what my head overlooks | coyote

In the days following a gathering it did not take long for those who did not attend to start trying to pry information out of those who had. Howlfire currently found herself sitting among a group of cats, who had began to pry for any gossip from the other clans. Whilst Howlfire was honest in what she told them, clearly what information she did dispense was not enough for the majority of cats to stay and listen. At least she still has Coyotecrest with her...for the moment anyway. With how sudden everyone else had got up and left them she can't be certain he won't leave her too. "You know it really wasn't that interesting," Howlfire laughs, putting some further emphasis on her words. "Just the leaders getting snappy with each other and announcing any new promotions. The usual." At the mention of promotions, Howlfire cast her mind back to the night, recalling something Sootstar had said. "Speaking of...Sootstar did mention your half-siblings have become apprentices apparently." She says this rather casually, not knowing what Coyotecrest's stance was on his half-siblings. Howlfire would not have even known he had any if not for the fact Sootstar had mentioned Juniperfrost's name, and she had a vague recollection of that WindClan she-cat trying to goad Coyotecrest with that information in their battle. Howlfire had been fortunate to not have met that cat but she had certainly heard a fair bit of gossip about him around camp.

Angry at all the things I can't change
Stretched out and lounging with his chin propped upon a single cream paw was his position while Howlfire dropped vague details about the gathering that occurred several days ago. Several attempted to pry for more, but came up empty handed which of course resulted in their departure. Soft green eyes watch as the crowd begins to disperse, huffing quietly in response. What did they expect would happen? It was usually the same old song and dance at the gatherings. Tension, gossip, promotions, and irritated leaders fussing upon their mighty mantle. "Not quite sure what they were suspecting." Coyotecrest utters with a ghost of a smile, tail flicking at his side.

But then she brings up an announcement made by Sootstar and his chin lifts, gaze darkening slightly. "I'm not surprised. I didn't know they existed until Bluepool spoke of them." He shouldn't have been annoyed but part of him is. The way his father so quickly turned around and produced another litter after his departure from windclan. It almost felt like a replacement, perhaps it was. "Perhaps he wanted kits he could be proud of. I couldn't bring myself to become what he wanted me to be." The young warrior mutters, laying his head back down with a brief distant gaze. "I may have half siblings but they're no kin of mine. My family rests right here in skyclan."
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

Howlfire is admittedly a little nervous to see his reaction. Her own relationship with her half-siblings is strained and non-existent at best, so she can only imagine how he feels given how his family is. "I figured as much," Howlfire mused when Coyotecrest confirmed he hadn't known of his half-siblings until that battle. It makes it even more questionable about what that WindClan cat was trying to achieve by telling him. To shock or anger him? What reason would he have to care for siblings he did not even know about? "Knowing WindClan, I bet they tell them all sorts of terrible stories about you and the kittypet clan you 'betrayed' them for." There's a hint of humour to her words but a small part of her knows its probably sadly the truth.

"If Juniperfrost had been a better cat and father, he should have been proud of you regardless of what clan you were in," Howlfire tells him. It's a sentiment she hopes is true of her own kin in ThunderClan. Even though they are apart, she hopes her family is proud of her and what she has accomplished here."You have grown into a fine young warrior under SkyClan." And she meant it truly. Howlfire knew there had been some issues in the past involving him leaving to avoid conflict and then partially being responsible for WindClan's raid. She could remember the clan being distant towards him, the coldness he had received upon his return. Even she had felt bitter towards him for a while, unsure of how to feel about him after he had left the clan, and worrying like many others whether he would turn again. "You might have made mistakes in the past Coyotecrest, but I think you've done plenty to make up for that and prove that SkyClan is your real family and home."
Angry at all the things I can't change
His gaze cuts back to the patch pelt molly sitting before him, eyes crinkling with a smidge of mirth at her jest. "They unfortunately said all kinds of things while I was there. Maybe Sootstar thought it would help convert me or something." They couldn't have been more wrong. If anything it only solidified how much he despised being there. "With that said, I don't doubt they're saying all kinds of things. Coyotecrest, the Great Betrayer or something along those lines." He chuckles just a little, waving a single cream paw in grandiose fashion. It didn't hurt quite as much to talk about his past now that he'd been accepted into skyclan wholeheartedly again. But there are still some moments when the memories cause an ache in his heart.

She speaks of his father and he nods solemnly, using a single claw to prod at a feeble flower, watching as he manipulated the delicate blossom. Juniperfrost was a militant, distant tom. As long as he did whatever the blue warrior wanted he was appeased. But the moment he began to show signs of rebuttal that's when he realized just how much of a monster he really was. Leopardcloud was not exaggerating when she finally opened up about just how brutal his father was. Coyotecrest held no doubt that Juniperfrost would have targeted him specifically the night of windclan's attempted raid if he were still alive. Coyotecrest takes in a soft breath, clearing his head of the possibilities the blue ticked warrior would have taken, and it was Howlfire's next stream of words that did just that.

The molly praises him genuinely, bringing to light the effort he'd put into being forgiven amongst his clanmates. Mint shaded eyes blink suddenly, but soften as gratitude seeps into his expression. His ears grow warm in response to how highly she thought of him, a rare smile returning in the process though faint. "Thank you Howlfire, that...it means a lot." He retracts his paw from the flower and proceeds to tuck it under his chest. "Especially since sometimes I don't feel like I"ve done enough."
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
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He seems surprised by her words, she thinks. He blinks as if startled, as if it was something he had not expected to hear, or had heard since his return. Still, Howlfire can see he seems genuinely appreciative of her words. "You're welcome," She responds, dipping her head a little as if slightly embarrassed, a softer edge to her voice now. "I know what it's like to feel like you haven't done enough. I've lived here for moons now, but sometimes I still feel as though I have still much to do in order to prove myself and my loyalty. But to be honest with you, I'm not sure if I'm doing that for myself or for my family elsewhere."

Howlfire shakes her head, not wanting to get too hung up on that or ramble too much. "You're still young, Coyotecrest. Even if you think you haven't done enough, you've got plenty of moons ahead of you to keep proving yourself over and over again if you have to."
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Angry at all the things I can't change
The softer tone used by his fellow warrior does not fall upon deaf ears. The tender smile he wore shifts into something sheepish in nature as he tucks his chin into the thick fur of his chest. Verdant eyes skim over the flower again, allowing it to become the center of his attention again as he mulls over the odd feeling budding within the realm of his belly. A light, jovial fluttering accompanied by the continuous burn of his ears. What was this? Coyotecrest acknowledges the new strand of positive affirmation with a shallow nod. "You've done a lot to prove your loyalty, Howlfire. I am a firm believer of that." He might not have known the intricate details about her family. But he knew she certainly should not have to wonder whether their clanmates questioned where her loyalties lie. She practically ate, slept, and breathed skyclan.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
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