camp WHAT TO EXPECT ☾ visiting the nursery

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.

Since Mudpelts death, Lakemoon had done the best she possibly could to keep close to her mates side while she mourned with their unborn kits in tow.
Each morning she rose even earlier than before, hunting before patrols were even announced, bringing her grieving beloved breakfast before the silvery tabby would have to leave Lilybloom’s flank to complete her routine responsibilities for the day.
It’s almost ironic, there had been a time where Lakemoon couldn’t think of any one thing that would come before her life was a warrior, her daily tasks that help keep her cherished clan functioning. Not that Lakemoon would ever let herself see the amusement in it all- that would be admitting the unthinkable.
The sun has long stretched past sun-high by the time Lakemoon returns from her hunting patrol, fresh carp in tow.
After sending her apprentice to feed the elders, Lakemoon took to the nursery.
Despite the countless times she visited, the marred warrior doesn’t think she could ever be quite comfortable within the walls of the nursery.
Looking around, Lakemoon would clear her throat, placing the meal down. A heartbeat goes by, and after every nook and cranny is searched for sweet brindled fur, azure pools come up empty-pawed, and the tabby warrior is stumped. “…For you.” Lakemoon finally hums, head dipping lightly towards Streamheart and the other queens that were present.
As her spine begins to crawl with the abrupt realization of just how out-of-place she was with no mate present to dote over, Lakemoon feels a feathered tail flick involuntarily, a habitual move used to conceal the awkwardness the spindly warrior was eager to put to an end.
With that, the battle-seasoned, stone-hearted, hardy Riverclanner turns tail and tries not to make her hurry out of the milk-scented den terribly obvious.

  • she is out of her league here <3

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shellkit had never seen lakemoon all that often. warriors were like that — flighty, always fresh from the meadows, gruff and hard - eyed. always busy. that was fine, though ; hazecloud says they could do a queens job, anyway. fishbone pale features turn towards the sudden sway of light when the molly enters, bloody amber luminaries lit low in idle curiosity where she’s crouched with the babies. battle hardened paws round her near lilybloom, and the lily - lunged girl connects the dots enough to know that they are mates, and she was the reason lilybloom was bloating the nursery walls. each night was stuffier, with the babies growing and iciclefang’s semi - conscious tail lashes, shellkit knew not a moment of the peace she’d had before kindling had lured her into the outlands.

it’s short - lived, her visit. just as soon as the fish hits the mossy nursery lining, the warrior is scurrying out. she thinks to look for horizonkit, maybe latched onto her tail tip — she knows how hard he can bite, and how quick she was to get him off of her when she did. obviously, though.. he was not there. so the child simply makes a thoughtful noise ; a semi - purposeful huff of judgement, crossing ivory paws where they’d been batting at eveningkit to sigh a , ” is she aaalways like that?“ sugar thick eyes drift over to pointedly lift a brow, a skeptical lull to her wispy voice.

  • i.

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    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes..
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of shell - touched cream, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore. feather breath and elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined warm, sugared amber ---------- ° ❀ ⋆
    currently exhibiting symptoms of whitecough. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.


The silver she-kit was not typically one to rise early, but she had to excuse herself from the nursery to make dirt. By the time she returned to Hazecloud’s dismay she’d be wide awake and ready for the day. Quietly pushing into the nursery the warm scent of fresh-kill floods her nose. The kit’s mouth salivates, she had ate a small dinner the night prior and was ready for an ample breakfast.

Brushing past Shellkit, oblivious to any sense of personal space, she hovers over the fresh-kill meant for the queens. Looking to anyone who could listen she meows, ”Can I have some?” Sky-blue eyes sparkling as she pleads.
  • » Unnamed Kit
    » RiverClan Kit
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A meager kitten, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Horizonkit is not quite at nipping at the stranger's heels as Shellkit might expect, but he is there nonetheless. Emerald eyes darken critically at the entrance of yet another stranger (you'd think they'd stop after he screamed and/or bit them a few times). The towering presence is placated by the gift in her silvery jaws, similar to the ones often found dangling from Lichentail's, but befouled by an unknown mouth. Who knew what sort of grime strange adults carried?

Thankfully, she leaves as quickly as she comes. The stone-striped kitten pulls himself towards the carp, towards its perfectly circular eyes and shimmering pelt, sleeker than Eveningkit could ever hope to be. He scans it as he's seen Lichentail do, with an eye far too methodical for a two-moon boy. "This is okay!" he announces loudly, placing a paw on the fish's wide flank.

It's then Shellkit pauses for a moment to complain aloud, as though the brisk leave of the stranger was a bad thing. "I hope so," he declares, following her gaze to the sedgegrass still swaying from the stranger's hasty departure.

The sister Shellkit is not preoccupied with joins him, eyes berry-bright and eagerness stretching plainly across her face. "Fiiiiiiine," he drawls, as though it is his catch to distribute. And it is now, because he had been the one to judge it, so he should be the one who decides who gets to eat it. "I want...a little," the boy decides. "Only a little bit. This is not good," he reminds Twinklekit, patting the carp's skin informatively. "It's okay."
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Before moving into the nursery, Iciclefang had only had an inkling of a memory of the undisciplined nature of kits. She remembers Ferngill’s bulging blue-tinted eyes, the naked scrap of his tail, pouring over the sandy floor of their camp for hours and getting underpaw; she remembers Darkwhisker curled protectively around his pebble; Steepsnout, boxing her ears and laughing in her face. She is reminded of her siblings with a dull ache as she watches Hazecloud’s kits scamper about, though it fades quickly enough. There is no time for her to mourn the past when her future is pending now, with new kits and never enough time in the present to enjoy them.

Lakemoon’s silvery face appears in the entrance, a carp fresh from the river hanging from her jaws. She deposits the fish, clearly uncomfortable without Lilybloom present. Iciclefang’s nose wrinkles slightly. “I understand, but you’d better get used to being in here, hmm?” Lakemoon’s own kits would be here soon, after all; Lilybloom can’t be far from kitting.

Her tail flicks idly as she watches the kits crowd the offering. Shellkit huffs at Lakemoon’s stoicism, and Iciclefang’s lips twitch into a smile. “Yes,” she answers. Twinklekit lowers her face toward the fish, blue eyes wide and pleading for a bite, and then Horizonkit stomps over to put his paw over the carp’s side and declare it okay. This causes Iciclefang’s smile to curdle. She says, sternness edging her mew, “We should be grateful for all prey, Horizonkit.” Her own kits would have gotten a gentle cuff to the ear for such behavior, but she doesn’t dare discipline another queen’s children; she wouldn’t appreciate it, after all, were the roles reversed.

  • ooc:
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  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 21 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


He had wanted to give Iciclefang some fresh hunted meal brought straight from the forest. Of course, he suppose the lead warrior might have desired to eat fish in front of anything he could have hunted down. But this was the best he could do which wasn't much he knew. But it was the best he could do. Perchberry almost bumped right into Lakemoon on her way out as he was about to step inside the nursery. Blinking he took a quick step to the side to let the silver pelted warrior out while his gaze was kept low to the ground. After he had calmed down from almost having bumped into someone the anxious tom would step inside with the vole put inside his mouth. With every so careful step the skittish warrior took himself inside ready to deliver his catch to....uh, it looked like someone already had brought them food?. A fish on top of that. Had it been Lakemoon?.

Perchberry now just stood there like a fool with the vole still in his mouth panicing over his life decisions that had brought him to this very moment. It clearly was a bad time for him to have come for a visit to feed Iciclefang and her kits. If he turned tail and walked back out he could pretend none of this had happend. But what if they already had seen him?. Did Iciclefang even want his vole when something far more delicious were being present itself to her?. But the kits already seemed to have claimed that fish so maybe it was fine?, but what if it was not. She might snap at him. Ah, it might be bad timing after all!. Why would she want to eat his vole anyway?.

His thoughts spun around in his head going back and forth on what to do but none of it made the warrior any wiser to decide on a decision leaving him there to just stare with his intense anxious eyes not far from the entrance....


The silvery queen had curled up in her nest in the hopes that perhaps if she looked to be sleeping than her body would feel as such. Perhaps, even, her kittens would join her in the possibility of sleeping in that morning. For the most part its a quiet start as the springtime sun warms the sedge walls, but a rustling around the mossy entrance alerts her with a twitch of her ear. An eye opens, claws ready to flex- it's just Lakemoon.

Deep blues flicker in search for her queen, but she recalled Lilybloom leaving the nursery not long before Lakemoon arrived. Possibly taking a visit to the medicine den. The carp is delivered, and the scarred warrior rushes to make her leave. A short, muffled scoff showed her amusement. When it was just her and Apricotbloom, Lichentail had shared the same awkward hesitance with the nursery.

"Quite." Hazecloud answered Shellkit, twitching her tail as she watched her son assess the carp as Lichentail had shown them since they could open their eyes, just as she had with Shellkit and her brothers. "What makes it just 'okay'? Can you tell me?" It's too far away for Hazecloud to see herself, too comfortable in her nest to get up and see for herself. Lichentail would have asked the same question, anyhow.

She waved a slow dismissive paw to Iciclefang's stern reminder to the boy. "He's just doing what Lichentail's been showing them- the differences in quality of prey." Now Hazecloud lifted herself up, slowly stretching each limb and inching closer to her crowding kits. "Prey-guarding is for rogues, your denmates can have some if they wish." She reminded Horizonkit gently. She wouldn rather gnaw on fishbones than see her kits act anything remotely to the SkyClan rogue-of-a-lead when it came to prey.

Perchberry arrived next with a vole between his teeth. His gaze is focused solely on the newer queen who, as far as she remembered didn't quite have a taste for land prey in comparison to the river. An amused smile spread to her maw and as she tried to save the toms stilled confusion. "We might need that, too. Nine kittens and four queens to feed won't be done with a single fish, thank you Perchberry!"