camp What the water gave me ☾ Intro


The Danse Macabre
Apr 28, 2024

Thin grey clouds disperse amongst the otherwise average daylight sky. Dreary weather, befitting for a gloomy atmosphere that Haretooth thrived in witnessing. It brought joy to know the clouds were smothering the last ounce of sun that seemed fixated on glaring into his eyes, a temporary solution but a solution nonetheless. The clouds had been wrung from every last ounce of rain it could offer, leaving puddles in its wake. The faint frog croak in the distance had slowly become a song of the marsh to him despite his best efforts to tune it out. The tom would consider the wretched little beasts less of a pest if they didn't drone as loud as they did. It vexed him slightly that these creatures had grown in size. Haretooth would never utter a phrase against StarClan's gift despite his personal vendetta against the frogs currently, as it was a blessing to bear witness to bountiful hunts.

His disdain for the noise that the irksome amphibians made would be vocal, he had complained about it often. This was a by-product of the rain, that was another thing that Haretooth could live without. He found himself staring into a large puddle. It functioned as a mirror, reflecting a ghostly visage. One that he recognised as his own. As a child the tom had once cowered when he first discovered his pale reflection, believing that StarClan had sent a wraith of a kit against him as penance for lying that day.

Such thoughts of ill tidings had long passed with age. A maw full of sharp teeth split into a grin as the tom raised his gaunt limb, decorated in wisps of long white fur and dipped it into the puddle. Breaking the tenuous illusion of how deep the puddle would be, the water only reached a quarter way up his limb. He tsked in disappointment, that disdain in his discovery that this puddle was rather shallow became evident on his face.

“Do you believe it possible for frogs to succumb to drowning?” He pondered outloud in amusement, eyes daring to break its hold on the stare of his puddle counterpart. Instead opting to lazily flick his gaze between the other clan cats “we should test it, surely if a predecessor had attempted this feat then I would have heard about it.”

His tail swiped at the floor like a snake ready to strike as he contemplated the logistics of his own question. It would be too long of a hunting method. Brutal nonetheless but counter-productive, though it would be interesting to test out for the sake of hoarding knowledge against the species.

[ ༻❄༺ ] The dark clouds that covered the sky had become something of normalcy to the clan, a reminder of the blessings given to them by Skyclan, one that Snowpaw took great joy of since she was able to give more to the clan that weren't scrawny looking creatures that leaf-bare had given them. There were no worries of anyone going hungry which brought relief to the apprentice's mind. Her gaze flickering to the form of Haretooth as he stood near a puddle of water, looking at his own reflection which made her hum slightly. She never once thought to see how she looked so when she came over to peer at her own yellow eyes, to see the grey-nicked ear and the small flecks of grey freckling her face she tilted her head slightly before returning her attention to Haretooth who suggested something of cruelty, yet she was sure someone would be willing to try it out.

"Surely it is possible, I've never seen a frog stay in water for too long, and even if they are in the water their heads poked out" she stated calmly to his question. Yet, she wasn't one who would peek at any interest to going through with the idea of drowning a creature, even if it was something they took down on a daily basis and something they hunt, it felt wrong to put something through suffering like that. "Yet... wouldn't that be cruel to do? Besides it lives and breathes as you and" she trailed off awkwardly trying to justify against not attempting to drown their prey.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 8 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Ferndance had lost track of how many frogs had met their end by her claws, some would say too many to the point of having to throw away rotting freshkill, others who had some sort of vendetta against their slimy neighbours (and she didn't mean WindClan) would say not enough. She agreed with the latter, though the challenge of the hunt could be just as enjoyable as the chase and the catch, Ferndance didn't miss having to search hours for a measly bite of shrew. The idea that Haretooth had found one within a patch of water wasn't lost on the she-cat. The cinnamon tabby moved forward and, with little regard for personal space, craned her neck over the same puddle to try and get a look at herself. She watched a series of ruddy browns and fallow reds come into view as Haretooth's ripples began to settle, smiling at whatever visage of herself she could see past the younger tom's head. She was beautiful, at least by her own standards. Tabby stripes formed a mosaic atop her head, a pale mask reminiscent of the white one her mother had covered her face. Her eyes weren't half bad either.

Frogs, she reminded herself with a firm blink and shake of her head, tilting it towards Snowpaw and Haretooth as a dreamy smile appeared on her muzzle. Excitement came and went in emerald eyes, StarClan, she'd thought the same thing as Haretooth! 'Can fish drown?' Had been a frequent thought when sleep did not easily take the tabby, she was certain she'd questioned the lung capacity of frogs at some point too. "Oh it's very possible," Ferndance agreed almost too quickly for her to have considered it seriously. Regardless, there was a graveness to her expression of someone who thought they knew what they were talking about (or was at least pretending to). Snowpaw quietly protested the idea of testing Haretooth's theory, and Ferndance found herself with a solution. "I can speak frog." An ear twitched with amusement as she tried and failed to hide the mischief on her maw. "'Rib-rib-ribbbit-croak?' That is how you ask a frog if it consents to be drowned. One croak back means 'yes please', two means... 'no thank you'." That was how she decided what amphibians to murder, at least.

He thinks its a stupid question. As far as she was concerned, anything that wasn't a fish could probably drown, and ShadowClan did not hunt fish. It was a question born of boredom, rather that meant Haretooth actually thought he was saying something important, or Haretooth enjoyed arguing with Clanmates over things he didn't actually agree with. If it was the latter, the three of them would apparently let him have his way. After the Snowpaw speaks— with more common sense than the warrior had— Sharpshadow chimes in blandly, a steady prickle at her spine. " Maybe you haven't heard about this " feat, " because it's no feat at all. " Even Ferndance knows that, and he thinks that's saying something.

" Sounds like a waste of time. " Why get yourself dirty to stuff some poor frog's head underwater, rather than kill it with a swift bite? Clearly you're close enough to it to make that happen. And cruel, like Snowpaw said. Not like Sharpshadow particularly cared, but maybe Haretooth did. Ferndance certainly didn't. He half - turns to the molly with lips pressed thin in something like suspicion. " Experienced in frog drowning? " she halfheartedly asks.
maggotfur 18 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
" You should've shared your frog-speaking talent with us sooner then, asked them to shut up, " comes drawled voice as she blinks at ferndance, but while theres no change in her blank look there's humor clearly laced into her tone. Her chest hurts at the joke - the reminder that there will be no more comments of bird-speak, never again, the painful wound of what she has lost still fresh as the day it'd happened. Still, loss is just part of life - she has survived far worse, and she refuses to back down now. " What use is drowning them when you have teeth and claws, " she asks instead, turning her focus onto the warrior who'd started this inane conversation, blue eyes glinting frostily. She doesn't really get it - if you had a frog in your paws long enough to drown it, you could probably slice into it in far less time. Maybe it's just morbid curiosity... that she can understand.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
A N D - I F - Y O U ' R E - B L I N D - T O - T H A T , I ' M - F I N E - W I T H - T H A T

There was a slight hum emanating from Haretooth as he looked down at the puddle again. Of course he had taken note that this would be an act of cruelty, did this mean he wouldn't attempt it? Not necessarily, yet he desired to provoke his clanmates, sparking any form of reaction. Stating outlandish statements was a pastime of his, yet there was a speck of truth within there. “I suppose it would be cruel, would you argue that it isn't just as cruel if an inexperienced apprentice slowly kills one because they know not how to hunt proper?” he countered Snowpaw with a lazy grin. “They would be valued and honoured in death the way the rest of the fresh kill on the pile are.” In his opinion it should matter naught how they're killed, efficiency is valued by the tom so he ultimately wouldn't rely on this.

He was pleased to hear agreeance from Ferndance, though her solution to the clash of ideals from himself and Snowpaw was less than to be desired. He sat in quiet contemplation, ear twitching as he listened to the molly give her best impression of what speaking frog should sound like. Haretooth shook his wet paw over the pudele, watching the droplets cause ripples across the small body of water.

“How does it feel to have a rock in replacement for a brain, Sharpshadow? Must be boring to not consider hypotheticals, to only consider limitations to something as fickle as time.” Did he believe in half of what he was spouting? Absolutely not, his tone was as dry as his passion for arguing this could be. There was just delight found in presenting an argument, despite the dry tone his smile had slipped into a smirk. There was no real heat to his words.

While he wanted to sigh as Maggotfur asked what the use of drowning frogs were for he held it back. Dipping his paw back into the puddle to confirm that it was shallow. His experimentation proved to yield the same results, he tsked in annoyance.
“It's in the pursuit of knowledge, it may even be a fruitful discovery. I am curious to test it” he stated plainly with a shrug. Finally he had settled on how he wanted to address the solution that Ferndance propositioned. “On the occasion where we patrol together and come across a frog , do you think you could tempt it into consenting to be drowned?” He asked while tilting his head to the side to look behind him and at the cinnamon tabby.
