With the tour of their territories out of the way, Burnstorm wanted to get straight to work. Coalpaw and Beetlepaw would be awoken the next morning before dawn even alit the morning sky, a paw reaching out to shake them awake and a gruff voice spoken softly in their ears "C'mon, get up. There is much to be done today." Just because they were kin and like kin to him did not mean he would go easy on them. In fact, it meant quite the opposite actually. He wanted them to be strong, to be able to hunt for themselves, to be able to hold their own in a battle of tooth and claw. When they stood once again before his grandmother to receive their warrior names he wanted to be there standing behind them and watching them graduate with the utmost confidence that they could take care of themselves. He wanted them to not need him anymore.

This was the first step on that path, the winding road that would shape their futures started here, now. Sleepy eyes blink back at him as he leads the way to the sandy hollow, tail waving in a steady motion as it sways perpendicular to the ground. "We won't always start this early." he assures them as he uses one claw to draw a line in the sand, still damp from last nights storms that have subsided now. "We have a lot I wish to cover with you both today." He himself had not gotten where he was today by idling about.

"Okay." he says taking a few steps away from the line he had drawn "I want you two to pretend this is a border marker and I'm a cat from an enemy clan, you two need to work together to drive me back to my side of the border." he would make it easy for them, even, it was their first day, afterall. "No claws today. We begin whenever one of you two makes the first move."

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
After the semi-chaos that had been his and Beetlepaw's first venture out into Thunderclan territory proper, Coalpaw could admit to being glad it was just them for this particular next step. Though really, that gratitude did falter somewhat when he realized just how early it was. He had squinted briefly into the darkness when Burnstorm's prodding had roused them, confused by how his eyes needed to adjust to the lack of light. Not even the sun seemed awake to greet them, camp quiet save for the sounds of sleepy breathing and the occasional shifting of those chosen to stand guard.

There was a valiant effort made to stay upright as Coalpaw sat beside his fellow apprentice, wearily blinking at their shared mentor before sluggishly glancing down at the line in the sand. The nod that he gave the lead warrior was wordless, but he hoped it conveyed the fact that he was listening. Without both Burnstorm and Beetlepaw to the ugly croak of his early morning voice.

The task that they had been given sounded deceptively simple, but he was sure it would be a challenge. Two versus one would've given them an advantage, sure, but only if they were on an even playing field. Instead they were two new apprentices versus a seasoned warrior, not to mention the fatigue that clung to the both of them. Even so, Coalpaw turned and let out a rough clearing of his throat, wanting to give this his all. "All we have to do is push him back, right? That's not... I think we can do it." He dreaded the thought of saying not that hard, certain it would only come back to bite him.

Instead, he just gestured with one dark paw towards Burnstorm's legs. They were what carried him, and what allowed him to stay standing over their fantasy border. The easiest way to make him go back would be to get him off balance, at least in Coalpaw's mind. Which is why he went charging forward, aiming to collide his head with one of night-colored legs to shove him back. It was an unpracticed and clumsy headbutt, fitting for a freshly apprenticed Thunderclanner.

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    a new apprentice of thunderclan, coalpaw is currently one of the youngest of his rank at six moons. he is being mentored by burnstorm, and is on track to graduate alongside his brother. an abrasive and intensive rule follower, he is fiercely loyal to thunderclan and working to honor his fallen parents.