private WHAT IT COSTS ⚔︎ Mosspool

The rouges were beginning to become bold. A little temporary problem was becoming a bigger issue once more. A little bird became a flock and it was all starting to look like a replay of some moons previous. The scars upon her face withheld the memories of their bold attempts to push against, but all turned to heartbreak when they had watch their former leader be ripped of lives in front of them. They had to hunt within the season, but now with advances of their weakened state, they needed to train too. Even ones whom had countless battles scarred upon them. Muscles had to be tended to as well as fuller bellies.

Sharpened claws flexed upon a willow tree as a stretch came to loosen tension. Eyes scanned for someone, an oppenent she knew that would be willing for the challenge. That's when they landed upon Mosspool. Her mate, Aspenhaze, had trained the young warrior. From what she had seen, Mosspool was a strong and confident individual. She had once beaten Snakeblink in a spar, the poor soul, but it made her wonder just how skilled this new warrior could be. "Mosspool."The name rumbled for attention, lifting her chin in inquiry, "A spar; how would you feel about challenging me?"


𓆝 . ° ✦ "Yes?" Mosspool tilted her head questioningly as Petalnose called for her attention. She blinked when Petalnose asked for a spar.

She knew from reputation that Petalnose was a formidable fighter, which only made her all the more eager to spar her. There was much that could be learned from facing such an opponent. Besides, she had been winning most of her recent spars, and she was eager for a real test of her abilities. Some small part of her even dared to hope that she might beat Petalnose, and was excited by the prospect.

"I would be glad to." Mosspool initially said, but then hesitated for a moment. "...Assuming you have recovered enough to be sparring." Each word was said carefully, as not to offend. Petalnose had only recently left the medicine den, and Mosspool could not help but wonder if she was ready for a spar so soon. She did not want to question the judgement of a lead warrior, but poor judgement about her own health was exactly what had landed Petalnose in the medicine den in the first place.
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    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

Acceptance was expected, a pleased hum falling from her maw as she stretched upon the preparation. There was then question; a nudge at her health. It was something she should've expected as well but it seemed some self confidence overclouded part of her judgement. Mosspool was dutiful, it was to be expected. Reckless wasn't what the fellow tabby followed as she so did during her young years. A pause of thought before she nodded curtly, "I appreciate the concern… Ravensong cleared me, therefore I'm ready. I've got to be with threats lingering, skin and bone or not." She pointed with a flattened jest of humor, "I guess you'll prove if I need to continue to get in shape, you have the honor of humbling me. So, shall we start this here or move to the copse?" Petalnose offered, flicking her tail in direction of their training grounds. The sandy beds were of good grounds of a basic and fair battle, but battle around their general elements was a challenge that brought thrill into the spar. Although, her opinion she wouldn't bring. Besides, she was getting to know the younger Molly. Respectful and rule yielding, she was interested to see where Mosspool wanted to take it.

𓆝 . ° ✦ "Ravensong cleared me, therefore I'm ready. I've got to be with threats lingering, skin and bone or not."

Mosspool nodded. Though it was meant somewhat humorously, she found there was a wisdom to it. Windclanners and rogues would not afford mercy to Petalnose due to her health. Either she was ready for duty or she wasn't, and better to test that in a spar than in a real fight. "Very well. In that case I will not go easy on you." It was her intent to make this spar a true test of whether Petalnose was ready, she would bring all of her skill to bear.

"I would prefer to take it to the copse." She stated decisively, turning to head toward it. In her opinion, sparring in camp had a tendency to get in others way and generally cause disturbance. It also felt like a more fair ground for testing her abilities. Uncertain terrain were a feature of real battles and thus needed to be trained for, but she liked a more controlled environment for her spars That was why she had always favored beech copse.

When they arrived, Mosspool turned back to the other molly and settled into her stance. "Whenever you are ready." She said simply.
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  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

Very well. In that case I will not go easy on you.

"Good." A small smirk met her lips, challenge was something the molly would face head on. Challenge was a game to her, strategy would have to be played well with her battle smarts. It was known, she was closing in upon being within half her life span. A youthful body could take twist and turns a bit more easier, if Mosspool had defeated Snakeblink when she was younger, than she was a respectable fight. Experience over youth and fresh training, it would be interesting.

The beech copse. It was expected, a nod of respect towards the decision. It was a rare decision to chose outside of it. Pikesplash had made a dumb move that offended her, so force was lightly used upon that spar outside of those remains. Then, Smokestar had given her the decision on the whereabouts. Both were her decision, so suprised she'd be if she found one to chose it themselves. "Understood."

Petalnose turned to face Mosspool, being given the command to go first. No stance was taken, straightened and professional posture with an interested hum, "Very well, then let the battle begin." Forward she lurched with speed, acting as if she was going to charge brute force but unexpectedly jumping aside to aim a swipe at her back legs in attempts to eliminate balance.

𓆝 . ° ✦ A blink was all she could manage as she noticed that Petalnose was not settling into a stance. Though Mosspool hardly had time for even that, given the speed with which her opponent lunged toward her. She had only a moment to decide what to do. Quickly taking a small step back, she sunk further into her crouch to lower her center of gravity.

Which left her too set in place to dodge when Petalnose suddenly jumped to the side.

The blow landed, but she managed to keep her balance thanks to her sturdy stance. If she had been attacked head on like she had thought she was going to be, she would have been at the clear advantage. It was difficult to retaliate, however, with Petalnose positioned beside her instead. Still, Mosspool whirled around and attempted to swipe at Petalnose's legs in return.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.