at the sound before perking back up. It escapes them how much Sootspots disappearance was affecting her, they presume there had to be something to do with the string of disappearances around here but they weren’t awake and alert enough to put those two separate issues together. “Too quiet? Surely there’s a loud kit or two in there” in her opinion most of the kits in the nursery were too loud, Frightkit was included in that thought even if she was currently quiet in this moment.

With a sigh they shuffle in around in the nest a little more, resting their head on their paw in thought as their tail laid on top of Frightkit's back “I get it, I think it’s too quiet here without you” there's a weak attempt at a smile, undecided on how her former den-mate may take that comment. The delivery was dry but there was an attempt at a connection, they did miss the chatter that usually came around whenever Frightkit joined the scene.

Her question isn’t met with anything other than a blank expression, her eyes glance away and at the area around them instead of looking at her friend. “No, I guess I will grow to like it though” they answer without a second thought. They didn’t see the point in lying, she thought it was pretty lousy to be an apprentice. Maybe the others were having fun, maybe it was just the fact that she was a tunneler apprentice or maybe it was just her. They weren’t sure what the root of the issue was or if she would grow to enjoy being an apprentice, they hope deep down that she will. “when you become an apprentice, would you rather be with the tunnels or the moors?” They knew she wouldn’t get a choice in it but they ask regardless, finding that they did miss filling the night with quiet chatter.

  • ooc.
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 7 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater

*+:。.。 Frightkit let out another irritated sigh. Must she explain everything? "It's not the same. I don't have fun conversations with the new kits, they just garble and mew like crickets with their heads bitten off " she mopes, pressing her face into her paws. She hadn't expected loneliness to be such an all-consuming feeling. It made her angry, and restless, and sleep somehow more savory yet so unreasonably difficult to grasp. She didn't like it. Why would Sunstar have to be such a jerk?
Feeling Brackenpaw's tail on her back, Frightkit calmed the mounting spark of anger in her chest. When the tortoiseshell spoke again, Frightkit finally looked up with a new shine in her eyes. "Really? " she squeaked, hope finally banishing the stormy cloud that had forced its way into her stomach. That was the first time anyone said it - words that Frightkit had been almost dying for someone to say!
Suddenly, the knot of loneliness released some of its hold.

A smile finds it's way onto her maw as she replays Brackenpaw's words over and over again in her chest, as comforting a blanket as Brackenpaw's tail over her back. She could almost giggle, she's so happy! Purring softly, she watches Brackenpaw's stony expression flit about everyone besides her as they search for the right words to answer her question. "I don't blame you, being an apprentice seems so stupid " Frightkit piped up, shaking her head almost pityingly for her friend, "you guys don't get to eat first, or play, or hang out anymore, it's dumb. I only want to be an apprentice so I can spend time with you guys again " she meows unhelpfully.

"You're a tunneler, right? I wanna be a tunneler, too, then! Especially 'cus I might get Rattleheart as my mentor " she purrs, thumping her tail happily at the thought. Maybe she could scream at Sunstar to make it happen if he stupidly makes her a moor-runner instead, that guy has to listen eventually! "But until then, I'll sneak you some of my breakfast, or maybe I can bite your tail and we can say a snake did it so you have to stay home in the medicine den instead of doing gross work all day? "

  • " Speech "
    DFAB— She/Her — Unsure
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Windclan Kit
    Sister to Deathkit, Witherkit, Grasskit, Whitekit and Midnightkit

    Physically very easy | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #1b1e21
    injuries: None