private What it takes to survive ♡ Fallowpaw

Mar 30, 2024
*+:。.。 Wrathpaw holds a mouse in his jaws. Unlike most apprentices, Fallowpaw is allowed to eat early - a fair trade considering it's forced to be in the medicine den 24/7 while recovering from some nasty wounds. Wrathpaw heart aches for Fallowpaw. Time and again the poor apprentice is thrown into Gentlestorm's den, life refusing to give her a break. And with the plans Skyclaw is concocting, Fallowpaw isn't guaranteed any peace anytime soon.
"Hiyah Fallowpaw, hungry?" he asks with a smile, blinking against the gloom before resting his gaze on the gloomiest thing in the den. He doubts she considers him more than a pest, but as he places the mouse down at her paws, he finds he can't bring himself to leave. Paws shuffling, he waits anyway for her dismissal, and when he doesn't get one right away, he feels enough confidence in her inaction to blurt out- "You don't think they're gonna try and, y'know..." before trailing off.
His stomach is in knots. When Skyclaw had his meeting, Wrathpaw had been so preoccupied with thinking up justifications for why Howlingstar should retire, he hadn't paid attention to Ravenstrike's comment. But think, one of them was advocating for...for killing their clanmates. A cold wave runs up from his guts, leaving his mouth tasting like bile and his throat clenching preemptively. He feels like throwing up.

Cats where mean, there's no denying it. Kitty-pets were jerks for being lazy, hanging the potential for abandoning Thunderclan over the tops of their heads despite feigning enjoying the same hardships as the rest of them, while those who were in support of the kitty-pets were unjustly harsh to the valid criticisms. But...but even so, Wrathpaw didn't want any of them to be hurt. He especially didn't want anyone to die! And, sure, Skyclaw never agreed to what Ravenstrike had said, but the fact that she felt comfortable saying it at all...the fact that anyone in their group wanted it made Wrathpaw really want to throw up.

He looks back at Fallowpaw with misery in his deep blue eyes. What does it think? Fallowpaw's face is always so stoic, edged only with impatience on the rare occasion someone foolish spouts nonsense or Wrathpaw gets on its Wrathpaw trusts it to be honest with him. But the question is lodged in his throat. Do you support them? he wants to ask, do you think we even should be supporting them? He opens his mouth but the words won't come. He's more than a little scared of their answer. More than a little afraid of what asking it aloud means about how own resolve.

"It's important, what we're doing" he finally mumbles out, placing each word down carefully as though any one of them might shatter and cut him with shrapnel, " think so too, right?"

    DMAB— He/Him
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently