What is it like when you pull back the curtain || Poppypaw

Frostbite had self appointed himself as a lookout ever since the clan arrived at the tunnels to seek shelter. He would not let anything by him. Enough has happened to this clan, and nothing good happens in these tunnels.

He is determined to see this place not become any more haunted than it is.

He paced back and forth a short distance away from the entrance, silent as a wraith. If those bears were to come this way, he would be ready.

He wished he were strong enough to kill them. Perhaps the cub.....

He shook such thoughts from his head. That's just inviting a disaster.

He sat, the tunnel entrance in view. He wondered if he could turn this into a lesson somehow for Poppypaw.

Speaking of, he had the nagging feeling she was about to appear, like a little swamp monster rising from the reeds. Or a wasp homing in on its target.


Her prey stationary, her crouch balanced and she inched forward through the brush near the tunnels with her eyes narrowed in mischief.
"CAUGHT YOU SLIPPING!" She was upon that lucious white tail in seconds, entire body leaping forward onto the long bushy plume of fur and teeth gnashing to try and get through the barrier to the actual bitable parts beneath. The red and white apprentice rolled, gave up and sprang to her paws to prance around to the front of her mentor with a wide grin, "You better enjoy my company, you only have one more moon until I'm a warrior!" But wait-didn't that mean she would just end up getting closer to Frostbite anyways? She would be sharing a den with him and the others and would be able to continue annoying him to the end of time!
"OR MAYBE I'LL PUT MY NEST NEXT TO YOURS! So you can see my face every morning when you wake up and remember the good times!"
Like the time she bit him, and the time she bit him and the time she didn't listen and the time she nearly ran into the thunderpath to beat up that stupid tabby ThunderClanner but he wouldn't let her. Good memories for her all around.
He was correct. Poppypaw was upon him and his tail suffered for it. He could feel her teeth gnashing ever closer through his fur, but thankfully they didn't reach the skinny thing beneath it all.

He still puffed up in surprise though, a quiet cry escaping his mouth as his fur made him look even bigger than he already is. She prances in front of him and he has half a mind to bite her back, but you know? She's right. He WAS slipping.

He let his fur settle and his nerves unwind into a normal state.

"You're such a little termite..." He said. It was an endearing term.

....She was going to be a warrior soon, wasn't she? Oh, how time flies. She hasn't changed a bit, but he's taught her well and he's confident she'll make a great warrior. Maybe not a stealthy one, but still.

He laughs a little. "Of course I enjoy your company. If I didn't, I would have squished you by now." He says. He might be the only one who doesn't want to squish her. "And I already see your face every morning so, not much will change!" He added.

He gives her a playful swat at the ears. He may not fully comprehend the implications of sharing a den with her. He fails to realize the torment he would be open to.

"One more moon, huh..... We'll have to get to your assessment soon." He says with a smirk. "You've come a long way, I'm sure you'll do great."

He focused on combat for her training. It was just a matter of picking a warrior for her to spar. He may even choose himself, but the thought of sicking her on someone who annoyed him with the excuse of an assessment was incredibly tempting.​