WHAT WILL IT BE [ windclan patrol ]


in your head, they are fighting
Jun 11, 2023
I DON'T WANNA HURT EM' ✧°.☀ ————————————
The winds had died down- enough for the Windclanners to cross the moor and size up their borders. Cedarbark had headed the patrol as asked. His tail flicked as he started upon the border, his paws moving through the underbrush quietly. As far as the tom was concerned, most of the back and forth hadn't been with Thunderclan lately- no, it was Riverclan. A hot huff left the tom as he shook his head, vision turning towards @GHOSTWAIL and @Venomthroat. "In and out. Let's get this border marked." Between the winds and the battle, the scent on their border had begun to grow weak. Trees and bushes were the ire of Cedarbark's movement, brushing along them and leaving claw marks in bark.

All this while, Cedarbark's head had picked up and searched, ears twitching and body on alert. He- no, they- couldn't afford a hostile interaction, not right now. Slowly, he moved back to what he was doing, scenting the old border and marking as they went, ensuring no variation had occurred in it.


[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BUT I DID, I'M IN A FIT OF RAGE
In and out. Burning eyes survey the land before them, trees dotting the edge of the moors, thickening the further her eye searches. She touched soft ferns, softer still than WindClan's flowy grasses, a quiet hum beginning in her throat. As soft as ThunderClan warriors, she was sure. ThunderClan was a neutral party, far more in Sootstar's good graces than RiverClan or SkyClan would ever be, but there was always an inkling in the back of the phantom's mind: how would Howlingstar's brave, loyal soldiers hold up against Sootstar's most skilled?

It was a thought best left unsaid in present company; Cedarbark was surely not one for strategic what-ifs. Yet still, crimson-tinged eyes looked out upon the expanse and wondered. Maybe one day she would get her chance to test her mettle against the forest-dwellers... one day...
- you call for peace when it suits you
The voice draws her attention near the border, her fluffy tail flicking to signal to her patrol that she's moving. She comes upon the border patrol of WindClanners and acknowledges them with a small nod, ears flicking forward. "WindClan," Her voice is formal, yet carries the same warm hint that it always does. Her green eyes travel over the small group, head tipping to the side. "I don't think I know your names." It's an invitation to introduce themselves, as she makes a point to know as many faces as she can. There is no better way to be diplomatic than to know who her neighbors are. She strides forward to be a bit closer to the border, quietly marking ThunderClan's side in turn. It's why she's here, after all.
Howlingstar could be a kinder soul than her. Maybe she had to be, being clan leader and all. Politics (yawn), it would be better for clans to know you as the nice lady who asks for your name at the border than i dunno like the insane tiny blue lady or the insane big grey grey man (–for example. Ahem) Meanwhile, Wolfwind is only a warrior, and she doesn't really care about these guys' names.

However, though Wolfwind was not bound by being a political figure, there was something else she was bound by: looking polite in front of her grandmother whom she loves very much. So Wolfwind would stand beside her, lifting her chin to the Windclanners. " Wolfwind, " she introduces. " So you can put a name to this perfect face, " she says with exaggerated flair.
I DON'T WANNA HURT EM' ✧°.☀ ————————————
Cedarbark lifted his chin as both noise and scent alerted him to a Thunderclanner. And not just any of them, but perhaps one of the more respectable of the bunch. His green optics watched Howlingstar approach- and another on her hip. Howling spoke first. He responded in the same caliber, his warm toned voice even and respectful. Perhaps Cedarbark didn't match the same tempo as the rest in his clan, but he wasn't going to go around and boast he wasn't. "Howlingstar. My name is Cedarbark." His ears twitched, gaze shifting towards Wolfwind.

This one could be a pawful, he decided to himself. Ears twitched as he glanced to his clanmates, expecting them to give the same respect, before finally speaking to Wolfwind. "If you insist." His tone was still even- if only a bit amused. He tried to fight the tiny smile that would touch his face. After all, it was kind of funny to him. How could one describe themselves as perfect without being risen to a position akin to Howlingstar's? There was much to achieve in life.

His attention shifted back to the former in the conversation. "How fare you? Prey plentiful? I can smell something.. foreign on your undergrowth." Of which, he was referring to the boar. He didn't see any, and normally none made it to the moor. But it was still foreign an wild in his senses, and he didn't care for that.


[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BUT I DID, I'M IN A FIT OF RAGE

windclan, as much as the other clans seemed to rally against them tirelessly they had not done much to cross thunderclan. she found herself at least a little bit thankful for that. from what she heard they had a knack for fighting dirty, raiding camps come storm or nightfall. they weren't too renowned as clean fighters, it was better that they stayed far from their ire.

howlingstar reaches out to trade pleasantries, and although wolfwind is quick to throw her name into the mix the smoke just opts to stay silent for now, continue marking the border. she points out some unmarked areas with her tail, prompting her apprentices to go forward and handle them. brushing her flank alongside a tall patch of greenery, she listens with a tilted ear as the patrol leader points out the putrid scent left by the boars. she lets out a small huff and considers stiffing their question, but it would not be revealing any weakness. if anything, it would further prompt windclan to leave them be. "boars, big ugly things. i'd steer clear," she answers, nose curling as if cedarbark's mention of the stench somehow made it more potent.

// app tags @DUSKPAW @LIGHTPAW .
"The days wanes, Cedarbark." the phantom drawls, her eyes sliding from cat to cat. Howlingstar. Wolfwind. A black tabby she-cat speaks of boars and the word summons hazy memories of some sort of pig-like creature that Twolegs would chase away from their farmstead during the few fleeting weeks she had stayed among the barn cats before Gin. She cannot imagine that those snuffling creatures were much of a threat to anything besides apples or mushrooms. A shame for ThunderClan's herb supply no doubt - all the Twoleg's fat hoof-foot creatures were good for were mowing down plants and grasses.

Perhaps if she were a more proactive woman, she would dance on the thought, but lo - it is merely a point of smug satisfaction in her head, something that sustains her belief that WindClan is still (and always will be) better. "Your guidance is heeded." She offers to the unnamed black smoke. "WindClan has little patience for fetor and flagrance already. Surely, our fellow warriors will... appreciate the forewarning if your beasts decide to move up-wind."
- you call for peace when it suits you
Howlingstar looks over the cat who seems to be leader of the patrol, immediately offering his name and pleasantries. She commits it to memory and gives him a nod, “Nice to meet you, Cedarbark.” Wolfwind and Nightbird approach at her flank, the latter moving on to continue marking the border while commenting on the boars. The tabby feels a pang of remorse at the memory of her son’s mauled body but shoves down the feeling, doing her best to remain appearing strong. “They seem to be moving back towards the unclaimed lands, albeit slowly. WindClan shouldn’t have to worry.” She doesn’t need a repeat of RiverClan accusing her warriors of driving the dogs to Sunningrocks on purpose. It would be best for the herd to move along without bothering any of the other clans.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
The tom was unusually quiet on this patrol. Some might guess he was behaving due to the presence of Howlingstar, while others might suggest he was simply thinking, although an anomaly it would be. At least he wasn't in a bad mood, trailing dutifully behind his mentor as they reached the border.

Of course WindClan would decide to rear their ugly heads at about the same time, the golden apprentice giving them none but a sidelong glance while the warriors passed idle chat. He didn't bother to introduce himself, didn't particularly care. Instead he shifted to mark the border at the instruction of Nightbird, brushing his cheek against the rough bark of an oak tree.

Inevitably, the boars were mentioned. Lightpaw frowned. The dogs had been... a threat. One that scared him more than he would like to admit. The boars? They trampled Graystorm so easily. Crushed, broken beyond repair. They had fought the dogs, rerouted them, fended them off. They were powerless against these things. It was- that thought scared him. Terrified him, even. Maybe that was why he appeared so aloof.

The tom seemed somewhat nonchalant as he glanced over the WindClanners, opting to not offer his own input, but he was tense and on high alert. His tail was stiff, ears perked. Prepared, wary. At Howlingstar's comment, the apprentice only let out a hum, returning to Nightbird's side once he was finished scenting.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
I DON'T WANNA HURT EM' ✧°.☀ ————————————
His ears twitched in response to his clanmate. Cedarbark tilted his head, tail twitching, then he nodded in response. "Your guidance is heeded." He uttered to Ghostwail. As Nightbird spoke, Cedar turned his vision upon her. He looked on for a long moment, then turned his gaze towards the rest of the territory. Boars. He had seen one before, at Horseplace, but it hadn't stayed long, and it was likely far smaller then the wild boar that likely trampled Thunderclan territory right now.

He looked back towards Howlingstar, a nod of his head. Solid and cool, Cedarbark was. His namesake fit him well. "I appreciate your insight, Howlingstar. Thank you for the information." He didn't heed any of the scuffed looks the Thunderclanners gave to them. After all, it was only commonplace for the clans to be at each other's throats. His eyes shifted towards Lightpaw, scanning for a moment. Their apprentices look prepared. He paused in his thoughts, turning his vision towards the rest of the border. Hopefully, the boars don't claim them all. Cedarbark cleared his throat.

"It's time for us to keep moving. The sun does wane." He stated, before turning his flank to the stiffs on the other side of the border. His tail flicked, signaling the two warriors on his tail to continue following him.

//out unless stopped!


[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BUT I DID, I'M IN A FIT OF RAGE

venomthroat | 30 months | non-binary | they/them | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold black
Venomthroat makes little attempt to join the conversation, dark gaze dull. Since their brothers death, something has changed - flickered and died out like a candle flame. They'd once thought they'd be fine, unmoved and unshaken - but the reality is not quiet so, a sense of grief and loss buried deep within their chest. No witty quip falls from their lips, no scathing remarks - only silence. The black furred feline does listen to the warnings given however, a stiff nod their only response. Its best to avoid such creatures if the patrol can help it - they do not need more dangers to worry about.

Did they have to tell WindClan about the boars? It felt– wrong, in a way. Baring their belly to the clan that everyone knew as the cruelest, the harshest. What if they chose now to turn on ThunderClan? And would it really be that bad if they got a little bit smashed by boars if they came too close? He feels immediately unkind for thinking such things. A little bit guilty, with an urge to even apologize for thinking such things. Instead, he ignores the WindClanners entirely and skirts a little bit closer to Nightbird as they continue on their way. "Why did you and Howlingstar warn them?" he asks quietly, pressing up alongside her as if to make this moment only their own. Maybe he just hopes that Lightpaw won't overhear and make some kind of comment about it. "What if they– attack us, or something?" Now that the words are out of his mouth, they sound quite silly. "Do we always have to tell the other clans?"

  • ooc:
  • ──── duskpaw. apprentice of thunderclan. he / they.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of his father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of their tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"