private WHAT IS THIS FEELING? // Galeforce


☠ 08/01 - 23 ☠
Oct 2, 2022

Sunsetbreeze had left camp that day alongside with Galeforce to explore more of the territory together while also tracking down food so they wouldn't get back empty handed. She had left without wearing any rose today which never had happend before. But after the conversation she had shared with Galeforce and Hyacinthbreath she hadn't wore any. It still felt strange, like she was almost naked in some way. " So where do you wanna go today?." she asked her companion who she lately had started to spend alot more time with then anybody else in this clan. They even had their nests next to one another now. Were this friendship that was blossoming between the two?. Sunsetbreeze preferred to not think about stuff like that because it would just get in her way of a warrior, to lose her focus on serving Sootstar. Maybe when she had been an apprentice this thoughts had crossed her mind to need this sort of bonding but now as a warrior couldn't allow obstacles get in her way now when she finally was where she wanted to be. The only cat that should matter to her was Sootstar. Nobody else.



The missing rose hadn't gone unnoticed by Galeforce as he walked along at Sunsetbreeze's side. He honestly missed seeing it and he hated to admit it but it made her look... strange. Like a piece of her was missing. However, he kept his mouth shut on the matter as he felt as though he held no place in her decisions when it came to appearance. "Or in choosing who she wants to be." The tom was drawn from his thoughts when she addressed him with the inquiry as to where he wished to go that day, something he had to mull over for a short moment. "Hrm... somewhere new. Lets be honest, prey is beginning to dwindle and we really need to bring something good back for the clan. So we should try exploring and hunting lesser used parts of the territory, like up closer to the horseplace or by the thunderpath." He searched her expression for any sign of approval or disapproval for his admittedly risky plan.

So his suggestion was to explore a new more dangerous terrain?. It made her whiskers twitch, a deep frown appearing on the molly's maw as she thought this over. Sunsetbreeze was not naive to the risks, understanding completely well what Galeforce was suggesting here. But...he also had a point. Leaf-bare was here and scavanging food got harder and harder to found for each day that passed. Somebody had to take the risks to make sure everyone back at home got a full belly. Sootstar for sure would be pleased with both of them if they succeeded to bring back food. THat was enough to motivate her.

" Alright, lets try the horseplace first then." she decided, approving this risky idea. If anything she was confident that both her and Galeforce could do this, and if the warrior beside her would make a mistake she would be there to correct it before it becomes dangerous. Not that she thought that would be necessery.

She would give a flink of her tail to inform the other to follow, and her direction got turned to head over towards the direction of the horseplace. Why she had picked that place first was because he believed they had a better chance to find food there, despite Sootstar having forbidden anyone to go there. But they didn't needed to go to close...if they made sure to keep thier distance everything would be fine....

Sunsetbreeze stopt when she finally saw the horseplace in the distance up on that hill. " Lets see if we can track down any prey from here." she instructed, taking the lead since that lay in her nature to take control. Sunsetbreeze cast a glance back to Galeforce, giving them a nod to begin before she went to the opposite direction to begin her search to track down prey.


Horseplace it was. It was probably the better bet between the available options they had at hand, though he knew the area was forbidden. "Alright then. And remember, we don't tell anyone about this. We're breaking the rules for the benefit of the clan, but they don't need to know." The last thing he wanted was to have Sootstar coming down on them with claws and teeth, not when they truly meant well. The clan had to remain strong during the harsh leafbare ahead somehow, and this was a good option in his view.

As they arrived near the horseplace Galeforce looked to Sunsetbreeze for guidance, and he was swiftly instructed to begin the hunt. The tom moved on light paws and he weaved through the grass at speed with his nose lowered so he could detect anything of interest. It wasn't long before he came across a hare's scent trail. It was something rare, but too big for a single cat to take down. Excitement bubbled within him as he cast his gaze back towards his companion. "I think I might have found something good." He called in a hushed shout. He hoped that the hare wasn't too far off.

Sunsetbreeze was left displeased with Galeforce words who claimed they where breaking rules for going to the horseplace. She rather not viewed it in that way, not thinking this counted as breaking any rules as long they did not get close to the twolegs home... She would keep this to herself though and would only have give a nod of agreement. It was better to stay quiet about this for sure.

At the horseplace, the molly was moving swiftly in the grass searching for prey when suddenly she stopt. Sunsetbreeze twitched her ears having heard Galeforce call. With soundless elegant steps she would make herself back over to the toms side, whiskers twitching as she sniffed her way to the same trails her companion had found. A pleased smile settled on the molly's maw. "Splendid job." she would purr in delight, knowing this hare would feed more than one mouth back in camp!. Sootstar for sure would be pleased and praise them for bringing back something this big.

Keeping her eyes on the trail she moved forward and signaled for Galeforce to follow, and a quiet like a mouse she followed the trail until she spoted the hare in the grass she was hiding in. There she would stop, signaling her companion to do the same. Twitching her ear to the direction the hare was in the warrior plotted out a plan. " This is the plan. I will sneak myself around the hare and you lay hidden here in the grass. I will chase the hare towards you and your job is to use your strenght and power to make sure it dosent escape. Together we for sure will be victorius." She would whisper quietly her instructions to the tom before she crawled herself away. Sunsetbreeze was known to be an excellent stealth hunter and chaser who would run for miles. To be a soundless hunteress. If anyone could do this it was her.

She took herself around without the hare even noticing she was there hiding in the grass until she was positioned in the perfect spot with the hare right in front of her. Sunsetbreeze would glance over to the direction where Galeforce hopefully laid hidden in the grass still. Moving her gaze back to lock them on the prey, Sunsetbreeze put herself into the chase position and with swifteness she would kick herself away with her back legs, and of she went rushing straight towards the hare who instantly noticed her. The hare quickly turned and started to run for it's life with Sunsetbreeze right after it and she used her speed and agility to direct and control the hare to make it run straight towards the trap there Galeforce was. Now she could do nothing but trust that Galeforce would do his part.


Galeforce nodded in understanding as Sunsetbreeze gave the plan, he certainly had no objections to his intended role. He hurried on light pawsteps to his needed position where he waited for his companion to carry out the rest. Hearing the thunder of powerful paws pounding the earth he knew that the hare was heading right for him, driven by blind panic. The tom's body tensed up and he readied himself for the kill.

But then it happened.

The hare leapt towards him, but like some horrific nightmare come to life a set of large, powerful jaws emerged from the long grass and snatched the hare right in front of him. The dog thrashed its head violently and ripped apart the hare like it was nothing. Galeforce had heard tales of such beasts but had never encountered one until now, and he wouldn't soon forget what he saw. Terror surged up within him as he flattened himself to the ground, praying that the dog would be content with only the hare. Alas, that was not the case as it set it's demonic gaze upon him.

"R... R...RUN!" He choked the words out before bolting under the dog, leaving it momentarily confused whilst he made an escape... towards the twoleg home.